I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 62 The Minotaur of the Fifth Floor

After disposing of the man-eating frog, Bell put away the man-eating frog's drop.

"Wow, the drops of man-eating frogs are a little too disgusting, right?"

In addition to the standard magic stone drops, man-eating frogs also have frog tongues and frog eyes.

But both frog tongues and frog eyes make people feel disgusting, especially these two playthings are still stained with unknown mucus, which makes them feel even more disgusting in a sense.

But there is no way that these toys can be regarded as relatively rare drops. The guide said that these two toys have the value of alchemy and alchemy.

But this is a normal thing, after all, most of the drops of monsters in the dungeon can be used, otherwise there is no need to breed these monsters in the dungeon.

After packing these things, Bell quickly made his way to the fourth floor.

After entering the fourth floor, Bell soon saw the monsters on this floor.

The whole body is wrapped in purple-black carapace, and even the luster like metal can be seen, and there is a tail thorn on the tail that is constantly flinging around. The mouthparts also made strange noises, and the two pliers also exuded a sheen that should not be underestimated.

"Venomous scorpions, their tails contain unimaginable neurotoxins. They won't die immediately if they are stabbed, but the nerves of the body will gradually become paralyzed. With sharp pliers, even steel can be cut off. Once the adventurer is poisoned, Pliers can easily tear adventurers to pieces. J

The scorpion on the fourth floor must be the first challenge to the adventurer's weapon.

The only soft part of Scorpio is the abdomen, but the Scorpio moves close to the ground, and it is too difficult to hit the abdomen.

But in addition to the abdomen, there are Scorpio's tail spines can be used as the target of the attack.

The body of the Scorpio is almost crawling close to the ground. Although its pincers are very sharp, the pincers of the scorpion have an attack range, and the back and the back are obviously not within the range of the scorpion's attack.

As long as the tail spines can be removed at the first time, then the Scorpio will not pose any threat.

Scorpio's tail spine is its attack channel, and it is also connected to the vital organs of the body.

Therefore, the scorpion's tail thorn is a dangerous weapon, but it is also the most deadly part to the scorpion.

But the scorpion's tail thorn is very hard, and although ordinary weapons can cut holes, if it can't reach the sharpness of the goblin dagger, it is estimated that it is difficult to directly hit the scorpion's tail thorn every few dozen times. Take down.

As for pulling the tail thorns off with brute force, it is too difficult. Such strength may at least have the strength of Lv.2, which is impossible for adventurers of Lv.1.

Lightning flashed.

The sword wrapped around the thunder, and almost at this moment, it turned into the Bodu Yuhun and slashed all the monsters with one sword.

The thunder flashed away, and there was a scorching stench in the air.

Scorpio's hard carapace is like butter cut by a hot knife, and the red part of the outer armor can even be seen.

All the scorpions that had lost their vitality turned into black ashes, leaving only the magic stone and the tail thorn at the tail.

After putting all these things into the four-dimensional space, Bell also breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing the voice behind.

There was no sound of footsteps behind, it should be that the team that initially separated at the entrance had not all stepped down.

"It seems that those adventurers still focus on safety, not speed."

In fact, Bell himself is not a speed-oriented adventurer, his magic prompts his fighting style to be one-hit kills.

But Bell knew that many times he needed to keep his hands, after all, no one knew whether they would use this method against their own people in the future.

Speed ​​up as quickly as possible without anyone noticing.

But you can't speed yourself up too much when someone notices it.

The threat of the Scorpion on the fourth floor is also very limited, and the next step is to go to the fifth floor.

Bell didn't stop at this floor, but rushed to the fifth floor quickly.

The fifth floor is slightly different from the previous floors. The most famous monster on this floor is the killer ant. Its size is like a version of the ant that has been magnified hundreds of times, and it also likes to hide in the wall. A surprise for adventurers.

It's just that when Bell listened carefully to the sounds around him, he couldn't hear the sound of the ants moving at all.

"Strange... The guide clearly states that as long as you pay attention to the surrounding sounds, you can find the location of the killer ants. Is there a problem with this part?"

Looking at the guide in his hand, Bell suddenly began to doubt the authenticity of the guide.

This seems to be the second time, right?

For the first time, the Raiders emphasized that monsters do not have self-awareness, and even wisdom does not exist.

The second time it went wrong is now.

But with a thoughtful heart, Bell just raised a question in his heart, and did not directly regard this question as a mistake, but chose one of the forked passages at the entrance and walked in.


At the intersection in the middle of the aisle, a sound not far away made Bell stop.

"Cow howl?"

"This is the fifth floor, not the fifteenth floor, right?"

Just as Bell wondered, the series of footsteps in his ears were getting closer, not one or two, but four or five footsteps coming together.

The sound was getting closer and the footsteps were getting heavier.


Right in front of Bell's eyes, five Minotaurs with axes jumped out from the corner.

Minotaur, a monster born with 570 tauren, belongs to the Lv.2 monster, the floor should be 15th floor, why do these guys come to the fifth floor?

It's just that Bell doesn't have time to think about those things.

At this moment, Bell heard the sound of footsteps approaching fast in the distance, the target was clear, and it seemed to be for these Minotaurs.

Then Bell reacted, and he knew why he was in this situation.

"It's time for the official plot to begin."

Bell's eyes glanced at the five Minotaurs who were already eyeing him.

"Isn't there one in the plot? Why is it my turn to be five?"

Take a deep breath, if today is the time when the plot officially begins to move forward, then the voice of the footsteps behind is very clear.

Ais Wallenstein, the "Sword Princess" of Loki's family, is also the youngest Lv.5 adventurer of Orari.

"In other words, give me very little time."

Bell immediately took out the "Blade of Hestia", since it was sent to the prey in front of him, how could he let the prey run away?

Of course, Bell also wanted to see if the five Minotaurs could allow him to accumulate enough "Great Deeds".

Lightning On!

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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