I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 61 Medium-Range Attacks

Bell hadn't emptied the entire floor, so there was no sense of being strange to the adventurers behind.

Now Bell just needs to find a suitable floor to carry out a slow strategy, too fast forward speed often causes a lot of trouble.

In addition, there was a riot in the entire dungeon yesterday because of him. The adventurers who didn't start work for a day would definitely hope that they could work well today. There will definitely be more adventurers in the dungeon today.

Choosing to stop at the first few floors at this time to study the characteristics of monsters is to find trouble.

Bell didn't want to have too much contact with those adventurers.

Continue to the next level.

The third floor is the same as the above two floors. After entering, you can see many passages. The passages are also extending in all directions. However, from the third floor, there will be dead ends, and many roads will lead to one place. Phenomenon.

All roads "five seven zero" lead to Rome, but Rome began to fork.

This is probably the phenomenon after the third layer.

And this phenomenon will become more and more serious. After reaching the tenth floor, it will really evolve into a dungeon maze, and there will be more and more dead ends on each floor, just like the dungeon is using this method. It's like telling the adventurer "If you continue, there will be only a dead end."

Of course, if that's the case, then Bell is really a little skeptical of the nature of dungeons.

Why do you always feel that such a dungeon is a little gentle?

But in a short while Bell understood, what is the gentleness of the dungeon, this is the dungeon's attempt to reduce the number of high-level adventurers as much as possible.

The more gentle the front floors are, the more malicious the dungeon is.

The dungeon is hostile to the gods, so will the dungeon be too gentle to the adventurers who receive the blood of the gods?

Obviously this is not realistic.

So what is the dungeon doing?

Hmm, just look at how many Lv.1s there are in Orari City.

Isn't this the "O'Larry Crippling Program"?

Too comfortable life makes many adventurers stay at this stage of Lv.1 comfortably and do not want to improve even if the limit is not Lv.1.

Why don't you want to improve?

Because ascension will face the danger of life.

This is how the dungeon reminded, and the guild also has a corresponding reminder, which naturally caused those adventurers to not continue to choose desperately.

Of course, such a choice Bell is not incomprehensible, because he himself was once a member of the crowd. Anyway, why is it not living? Why do you make yourself so tired?

But now Bell has no way to think so.

Now that you have a target, you can't continue to accumulate your own attribute values ​​as gently as in the past, and you still need to make some changes.

In the darkness, a black streamer-like thing flew in front of Bell.

Bell's dynamic vision quickly saw what was coming, a long pink tongue with very disgusting mucus on it.


At the moment when the long tongue almost rolled around Bell's body, Bell's body once again entered a state of lightning.

The long tongue rolled into the air almost at that moment, and the long tongue slid through Bell's body, but it couldn't catch Bell's body.

This is another feature given by Lei Hua, and physical attacks are invalid.

Only magic, enchantment, and magic interference weapons can touch the Thundered Bell.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Bell does not dodge any attacks, otherwise at a speed of 150KM/S, almost no one can use the speed of neural reflexes to react.

The long tongue that was missed quickly withdrew.

But Bell had come to the source of the long tongue.

The monster born on the third floor is a frog with a green body. Its eyes are like luminous pearls, but it is really disgusting to see such big eyes.

Half a meter high and one meter long, it is a surprisingly large frog no matter where it is placed. Its alias is called "man-eating frog".

Just like ordinary frogs feed on mosquitoes, man-eating frogs in dungeons are completely food for adventurers.

The long tongue ejected from the mouthparts can almost instantly wrap the adventurer's body and swallow the adventurer in the mouth. At the same time, it secretes melted mucus in the mouth, and the adventurer will completely melt in this mucus within a few seconds.

And man-eating frogs are good at jumping, and it is simply the best venue for man-eating frogs in such a narrow cave. Combined with the amazing dynamic vision, getting man-eating frogs into motion can be a hassle.

However, such a man-eating frog also has a fatal weakness.

When swallowing the adventurer and starting to secrete mucus, the man-eating frog cannot move at will.

That is to say, as long as there are multiple adventurers acting together and not being swallowed by the man-eating frog together, then the man-eating frog loses any resistance...

Of course, another fatal weakness is when the tongue of the man-eating frog is ejected and not retracted, the man-eating frog will not move at this time.

Apparently, Bell is faster now.


With a slight stroke of the "Blade of Hestia" attached with lightning, the man-eating frog instantly turned into a mass of black ashes.

At this moment, five broken voices came.

Bell, who was always paying attention to the sounds around him, was ready.

The "Blade of Hestia" in his hand was replaced by Kansada, but Bell did not choose to use Lightning this time.

The amazing dynamic vision quickly saw the five long tongues that flew out.

The body that had been prepared for a long time made a dodging action almost instantly.


Although the flying tongue did not penetrate Bell's body, it did penetrate a layer of rock on the surface.

Therefore, the tongue of man-eating frogs can be used for penetrating attacks in addition to wrapping adventurers.

Generally speaking, the long tongue of a man-eating frog is not easy to cut off. Although it is very soft, the power it bursts out in an instant can penetrate the ground of the dungeon, which shows that it is not just soft.

Just because it is too soft, it can disperse a lot of power, and even the goblin knife can't easily cut off the long tongue of the man-eating frog.


However, the nine-character Kensada with thunder and lightning attached is not included in this list.

With a flash of lightning, all five long tongues were cut off by 0.5.

Bell's free hand condensed five long needles with thunder and lightning as the core, and with a special skill, they were aimed at the direction where the tongue flew.

Bell confirmed only by hearing five overlapping cracks in his ears.

The man-eating frogs were cleaned up.

"Sure enough, as long as the form is condensed and the magic power is fixed, it will not cause a large amount of magic power consumption after the lightning ionization body."

The mid-range attack is something Bell has been testing all the time.

And just now the conclusion has been reached.

As long as the level of magic power is fixed in advance, there will be no subsequent magic power consumption.

And because the thunder and lightning are condensed in Bell's hands, the consumption of magic power is not very large.

Maybe it's relatively less powerful, but it does form Bell's unique mid-range attack.

PS; Seeking collection... Seeking flowers... Seeking evaluation.

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