I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 592 It’S Those Guys Again!

Loki's face was red and he lay twitching on the sofa.

Hestia and Hephaestus looked at the limp Loki and determined that the "Seven Deadly Sins" and Bell's magic had caused a stress reaction.

"It seems that Bell's magic power is indeed prone to strong reactions with the "Seven Deadly Sins". "

Hestia was also very sure at this moment that Freya was not lying. Even Loki's proud character would not let him show off in front of her without any bottom line. This guy valued his face more than anything else in front of her. All are important.

"Loki is simply too weak to bear even such a small impact."


These words made Loki, who was slumped on the sofa, so angry that if her whole body hadn't gone weak, she would have jumped up and down to give the little dwarf a high-altitude kick.

"That kind of reaction..."

Loki's voice paused for a moment, and the warm face reminded her of the feeling of life and death just now. The unspeakable feeling made her waist feel a little weak at the moment.

She couldn't put it into words. She couldn't express the feeling of dying.

As an LSP, Rocky can molest his own children openly. But once it's your turn, that feeling of shame will be inexplicably exaggerated countless times.

She didn't have the nerve to say it anyway.

"That's it anyway!"

"Who knows what happened to yours like that."

Hestia muttered in a low voice, but she did not control her muttering in any way. At least the three goddesses present heard it clearly.

Veins popped up on Loki's forehead. She really wanted to give this idiot a flying kick!

It was Hephaestus who pulled Hestia's hand, which stopped Hestia from irritating Loki later.

“I didn’t expect the Seven Deadly Sins to react like this to Bell’s magic. "

Hephaestus didn't know if this was a side effect, but seeing that neither Freya nor Loki wanted to dwell on this issue so much, she didn't continue to hold on to it.

"Bell, you can sit down."

Seeing that he was out of the defendant's position, Bell sat down with a sigh of relief.

At this time, Loki, whose body was limp, climbed directly to Bell's side and leaned against him. However, this also attracted the attention of the three goddesses, and Loki was very confident about this.

"What's wrong? I'm innocent, and you guys have treated me like a guinea pig. Can't I still enjoy it?"

This confident statement made the three goddesses' eyelids twitch a few times.

"Weren't you very happy when you screamed just now?"

But looking at Loki's whole body twitching, it seemed like he couldn't move.

"Just lie down."

Hestia pursed her lips. Although she felt a little unhappy, she was not jealous to this extent. She was still quite generous, huh!

Loki snorted softly and rested his head on Bell's lap. He didn't say much else. She was already embarrassed anyway, so she might as well be more shameless and take advantage.

As for Bell being leaned on, he was helpless [looking down at the LSP among the goddesses.

"Captain Finn and his friends would probably have their eyes fall to the ground when they see Loki like this."

Suddenly, Bell suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, and immediately asked:

"Loki, has God Dionysus made any moves recently?"

"He's been a lot more at peace lately. I've also been paying attention to that guy secretly. He's been moving around the commercial street lately.

"Not just him, but even the dark faction's movements have decreased a lot. The probing movements that he used to make from time to time have also stopped. "Even the adventurers of Orario have committed a lot less crimes.

Loki thought for a moment and then gave the information she had investigated over the past few days.

"After all, Orario's hostility towards the dark faction has reached the threshold at the moment, and the guild has offered such a large bounty. As long as a dark faction pops up, many adventurers will receive serious bounties. Those guys are not So stupid."

Orario's resistance to the dark factions is not as high as usual, especially since this sentiment is backed by money, and it has almost become a national resistance movement.

However, there is not completely no information related to the dark faction recently.

"On the other hand, there was some news from "Rivera Street" about the discovery of the dark faction [and also the news that some long-lost female elves were killing adventurers.


That's right.

Bell nodded slightly.

"Sure enough, it's the same technique. No wonder the female elf stepped into the pit."

"Here's the thing."

Bell briefly described the main content of what he encountered in the dungeon and his speculation on the matter.

"Asteria's child is still in Orario? And it's still in Freya's tavern?"

"But why isn't Astralia in Orario?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Astraea was a very good friend with her in heaven, but something like this happened to her friend.

"Those guys again."

"I heard before that Astraea's children were killed in the dungeon, but I didn't expect that her children were still in Orario."

Adhering to the obsession of justice, Astraea has never been a tough person, and can even be said to be a very talkative goddess.

So that’s it…

"According to the information I know, after Astraea was almost wiped out 7 years ago, the only person who survived has been secretly searching for information about the dark factions and carrying out the most bloody revenge on those dark factions. "

She knew very well how much impact the death of a child in her family had on the gods, and she felt like her heart was about to stop even just imagining it.

Hestia frowned slightly, and some anger appeared on her face.

Hestia had a look of disbelief on her face, and then she remembered the green-haired female elf in her mind. She had often gone to the "Mastress of Plenty" before, so she was very familiar with that waitress.

But Astralia was targeted by the dark faction, and even her own family was almost wiped out.

"She must have been persuaded to leave by that female elf."

Bell can give Hestia an answer to this question.

At this moment, Hestia also had a deeper understanding of what kind of organization the Dark Faction was.

"Maybe it's because you don't want your Lord God to stay in this sad place, or maybe you already have a death wish in your heart, and you're ready to sacrifice everything for revenge."

But when I think about Hestia carefully, it feels a little strange.

These words touched Hestia greatly.

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