I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 591 Want To Be Alone? Dream!

Two hours later, the four goddesses sat in the same room.

"Oh~ I can't tell, Freya, you move really fast."

Loki barely maintained a smile on her face, but the corners of her grin made it clear that she was in a bad mood at the moment.

In fact, it is normal for her to be in such a bad mood. After all, after seeing this scene in front of her, which goddess present except Freya would be in a good mood?

Freya sat on the sofa with a smile on her face, her smile was as bright and beautiful as usual. But today, she didn't put her legs together on the ground as usual. Instead, she took off her shoes and rested her legs on the legs of Bell who was sitting next to her.

This kind of behavior is simply a deliberate provocation. According to the personalities of the three goddesses present, they are usually ready to reason with Freya.

But not today.

Yes, today is the only day that doesn't work.

"Act quickly? I'm just "Zero Nine Three" who happened to meet Bell who was returning home at the right time."

The smiling Freya didn't show any sarcasm, she simply smiled and then rested her head on Bell's shoulder who was sitting next to her.

“I stayed with Bell, who had been exercising for half a month, to talk about what happened in the dungeon and his exercise situation.

"I just talked too much and felt sleepy, so I fell asleep in the main hall."

We just chatted and fell asleep? Are you lying!?

Are you sure you didn't force Bell to stay in the living room?

The three goddesses couldn't help but have ten thousand words to complain about in their hearts.

No matter how stupid Hestia is, she knows that it was Freya who forced Bell to be detained. Otherwise, Bell wouldn't have been allowed to lie on Freya's lap and sleep outside all night.

"Then what's wrong with you now?"

Loki pursed his lips and looked at Bell who was still pressing Freya's legs.

"It's just an exchange of Bell sleeping on my lap for one night. It was even numb until just now, but now it's better."

Freya wasn't lying. Her legs were really numb and she hadn't even recovered from them until just now. After all, Bell had to lie down all night.

Bell, who was helping Freya massage, had a wry smile.

"That's why I said I would use runes to treat you, but you didn't want to."

In fact, Bell himself knew about Freya's leg numbness.

Just when he woke up and noticed that Freya's legs were so numb that she couldn't move, he was about to treat her. Instead, Freya said, "Don't use magic, rub it for me."

What else does Bell say?

After all, I slept on Freya's legs all night, so I had no choice but to accept this request.

"Am I taking advantage or Freya taking advantage... I feel like Freya and I have the script reversed?"

Bell's hands gathered magic power and gently kneaded Freya's numb but plump thighs, helping her quickly release from the numb state.

Now it is obvious that he is taking advantage of Freya, but why does the current situation make it seem like Freya is taking advantage of him?

Bell, who was helping Freya relax her thighs with both hands, suddenly heard a strange sound.

How to put it, it's a bit like the sound Hephaestus and Hestia would make when they deliberately carried it, but couldn't carry it at the critical point.

"...What kind of magical metaphor is this?"

Just when Bell complained about his own metaphor, he felt strange again.

The sound was drawn much longer than before, allowing Bell to hear some charming smell in it more clearly. This made Bell sure that this was not his auditory hallucination, nor was it his wrong metaphor just now, but... That's it!

Then three sharp eyes locked on him.

Bell denied it without saying a word.

"not me!"

If it’s not you, who is it?

The three goddesses looked in Freya's direction and their entire faces turned dark.

Hestia jumped up immediately, but her voice became very gentle.

"Bell~Jun~, please look at Freya first and then talk about the rest.

"Hestia, it's really scary how you smile."

Bell secretly swallowed his saliva and looked at Freya next to him, and then there were many question marks on his head.


What's going on?

At this moment, there was a faint blush on Freya's fair and tender face, and her breathing was even a little rapid despite her efforts to calm down.

It was obvious that he was stimulated by this look.

Freya quickly put her legs down from Bell's legs and tried hard to calm her breathing so that she could recover as soon as possible.

"Magic...Bell's magic reacted on me."


Bell, who was about to explain, was slightly startled, and then his brain immediately reacted.

Aren't the things that react to his magic power the Seven Deadly Sins?

"Is it because lust hasn't escaped Freya's body yet?"

It seems that there is only one reason for this uncontrollable phenomenon in Freya...

After being away from Bell's magic, Freya finally adjusted and breathed.

Then he looked at Bell with burning eyes.

"The "lust" has not yet been absorbed from my body, so your magic has the most violent reaction on me.

This made Freya flash a hint of shyness deep in her eyes.

She can accept her own initiative, which comes from her inner impulse and her own desire.

But this was the first time that this kind of lust was forced to be brought up.

"Is this still the case?"

Hestia's eyes widened. She had never known that Bell's "Seven Deadly Sins" had such side effects.

"My 'jealousy' is that Bell was stripped before he got that skill. "

"That's right, Loki, this is a great opportunity. Aren't you also looking for time to get in touch with Bell? This is already available."

These words left Loki speechless.

Freya directly turned to Loki for the possibility of verification. Only Loki could verify that her words were correct.


"Huh? Why should I go!"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Hephaestus crossed her arms and directly refuted Lu Ji's question.

Thinking that Freya couldn't control her emotions just now, the veins on Loki's forehead were beating wildly. I'm afraid she was going to completely embarrass herself here!

"Let Loki try it and you will know. The "sloth" in her body has not been stripped away by Bell, and she will have the same reaction to Bell's magic power. "

"Huh? Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing!!!!"

"Hephaestus has never encountered such a situation before?"


"Fuck, I want some alone time, not time with you guys staring."

Loki, who inexplicably bumped into the muzzle of his gun, also had a question mark on his head.

"Now there is only your "laziness", hurry up and verify it. "5.9

Hephaestus gave Freya a look, and Freya stood up with a smile as she caught the eye. She would not let Loki be alone.

"So, it's just you."

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