I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 494 An Unexpected Failure

"It failed."

Indeed, this is a very regrettable thing, but Thanatos is just a little regretful that the most useful chess piece in his hand is useless.

"That woman Freya...as expected, she prepared a trap for us to jump into."

Such a result was not unexpected by Thanatos. In fact, he told Valetta that this time was most likely a trap prepared by Freya.

But in the end, Valetta chose to take the risk.

Although Thanatos felt that Valetta's idea was unreliable from the beginning and that the probability of failure was extremely high, who made it Valetta's own choice?

"Lord Thanatos, then let's..."

"Don't worry about Orario for now."

Thanatos did not think that "One Five Three" would continue to oppose Orario at this juncture.

"Now that we are weak, it is not suitable to directly confront Orario."

As a "little" with a small and broad mind, all he needs to do to completely knock down Orario is a corresponding small-scale action.

Use guerrilla tactics to defeat Orario's organizations one by one.

Once you completely stand in front of Orario and make the entire Orario a subject, it will not be easy to overthrow Orario.

Twelve years ago, their dark faction led two Level 7s to besiege Orario, but they were still counterattacked by Orario's unity.

Although Sanatos also knew the other reasons, being suppressed was indeed a fact.

It was only from that year that their dark faction completely fell silent in Orario.

More than ten years of hard work and accumulation are just for the next counterattack against Orario.

It's just that after the recent series of blows, the situation needs to be reorganized, otherwise the result of the siege of Orario will not be much different from that of more than ten years ago.

It is even more miserable than the final result more than ten years ago.

"Who is behind the scenes and blaming all the problems on us? Has that matter been cleared up?"

..... All we know now is that it was done by us, but it was done by unknown members.

"Hmm... Indeed, in terms of the style of doing things, it looks like we did it."

Xanatos did not refute this. In fact, when he first learned about this matter, even he felt that it was done by someone from their side.

It is a fact that everyone knows that the internal members of the dark faction are both good and bad.

The siege of Orario twelve years ago was a typical example.

But this time, Sanatos should be the work of some idiots with some brain problems.

But the "black dragon" is a taboo and cannot be touched casually. Thanatos is also sure that none of his children are so courageous.

"Is it really Ennio?"

That madman has never revealed his true identity so far, and even Thanatos is not sure that he must be one of his fellow gods.

But Sanatos could sense that the madman was planning some crazy plans behind his back.

If he insists on saying that the madman planned something to turn the world into chaos, Thanatos suspects that the madman Ennio may have actually planned it.

Therefore, he would never touch such a taboo as Black Dragon.

Thanatos just wants to go back to the past, where children from the lower world continued to maintain the purity of their souls, rather than existing in the form of life on this continent.

But even so, Thanatos also knew that once he touched the black dragon, it might not be that a large number of lives in the lower world returned to the form of souls, but that the heaven would be affected.

Thanatos has always known that his thoughts are twisted, at least compared to the children of the lower world. But he firmly believed that Ennio's original intention was definitely more twisted than his, and even their gods did not look down upon him.

"Constraint and investigate for the time being. Orario's situation is getting more and more serious, coupled with the fate of that woman Freya.

In fact, Xanatos never wanted to have so much trouble with Freya, so he also tried his best to avoid getting into trouble with Freya. But this result was beyond his expectation.

"Don't use our 1.6 people at will to attract Orario's attention. Temporary lurking will be beneficial to our subsequent actions.

"Continue to find out which Familia that woman has the most contact with. That woman will never do anything meaningless. She doesn't want to use herself as a bait, but does it deliberately to see someone's actions clearly. of."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

...Lord Thanatos and Freya have always met each other in the tavern. Our people have not found out who the other party is... But according to our speculation, maybe This action was directed and performed by Freya. "

As a difficult problem that must be overcome in the future, if the weakness of Freya's woman can be grasped, Freya's problem may be eliminated one step in advance.

"That woman is willful in heaven. However, that woman never makes excuses for things that she is not interested in. In addition, that woman does not have a bad relationship with us. This time she took the initiative as a bait and probably just wanted to Use us for some purpose."

Freya is not a good person, but she is also a woman who does not act haphazardly.

The current situation makes Sanatos feel even more like this.

Naturally, there is no way to believe too much in this guy who doesn't even know his identity as a god or a child from the lower world.

This also made Thanatos a little curious about what kind of person made that woman so interested.

"Who is the child Freya is targeting?"

Moreover, "Ennio" has never appeared once since it appeared, and there is no way to confirm the other party's identity.

He didn't want to become a pawn in the hands of "Ennio".

Xanatos also needs to check the situation first. He also knows that "Ennio" is not trustworthy.

Unless he knows the true identity of "Ennio", he will never trust that unknown guy too much.

Many of her actions are to achieve some of her own goals, and it seems to Sanatos that this time may not be an exception.

"Other things are on standby for now."

It is because of this that Sanatos chooses a conservative response method.

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