I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 493 The Poison That Cannot Be Eliminated

"The story has progressed to half, or even more than half."

Bell relaxed in his room, allowing himself to calm down from the actions and plans of the past few days.

The story now has progressed to an unimaginable level.

His own strength has reached Level 5. He remembers that the record in the light novel has just reached Level 4, and has not yet been upgraded to Level 5.

"The strength has exceeded the height in the story, but the order of the story has also been greatly distorted."

"How will the story develop next?"

"I'm afraid the main theme will be the war between Orario and the dark factions and fallen fairies."

This situation is not difficult to understand.

The purpose of the fallen fairies is to completely defeat Orario. Just like how they helped the adventurers conquer the dungeon, now they have completely become the minions of the dungeon.

Bell shook his head slightly.

"This is also a world problem that everyone must overcome-"

"There are too many obstacles on the road to conquering the Black Dragon. Only by clearing all obstacles can we grow strong enough."

The difficulties ahead can be turned into one of one's own nutrients as long as one is strong enough.

"It's just that we can't continue to be prophetic next time."

This is a big problem that will make the road ahead different from the one visible to the naked eye in the past, where we need to feel the stones to cross the river.

"So, we need to continue to enhance our own strength."

"I don't know how much this skill can help me collect the Seven Deadly Sins, but it's not a problem to collect them along the way."

The tone for subsequent growth was set by Bell.

The current Level 5 actually only solves his own safety problem. As long as he has the ability to protect himself, God Freya can reduce some unnecessary thoughts.

The next growth is to truly face the world crisis.

A girl wearing a white coat and a white top hat stood in the guild's prison with a frown on her face.

"No way? Armed."

Another girl in fresh and light clothes was standing over there. Her eyebrows were slightly curved, adding some softness to her serious face. Her plump legs were so shining against the shorts.

"No. The poison on this person is very weird. I have used magic, but I can't completely remove the poison from her body."

The top hat girl also became deeply interested in the poison in this assassin.

"I really can't understand where the poison in this person is stored."

"The body only has a weak reaction to the poison, but the symptoms of being poisoned are stronger than anyone who has been poisoned.

"The antidote and my magic can remove the weak poison from her body. But as long as three minutes pass after the poison reaction disappears, the poison reaction will reappear.

The girl in the top hat reached out and pointed directly at the woman's eyes, and there was light shining in those eyes.

"The person who was poisoned was conscious. Although her voice was blocked, she could clearly feel the severe pain.

In fact, more than a dozen thick leather strips were used to secure the woman to the bed.

Those pimp strips are not there to trap women, but to immobilize women's bodies that are rolling due to severe pain.

As for trapping this woman... To put it bluntly, Level 5 adventurers cannot be easily trapped. And the state of this woman is not worth wasting time and thinking.

"It's unimaginable that this person's spirit is not completely crazy. I think this should be the special arrangement given to this person by the person who poisoned him."

The other girl glanced at the woman on the hospital bed and sighed slightly.

"It seems that there is no way to conduct an inquiry."

"It's a pity that I can't help you solve the problem."

"No, this is enough. Even if the poison in her body is removed, she may not necessarily explain the matter.

Obviously, she also understands how tough the backbone members of the dark faction are.

Ha~ now only my mouth is particularly tough.

She knew who was behind it, so she was not disappointed at all even in this situation. Seeing that the "Killing Emperor" of the dark faction could only wait for death on the hospital bed like a pitiful creature, perhaps this was also a comfort to her sister who was once killed by the dark faction.

.........Please give me flowers...

"Armid, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."


The top hat girl named Amide shook her head slightly. She didn't think there was any trouble, and even said she was very interested in it.

"Shakti, can I take away some of her blood? I am very interested in the poison she was poisoned with. She can be so stubborn that it cannot be removed by antidote and magic. Such a poison can be dealt with Some adventurers will be a one-hit kill."

"Of course I know."

Amide naturally knows the danger of secondary injury, so she also knows that she needs to protect herself during the research process.

Ahmed quickly took out the syringe and the sealed blood bag from the bag beside him, connected the syringe and the blood bag, inserted the needle into the woman's arm, and took out a large amount of blood.

The girl named Shakti obviously hesitated for a moment.

"Armid, you don't want to use this blood for testing, do you?"

"Well, I'll go with you."

"If that's the case, you can take some blood samples. However, you need to pay attention to safety when doing research. If this kind of poison has secondary damage, you will be in trouble once it is stained."

"Then, I'll leave first.

These props that have taken blood also need to be completely sealed. It is not possible to burn them until we don't know whether the burning of flames can remove the poison.

"No, it would be too troublesome once such a poison spreads out. I just want to try to find a cure for this poison."

After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, the needle tube and syringe were sealed.

When they walked out of the guild door, the two of them left separately.

After collecting the blood, Ahmed sealed the blood bag thoroughly.

Even Level 5 adventurers with "abnormal resistance" cannot withstand such poison, and adventurers of other levels may not be able to withstand it either.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a three-price review.

Shakti thought for a moment and nodded.

Shakti left the prison with Ahmed, and she also needed to return to her family to report to God Ganesha.


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