I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 49 The White Gap

After the adventurers and volunteers circled the first floor, they still didn't find any monsters. This phenomenon makes the adventurer a little strange.

"Are all the goblins killed?"

The dungeon has just started to become "lively", and adventurers are sure that there will be no adventurers on the first floor. Goblins are monsters in the early stages, and most adventurers who have left the novice will not waste time on the first floor. He originally thought so too, but he didn't expect that an adventurer had already cleaned up the first floor.

Do you have to go to the second floor again?

The adventurer frowned and thought. It's still early today, so if you go back because of this, it means that you won't even be able to earn 1 phalis today. But the monsters on the second floor were just throwing a party. On the second floor, monsters such as goblins are not the only basic monsters, but strange things like killer ants and man-eating frogs also appear. Any Lv.1 adventurer who is targeted by so many monsters has no choice but to die.

But it is also a fact that there is not a single monster on the first floor.

The man was irritably clutching his hair, he didn't want to waste a day without even earning 1 phalis. If he can't make money, maybe he won't be able to taste the divine wine this month.

The man glanced at the volunteer, and his irritability was relieved a little. Of course, it wasn't because he saw how good this little human was, but he thought, if the second floor was in danger, wouldn't this volunteer be useful?

"Hey, let's go to the second floor."

Lily Luca, who was a volunteer, didn't say anything, just followed.

After the two were far away, Bell frowned and walked out.

"It seems that other than the first floor, monster feasts have also occurred on other floors. Is that my reason?"

There were too many things to think about, but Bell felt vaguely that this "lively" might really have something to do with him. Otherwise, the first floor he was in wouldn't have produced so many monsters. Perhaps it was because of this change in the first floor where he was located that the operation of the dungeon radiated to other floors?

Perhaps this is the answer.

"Is this also luck? It seems that this luck is only for me. Those adventurers from other classes may have suffered."

Of course, even so Bell has no so-called guilt.

Guilt? Why does he have such feelings? It's not that he controlled the dungeon to operate like this. If he did it on purpose, then he would have nothing to say. But maybe this is just a radiation of the dungeon's luck to him. It can only be said that those adventurers who are recruited are unlucky.

Of course, this kind of suffering is only for ordinary adventurers. Not a bad thing for those capable adventurers.

For adventurers, drops are similar to rewards that appear with a small probability, and most of the source of income for adventurers is still magic stones. The output of a large number of monsters also means the output of a large number of magic stones, of course, this is only for powerful adventurers. Those weak adventurers will probably have a headache how to escape from so many monsters.

Bell shook his head slightly but just sat to the side to rest. Now he is not very anxious to explore the reason for the longer battery life.

"It should be that my dungeon responded to my expectations, and under the circumstances of high luck, the entire dungeon formed a monster feast situation. I didn't expect that my luck could even affect the dungeon."

The last time I went to the guild from the dungeon, Eina-san said the same thing. And also made a corresponding warning.

"It seems that I need to restrain myself. If this phenomenon occurs frequently in the dungeon, the guild will start further investigation. Once the intensity of the investigation starts to increase, maybe my matter will be exposed."

"Now, not yet."

Even if you know that your affairs will be exposed sooner or later, you can hide for as long as you can.

Bell hopes that he can grow as much as possible during this free time. Perhaps, at least to the height of Lv.5, in order to live in peace in this city.

"Be careful now, so as not to cause trouble to the Lord God."

Don't cause trouble for yourself, don't cause trouble for the gods, this is Bell's current benchmark. Excessive excellence often attracts the coveting of other gods, so it is quite necessary to behave in general.

Bell sat on the ground and rested for a long time, his magic power and physical strength were almost completely restored, and the goblin on the first floor was finally born naturally.

Instead of dozens of them at first, only one appeared in front of Bell's eyes now.

Listening carefully to the surrounding sounds, there is the sound of something falling far away. It should be that the monsters born this time are not in one spot, but scattered in various places on the first floor. However, such a situation is also normal. After all, there are not many goblins on the first floor that refresh each round, and it is normal for the born goblin branches to be everywhere on the first floor.

Bell gave the goblins a lot of time, and after seeing the goblins stand up with their daggers, he took out the Nine Characters Kansada from the four-dimensional space.

"Sa, let me see."

This time Bell is not a quick action, the quick attack is too focused on the results, but ignores many details. So this time Bell needs to see more subtle changes.

The goblin hunched over, and when he saw an opportunity, he rushed up with a strange cry of "Yahah".

If it had been eight days before Bell would have avoided the attack and found a suitable opportunity to strike, but not now. Taking a step forward, the sword in his hand poured out with a silver light.



A knife slashed the goblin's knife-wielding hand, and green blood spurted out. It was at this moment that Bell noticed something.

A white gap appeared on the goblin's body. Because the whole body of the goblins is green, a white gap is particularly abrupt. Bell's eyes narrowed and he slashed away.

That gap was in the goblin's chest, and the goblin who lost a hand lost the possibility of blocking it. A cross-cut knife directly hit the white gap. It was at this moment that the goblin with a small cut in his chest instantly turned into black ashes.


"I didn't cut deep enough, that goblin would never be killed because of such a shallow wound, but it turned into black ashes. Is that white gap the lifeline of a monster? Is it the same thing that the Demon Eye can see?"

But Bell still felt weird, even if he could see it, why did he see the goblin just now?

PS; ask for collection... ask for flowers... ask for evaluation

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