I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 48 Lively Dungeon


A bolt of lightning quickly shuttled through the first floor of the dungeon, and all the goblins on the road instantly turned into black ashes as the lightning passed, but their magic stones and daggers still recorded their existence.


The wall made a strange noise, and dozens of holes suddenly appeared on the flat wall, and in each hole was curled a goblin clutching a short knife. This is how dungeon monsters are born. Adventurers who see it for the first time will definitely feel uncomfortable, because only then will the adventurers remember that they are in the stomach of a monster called "Dungeon". Just this kind of knowledge makes many adventurers feel uncomfortable.

Dozens of goblins landed at the same time, such a scene is really spectacular.

Unfortunately, the thunderbolt that harvested the goblins quickly appeared again. Before the dozens of goblins had any movement, they had turned black and gray, like the goblins that had just been cleaned up.

It's just that the flash of lightning stopped this time, and the people inside can also be observed with the naked eye.


Bell, who turned into lightning, stopped and took a deep breath. The consumption of physical and magic power was a bit too much. He, who had been on the first floor of the dungeon, hardly stopped for the past fifteen minutes, which also caused Lei Hua to consume almost 80% of Bell's magic power. Continuing to maintain it like before will cause the mana to be depleted, and it will be easy to faint in the dungeon. This also forced Bell to stop.

Listening carefully to the surrounding voices, the walls did not continue to generate monsters, and Bell could take advantage of this time to clean up the falling objects in the ground. Those goblins' magic stones are cheap, but those short knives are not cheap.

After taking a deep breath, Bell quickly cleaned up the things on the ground.

After a simple calculation of the goblin knives he got, Bell found that there were 241 of them.

He had already killed so many goblins in just a few minutes, so it took a whole day to come to the dungeon for the first time. In such a place Bell clearly saw his growth. Compared to the first time he came down, he was undoubtedly much stronger. But after possessing the magic, it is very terrifying to be able to speed up the progress to such a level.

"The actual combat application of Lei Hua is not bad. However, is the magic power consumed by Lei Hua a little low?"

This question also puzzled Bell. The mana consumption acting on oneself has dropped geometrically, but this magic should not last so long, and it can retain 20% of the mana. In the previous three days, Bell confirmed his level of magic power, and at the same time he knew how much magic power it would take to make a thunderbolt, but the final support time was definitely not as long as today.

"There must be a reason. Find the reason, and if I can make better use of it, I can increase my activity time."

Thinking so, Bell put the "Blade of Hestia" into the four-dimensional space and took out the nine characters. The next step is to restore the magic power, and then start to find the reason why the magic power can last for so long. Then the tactics that need to be used next are not quick-attack battles, but research battles.

These are the two fighting styles Bell uses, downwind research and headwind fast attack.

One floor is no longer a threat to Bell, so a quick goblin harvest is not needed. With that kung fu, it is better to hone your skills and reach the height of Yan Hui as soon as possible. And now there are some situations that Bell doesn't know about. This unknown is often accompanied by risks and uncontrollable, so it is necessary to know what is going on.

After a short rest, Bell felt that his magic power had recovered by nearly 20%, and the recovery speed was terrifying enough. But Bell knew why the magic power recovered so quickly. "Meditation", as long as you enter meditation during rest, you can quickly restore physical strength and magic power. And during meditation, your five senses will be strengthened, you can pay attention to the surrounding situation at any time, even if you are resting in the dungeon, you can use it.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps in his ears, which made Bell, who was ready, frown slightly, and immediately hid in the darkness.

Two footsteps approached, one was dull, the other was even more dull, it should be two heavy adventurers.

"There aren't even goblins on the first floor today?"

A slightly sturdy voice came from the end of the voice. It's just that Bell could hear a little irritability in the voice, and it's only the first floor that only adventurers who have just become adventurers will come, right? Usually there are no people here, why are there people here today?

"It's so lively below, but the first floor is so quiet, what a hell."


Bell couldn't help but prick up his ears. It is absolutely not a good word to use the word "lively" in a dungeon. Once the dungeon starts to become lively, it means that the monsters in the dungeon have rebelled. No adventurer wants to encounter a "lively" scene in a dungeon.

The footsteps got closer, and Bell, who was hiding in the dark, could be regarded as seeing the two people brought by the footsteps.

One of them was full of stubble, with a fierce look, and a pair of dangling eyes made people feel that this person was a little mean and a little indifferent. The burly figure should be more than 180 centimeters, and he is wearing very cheap equipment. The giant blade on his back can see the gap on the blade, which should have not been maintained for a long time.

As for the other one, Bell was a little surprised, not expecting to see it at such a time. Wearing a white windbreaker, with his head hidden inside the windbreaker, you can see only numbness and despair in the eyes covered by the hood. Carrying a backpack that is several times larger than himself already shows the identity of the other party, not an adventurer, but a supporter. Mainly responsible for the drop and recovery of magic stones, as well as luggage and the like.

Lilyluca Erd, a volunteer who belongs to the "Soma Familia". Because of his status as a volunteer, and because he is also bewitched by the wine of the god of wine, he is the best object to be squeezed in the eyes of the adventurers of the family.

Bell noticed the numbness and despair on Lily Luca's face, there was no hope in those eyes. But other than that, Bell didn't pay too much attention to the other party. Instead, it was the words of another adventurer that made him more concerned.

"Hey, don't you tell me?"


"Come on, it's boring."

Seeing that Lily Luca didn't answer, the adventurer pouted in disgust. It's just that he didn't care about this kind of thing. Sooner or later, for volunteers who are often oppressed, it will become like this one day. It's a waste of time to talk to someone who has given up completely at such a time. In his opinion, this little human race has only this function.

It's just that the adventurer didn't speak again after speaking, which made Bell no way to know what the "hustle" he was talking about was going on.

"Is it because of me?"

When he didn't understand the situation like this, Bell's first doubt was himself. Perhaps the reason why the dungeon is generating monsters too quickly and quickly. But will this effect radiate to the entire dungeon?

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

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