I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 472 A Quiet January

Nearly a month has passed since the Loki Familia's celebration banquet.

Perhaps because there was too much noise during the previous expedition, even the dark factions chose to go into hibernation temporarily during this month.

However, Bell felt that it was nonsense that the dark faction chose to lie dormant.

Thinking about it, it was just because Orario's combat power increased so much that the dark faction chose to temporarily stop the course of action they had taken in the past. Hibernating is just to get through this peaceful stage. It doesn't take long for the real big action to come.


The sharp punch drew a long, twisted line in the air.

Wearing a pair of loose trousers, Bell's upper body was bare while maintaining a fist-pumping posture, and the rising heat could still be seen on the pink skin of her well-trained body.

After the heat on his skin subsided a little, Bell took a deep breath and slowly returned to his standing posture.

After absorbing the "Steel Training" gift, Bell's physical fitness has not been enhanced in any way. What has only increased is his knowledge and training of Bajiquan.

"Yan Hui", which has already absorbed the pinnacle of skills, is also very helpful in mastering Bajiquan917.

The momentum of Bajiquan also changed Bell's fighting posture.

Looking back on the past, except for his fighting skills when holding a sharp blade, his physical strength was still far from adequate.

This is also "experience".

Bell, who was well aware of his limited combat experience, also knew why he still had many flaws even though he had such strength. It was simply because of his lack of experience and the lack of anyone to lead the way.

Therefore, Bell spent this leisurely month correcting his bad habits.

Body correction is a very troublesome and boring process.

However, it was rare to have time to calm down, and Bell's mood did not become impatient because of the boring corrections. Instead, his mood became more condensed.


Bell had just finished work and was preparing to adjust and rest when Hestia came over with a smile on her face.


Looking at the smile on the face of the childish and lovely goddess, the tiredness in Bell's heart was blown away by the breeze, and she suddenly felt much cooler.

"Don't pounce on me yet, I'm covered in (chbc) sweat."

"Well~it doesn't matter even if it's sweat."

"Forget it normally, just be a little more restrained after exercise."

Bell smelled the smell of sweat on his body. At this time, he still didn't want Hestia to pounce directly on him.

Continue to twist your body with small movements and continue to sit and warm up, so that the body that has just been exercised will not enter a cooling state all of a sudden.

"Hestia, have you found the information you need to investigate?"


Speaking of getting down to business, Hestia still couldn't help but look at Bell, and her face became serious.

"The entire Orario entered a rare period of calm after that banquet. There was almost no action from the dark faction, and it was only after Loki's children captured and killed two gods."

Three days after the celebration banquet ended, the Luji Familia took action directly against the Di Familia and the Mani Familia.

All members of the Familia clan were completely annihilated, and even the two main gods were killed on the spot by Loki's children and sent back to heaven.

This is the biggest thing that has happened to Orario in the past month.

"But after that, the actions of the dark faction completely stopped, and all the dependents seemed to be preventing the invasion of the dark faction. Ganesha also raised the issue of Orario's safety, and his children are now also The attack is very heavy. According to what I know from Ganesha, many members of the dark faction reported by adventurers have been arrested, and the identity of the dark faction has been confirmed."

Bell nodded slightly, it was almost the same as what he knew before.

"It seems that the dark faction has been accumulating strength in the past month. They have been throwing out some irrelevant people, probably to eliminate Orario's wariness. Now they are waiting for an opportunity, a time when they can officially take action. opportunity.

A rat in a ditch is much easier to deal with than a snake in the dark.

Previously, because the guild wanted to help cover up his existence, it put all the blame on the head of the dark faction, and this side effect has also come.

"Hmm~ It's still too exciting for them."

Hestia realized this.

Bell also nodded helplessly.

"Yes, it is indeed too exciting for the dark faction. They, the rats in the ditch, have transformed into snakes in the dark. I am afraid it is also because the guild wants to hide my existence.

Only then did the blame fall on the dark faction. "

This situation of being ignored is actually what Bell likes most. What he hopes most is to erase all traces of his existence.

He knows that the road of a hero is a road of thorns, and that the road ahead for a hero is often a tragedy, so Bell is no longer a child who longs to be a hero and stand in the spotlight.

"Praise from others is of no use to me. As long as you and Hephaestus know about it, it is enough."

She knew that Bell was not someone who liked being stared at by many people.


Bell doesn't like the excitement, nor does he like the feeling of being stared at. That will only make Bell uneasy.

Bell, who has long passed the age of dreaming, is no longer the child who enjoys and dreams at will.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

Although Hestia didn't want her child to be unknown in Orario, she still knew that this was not Bell's forced statement, but Bell's true thoughts.

But Hestia always had a feeling that if Freya didn't stare at Bell, maybe Bell wouldn't have to hide himself so deliberately.

"Well, Hephaestus and I will definitely remember it. Everything Mr. Bell does is seen by us. You are Orario's hero."

Bell was stunned for a moment. Looking at Hestia's bulging cheeks and the words she just argued for him, he couldn't help but laugh.

Hestia emphasized the "obscurity". She was aware of the low profile of her children. But even so, she did not want Bell to think of herself as an "obscure adventurer."

"Hestia, I don't value things like reputation very much. It doesn't matter even if I am considered "obscure". In fact, this is the best result for me. "

"But they probably won't know that the person who awakened the black dragon is an unknown adventurer like me."

"Although they don't know what's going on, they also know that there is a fourth-party force operating behind the scenes.

"Bell-kun is not an unknown adventurer."

But now I still feel emotional when I hear it.

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