I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 471 Freya Familia Is In Action

"We are not as dirty as you think.


"That's what I meant."

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Hephaestus calmly added the wrong meaning in his words.

it is as expected. Freya now felt a sore toothache.

Today is a very special day for Freya.

I officially met the child I wanted to see most.

For this day's meeting, Freya also specially chose the dress she would wear for the banquet, and even made many conscious simulations of the meeting in her mind.

After the meeting, it was like a conscious simulation, and the child answered her questions with the best answer. Freya also officially confirmed that the child was the encounter she was looking for in the lower world.

But the problems that followed were also serious.

Especially when Hephaestus had a direct conflict with her, and Xi was also the child.

Although Freya knew that the child was very attractive, the sudden competition from Hephaestus also made Freya feel a headache.

Especially after knowing that both Hephaestus and Hestia had taken the first bite of that child, the jealousy in Freya's heart was about to explode.


Hermes inadvertently retreated some distance to a safe place in the fighting circle.

Listening to the jealous conversation between the three goddesses, Hermes was not in the mood to enjoy the melon at all. Instead, he felt as if flames and gunpowder were about to explode in front of his eyes. If he didn't hide, he might be the target of fire later.

After retreating to a safe area, Hermes carefully wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"I have never felt so dangerous when facing Hera before. A quarrel between goddesses is indeed not something that ordinary people can handle."

At this moment, Hermes couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Bell-kun, you are really courageous. It is enough for ordinary people to provoke one goddess, but you directly provoke two goddesses, and even... you even got two of them."

"If Zeus knew... he would laugh like crazy."

Originally, he thought that even Zeus would be surprised when faced with this situation, but thinking of Zeus's character, Hermes felt that the old pervert would definitely laugh and say, "That's my grandson."

However, Hermes also knew that being caught between the three goddesses was not a good thing. If it was not handled well, the landmines inside would be stepped on and exploded at any time, and the result might be to pieces.

After answering God Freya's question, Bell temporarily left the atrium of the banquet and came outside to sit and rest.

"It's really troublesome."

Bell knew very well that God Freya's problem was not over yet.

"Unless God Freya gives up completely, will she really give up?"

"In the original work, God Freya even used the means to charm the world. It's hard to imagine that God Freya could give up now."

Now that God Freya has noticed it, it is unrealistic for him to give up his past obsessions. Also, the question God Freya asked him just now was obviously aimed at him.

Although he could lie at that time, would it really work? He also needed to consider the situation of stimulating the wolf God Freya.

If God Freya doesn't respect martial ethics, things will be completely messed up.

Maybe God Freya might not be able to catch him, but Bell can guarantee that God Freya will definitely make a mess of Orario.

As for whether God Freya would do this... Bell had no doubt that the yandere God who could charm the world with his power could not do such a thing.

"We must not let things get to that point."

Now in this situation, we can only find a way to stabilize God Freya first.

"If the initial plan had gone well, it wouldn't have developed like this."

Bell sighed inwardly.

If everything goes as he originally planned, and God Freya doesn't do so many tricks, then at this moment he can always maintain a sense of mystery about God Freya and restrict her actions.

The great achievement of promotion to Level 5 has been achieved, and the next step is to increase the ability values ​​of Level 4 to the limit. It can be said that after reaching Level 5, even if God Freya really wants to do something, she has lost the initiative, and the initiative will always be in his hands.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

The current situation is no longer something he can control casually.

Although you can't control the future direction, you can still try to control the situation within an acceptable range.

"And then there's the trouble of Freya's family."

Bell sat on a bench outside the courtyard, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his hand, watching the actions of Freya's family.

Even if they knew in their hearts that "Bell Cronny" was definitely within the range they were looking for, it was still a problem that they couldn't catch it with their eyes and senses.

He pushed up his glasses slightly.

After he left the atrium of the inner courtyard, Freya's family had already started taking action. Everyone, including Ota, was searching for him in Dong's Pavilion.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"He didn't disappear, he was right under our noses.

It's a pity that this is the neighborhood of Loki Familia.

"What about attack magic? Doesn't perception magic work?"

"If it's in the dungeon, it might be easier to handle. This is the Loki Familia, and they are still attending a banquet. It would be too difficult to find that kid without attracting the attention of insiders."

Allen and Hedin, who had not found anyone, looked a little confused, but they really had no choice in the face of such a target person who did not exist directly.

"The perception system... is much rarer and rarer than the attack system. Moreover, you can't guarantee that the magic of the perception system can capture his position.

The catman searched almost the entire "Twilight Pavilion" and could not find any trace of the boy. It was as if he had completely disappeared.


Bell sighed slightly, wondering if these people would continue to stare at him in the future.

"It's really more troublesome than I thought."

White Elf Hedin was very sure that "Bell Cronni" was within the range they were looking for, but they did not have the ability to catch him with their eyes.

Their goddess was invited to the banquet, and no matter what, they could not shame the goddess because of their actions.

If there is no one (Wang Qian is good), Heding can directly use magic to cleanse the ground, even by force, he can force people out.

"Tch...he runs pretty fast."

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