I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 427 Reciting His Nightmare For His Family

"As expected, I chose a quick attack."

Bell wasn't too surprised.

It is normal to make such tactical corrections against an enemy that has been determined to be Level 7. After all, if you choose to fight hard even though you are aware of your lack of strength, you are really seeking death.

Facing an enemy that is obviously stronger than itself, all that needs to be done is to firmly hold the right to attack first in one's own hands.

"Then, let's show a little strength."

The "fairy spirit" with a human upper body and a monster's lower body has blood-red eyes.


The crazy nature made the "Fairy Spirit" roar crazily, and the aura belonging to Level 8 continued to spread.

This aura made Finn and others who were rushing toward the "Fairy Spirit" stagger in shock.

"This is wrong!"

They all felt that something was wrong, but now was not the time to talk.

The enemy "Fairy Spirit" is right in front of them. Even if they feel something is wrong, they can only continue to rush forward.

But just because of the pause at his feet, "Fairy Spirit" had already seized the opportunity.

Countless thorns rose from the ground and aimed at Finn who was rushing forward.


The thorns were blocked by Finn with his spear, but the astonishing force also made Finn's hands tremble 940.

At this moment, he was very sure that the "fairy spirit" in front of him was definitely not just Level 7.

Gritting his teeth, he immediately stabbed the gun with his other hand.


The gun blade wrapped in the wind forcefully penetrated all the thorns.

Finn took a step forward, turned his body vigorously, and swept away the weakened thorns in front of him with his spear.

The thorns that can be cut off give birth to new thorns.


This made Finn look surprised.

"Oops! It's too late!"


The wind wrapped around the tip of the spear instantly exerted force, forcing the spear to lift up, directly blocking the subsequent thorns.


The sturdy gun body blocked the thorn's attack.

After reacting, Finn retreated slightly to eliminate the force of the attack.

But such a retreat gave "Jingxia" an opportunity to attack.

"The spear of thunder that rushes forward violently, the person who represents it is called Thunder Spirit. The incarnation of thunder and lightning, the queen of thunder and lightning

Short chant!?

There is no way to interrupt such a short chant, and the magic may have been released even before the attack.

However, if we retreat at this moment, the quick attack battle will be completely broken up.

Now they had less than five minutes left.

You must not retreat at this time!

Finn understood this very well, so he put down all his reserve and put his fingers on his forehead.

"Magic Spear, accept my blood and pierce my forehead."

In an instant, his physical abilities surged, and his eyes turned blood red.

The body paused and quickly jumped into the air.

At this moment, the magic of "Fairy Spirit" has been completed, and dozens of thunder guns in the sky are aimed at Finn.

"Thunder blast!"


Facing dozens of thunder guns, Finn, who had lost his mind, did not take the attitude of letting go at all, but chose to give it a try.

He held the gun with both hands to maintain balance in mid-air.


The thunder gun fired at Finn at an extraordinary speed.

However, Fenn's superb spear skills quickly resisted, and more than ten thunder guns were completely shattered in a matter of seconds.


The electric current generated by the shattered thunder gun ravaged Finn's body, causing his body to lose flexibility in mid-air.


One of the thunder guns had already shot into Finn's body.

Although almost all rational thinking has been taken away, Finn's body instinct still responded.

Turning hard in mid-air.


What was meant to penetrate Finn was directly penetrated through his guts.

But in the next second, Finn, who was penetrated, turned into a scarecrow, and Finn had already fallen to the ground.

Finn, who landed on the ground, rushed forward with red eyes.


The two Amazon girls who rushed up from behind jumped up with loud shouts and [chab] towards the thunder guns that were fired backwards.

In an instant, the threat of the thunder gun was completely eliminated, but the two Amazon girls who were still in the air also felt paralysis all over their bodies.

"How could it possibly stop here!"

"The leader is still waiting for me!"

The moment she landed, the veins on Tione's forehead popped out. The anger at her own powerlessness caused her body functions to surge instantly, forcing her paralyzed body to move.

"Me too, never fall behind!"

"Everyone is moving forward, and I don't want to fall behind!"

Tiona's whole body showed signs of being burned red by lightning, and her body could not move at will, but she was as unwilling to stop as her sister.

Her body may be numb, but she still doesn't want to be left behind.

The strong emotions allowed her will to drive her body, making her body obey her orders at the most difficult time.

Seeing Finn, Tione and Tiona all giving up their defenses, the werewolf following behind stopped. At this moment, he also used all his strength to face this crusade.

"Restrain, King of Hungry Wolfs!"

"One injury, Galga."

There was a trace of blood at the corner of the werewolf's mouth.

"Second injury, Kilio."

The werewolf's eye circles were already bloodshot.

"Three injuries, Twitty."

This magic always reminds him of the three most important people in his life, so what he hates the most is this magic.

But for everyone's victory, and in order to prevent anyone he cherishes from dying in front of him, the werewolf faced this pain and torture.

There is no hesitation in reciting the mantra.

"The blood foam shed by hunger and thirst is the only hope."

"Build a river, make a river of blood, wash your face with tears."

"Unhealed wounds will never be forgotten. In anger and hatred, remember laziness and anger.

The words of these spells seem to explain the werewolf's heart.

Always remember that you are weak and your destiny can be changed at will by the strong, and always remember your past powerlessness and regret.

"Hate the world, identify with fate, and shed blood and tears.

"Turn pain into fangs, cry into roars, and turn the remaining blood and flesh into strength."

"The shackles of liberation, the roar that shakes the sky. The inheritance of anger, take this body and transform into the bright moon, evaporating all things."

The pain of the person he loved most dying in front of him three times made the werewolf hate the world and its injustice.

But in the end the werewolf accepted his fate, as if he couldn't change the fate of himself and the person he loved most.

The tears have dried up, but his anger is still there.

But at this moment, he is not out for revenge, but for the partner he once hoped for but was trying to reject.

Not for yourself, but for your family.

"Use the flame fangs to burn everything!"


In an instant, a raging fire burned around the werewolf's body.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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