I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 426 The Quick Attack Begins!

The thirty minutes of adjustment time passed quickly.

The expedition team was all ready, and Finn led the team to the entrance of the 59th floor.

"Let's go."

Finn took the lead and walked at the front, and the others followed behind.

Everyone felt very nervous and anxious.

Everyone knows that what lies ahead is the real test for them, and it is a hurdle in life. Once you can't get over it, you don't have to get over it.

All your attention needs to be focused.

Their trump card is quick attack.

End the battle as quickly as possible and end all dangers in a quick attack.

The underground prayer chamber of Ouranos is kept in darkness all year round.

Usually there is only one god, Ouranos, who suppresses the riots in the underground city, and only Ouranos' prayers can restrict the underground city.

But now in this dim prayer room, in addition to the five braziers that serve as light sources, there is also a picture with a single light in the air, and the expedition team is reflected on it.

In addition to Ouranos, three other gods were invited to the prayer room to watch the expedition team's strategy for the unknown territory.

"It's finally starting."

Ganesha also felt everyone's nervousness from the picture, and he could understand the nervousness of Loki's child.

The 59th floor is an unknown territory, no matter what kind of situation it faces, it will not be surprising.

In addition, the guild now also knows that the forces on the "fairy spirit" side are in action, and there may be "fairy spirit" forces entrenched in the unknown areas that follow.

"Ah, it finally started."

Freya couldn't help but sigh.

For this expedition, what needs to be seen is not the performance of Rocky's child, but the performance of that child in this expedition.

Freya believed that the child would not participate in such an ordinary expedition, even if there were traces of "fairies" in unknown areas.

There is no need to expose yourself.

This is the code of conduct for that child, and Freya is the one who knows this best.

Therefore, she was very sure that she might be able to see the child's movements during this expedition.

"Let me see what exactly you are planning to do in this expedition."

The corners of Freya's mouth raised slightly, which represented her mood at the moment.

The long staircase has come to an end.

The light from the ceiling on the 59th floor outside the stairs also shone on everyone's faces.

After walking out of the stairs, everyone noticed the scenery on this floor.

"It looks like the 24th floor~".

Lefia noticed the surrounding situation. All she could see were woods and forests, and there were even tall mushroom trees in the distance. It looked like a rain forest.

This look is familiar to all adventurers. The big tree maze that starts on the 21st floor looks like this.

But compared to the big tree maze, which is full of towering trees, there are still fewer towering trees here, giving people more of a rain forest feel.

"Sure enough, there has been a change."

The fact that he didn't feel the biting cold air at the entrance to the 59th floor made Finn understand that the dungeon might have changed.

If the exploration information of the Zeus Familia is correct, then the 59th floor should be an extremely cold place.

But there was no cold air rising at the entrance on the 59th floor, which made Finn very strange.

Seeing the scene here now, Fenn only felt a deep chill in his heart.

The greater the change in this layer, the more terrifying the "fairy spirits" occupying this layer are.

After being mentally prepared, Finn also began to listen carefully to the sounds on this level.


A slight and deep sound entered Finn's ears, and Finn immediately locked onto the location of the sound.

Burt, Riveria, and Lefia, who have excellent hearing, all caught the sound.


"Ah, the location can be confirmed."

Finn's voice became much more solemn, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the front of the rain forest.

"Ais, continue to carry Haruhime on your back."

"Haruhime, you can start preparing to use magic."


Finn took the lead and jumped off the cliff at the entrance.

The height of the cliff is not very high. Even if Lefiya finds the right place, she can step on the foothold on the edge of the cliff and fall quickly.

After falling to the ground, Haruji, who was being carried on her back, also started singing.

"The auspicious snow of beloved, the crimson of compassion, the white light of deep love. Please also accompany her to watch the two thousand nights of love."

Following the chant, a golden tail appeared behind the circle.

"My name is Demon Fox, which symbolizes the destruction of the past. My name is Gu Yao, which symbolizes the longing for the past. I would like to invite the nine demons to stay in this body as a flying body."

The golden tails began to increase one by one, becoming the final five tails.

Golden light spots condense around Haruhime, making her presence sacred.

"Sing the golden song, Tamamo calls poems. White face and golden fur, the king of nine tails."

"..."Swallow all things, fulfill all wishes, the tail of the auspicious beast——"

"Get big!"

"With his efforts, he brings countless treasures and countless wishes. When the bell rings, pray for glory and fantasy.

"Get big!"

"The body that swallows the delicacies of the gods is given the golden light of the gods. It is given the hammer to return to the earth, and it is given blessings."

"Get big!"

The red filaments of light condensed into a halo on Chun Ji's head.

Following Haruhime's voice, the light circles in the sky condensed and scattered into golden-red light spots, which fell on the golden tail generated behind Haruhime. The golden tail was affected by the light spots and turned into golden-red.

There is no need to move forward, this is the position where you can attack.

The next second, the dagger was inserted into a scarecrow, and Haruji, who was being carried by Aisi, had disappeared.

At the same time, Riveria began to recite the incantation Xian.

"Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer!"

The strange shouting became louder, and Riveria, who was a little behind, stopped immediately.

Finn, Grace, and Burt were at the front, and Riveria and Ace were behind.

After Haruhime's singing ended, the golden-red tail turned into a halo and floated over the heads of the five people.

Then he also took out the "Blade of Despair".

"We only have 5 minutes, please work hard. Haruhime will leave first."

The aperture dropped like an oracle, hitting the five people steadily, causing a completely different kind of power (Qiannuo's) to emerge from the five people's bodies far beyond what they had in the past.

In order to avoid causing trouble to others, Haruji took out a dagger from her space pocket, pointed it at her heart and stabbed it.


Take out the "specially enhanced" runestones and use them directly.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: Start adjusting the status today.

The dagger and scarecrow that were still in mid-air were glanced at by Ais and put directly into her pocket.


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