I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 416 Tione’S Proposal

“Those guys always make a difference in the big moments.

Finn, who came up with the answer, also laughed angrily at his own thoughts, but there was a hint of blood in that smile.

"Finn, do you want to talk to Mr. Bell?"

"No, it's no longer needed."

Riveria's suggestion was very good, but Finn shook his head slightly.

"Such a situation is what Mr. Bell and Loki are happy to see. If the dark faction supports the fairies, then they will definitely show their flaws. Now on Orario, as long as the Familia who collect excessive magic stones are likely to be the dark faction, It's much easier for them to jump out than to go find them.

The trouble with the dark faction is that they are too slippery.

Gathering magic stones to aid the fairy spirits may really push them into a corner, but it also indirectly exposes the identity of the dark sect.

"After seeing this, Loki should quickly unite the guild and the Ganesha family to encircle, suppress and arrest those families and gods."

"It should just be superficial, right?"

"But it's enough."

Of course Fenn also knew that the captured families and gods were just superficial, but that was enough.

"As long as a sufficient number of dependents and gods are captured, it will naturally attract the attention of the gods. As long as the gods understand that the dark faction is the biggest threat, then from today on, the dark faction will no longer exist in Orario. Have a good life.”

"The key lies in tomorrow."

Finn tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Riverlia, the pressure on you may make you a minister."

"Is there ever an expedition with you where I don't feel stressed?"

"makes sense."

Riveria's comments livened up the atmosphere a little.

In the past, when the Loki Familia was not as strong as it is today, the effort and thought required for each expedition increased exponentially.

It’s true that they have faced situations that were more stressful than they are now. Now, isn’t thinking about death something they adventurers often have to face?

They could face it easily back then, but now they are always looking forward and backward.

"It seems that as time goes by, we have all developed some problems of looking forward and looking back."

Finn couldn't help but tell the key point.

"It's not a bad thing to be cautious. In addition, "looking forward and looking back" is not a disease, it's just that you don't want to lose.

Riveria denied such claims.

“Our ‘illness’ is the connections we make along the way. The reason why we didn't have to think so much back then was just because we had nothing. But after we have it, there are naturally more things to consider. "

"Yes, if this is our "disease", then I hope this disease can last forever. "

The heroic dwarf doesn't think about what is and isn't. He likes to make friends and teach children who have not yet grown up. He is very happy with his illness.

"Finn, Riveria, there's no need to talk about those complicated things, and there's no need to think about them."

Grace terminated the conversation directly.

"If we want to survive, we have to cross this hurdle. There is no "if" for us. Don't you know this kind of thing?"

The two were stunned for a while, and then they laughed at each other.

"Ah, we still like to look forward and backward too much."

"So, we must survive."

Finn doesn't want this "disease" to be cured here, so in order for this "disease" to continue, all he needs is to cross this hurdle.

The time has come at night.

This time everyone sat beside the campfire and waited quietly for Finn to speak.

"Everyone, tomorrow is the day for us to explore unknown territories."

"Today we will decide on the main members of the expedition."

Almost everyone here knows this list.

The subsequent floors starting from the 50th floor are hell for many adventurers, so the list of subsequent explorations generally does not have a list of low-level adventurers. That's not a place where low-level adventurers can run with you.

Those adventurers in the expedition team who can participate in subsequent exploration missions are actually those few.

"First of all, Chun, I need to trouble you about the maintenance of the weapons."

"Oh, leave the weapons to me this time."

As the leader of the Hephaestus Familia, Tsubaki is not only a craftsman, but also possesses Level 5 strength [which makes her eligible to participate in subsequent expeditions.

"Then Raul will be responsible for the support work. This time you will participate as a supporter."


It was a natural choice. Although Raul was only a Level 4 adventurer and did not possess any magic, his abilities reached the limit of an ordinary adventurer. In addition, Raul, as a participant in previous expeditions to explore unknown areas, also has certain knowledge and experience below the 50th floor, so it is only appropriate for him to participate as a supporter.

"Lefia, you and Raul are responsible for the support work. But you should also be prepared, this expedition will require your strength."


As the second-generation magic turret of the Loki Familia, Lefia's strength cannot be underestimated. Although her level is only Level 3, which is even one level lower than Raul, her magical power and ability as a fort magician are far beyond what Raul can compare with.

"The rest are the usual main attackers, Tiona, Tione, and Bert."

"Oh! I can't wait."


Tione suddenly stood up and walked to Finn.

"This time when we come back from the expedition, can we get married?"

This is really a big deal.

Anyone who is a member of the Loki Familia knows that Tione is really stalking Finn, even doing things like attacking at night. They felt a little abrupt about Tione's proposal, but they didn't feel it was strange at all.

But those who know the situation understand that this may be Tione's last wish before challenging death.

Finn's heart was full of complications. Seeing the expectation in Tione's eyes and his last wish, he finally did not refuse ruthlessly.

"Okay, if we come back from this expedition, we will get married."

For Finn, his lifelong dream is to revitalize the glory of the small human race. Finn has dedicated his life to his ideal a long time ago, so his choice for the other half is actually also the small human race.

However, facing this expedition that he might not be able to return from, Finn still put aside his ideal of revitalizing the small human race for the time being. At least he didn't want Tione to sleep in the dungeon with him with regrets.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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