I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 415 Source Of Energy

"Am I defeated because I blocked the fairy's magic?"

When Riveria knew that fairies could use magic, she knew that she was the only one in the expedition team who could resist.

If she does not appear in the subsequent battle, it proves that she has been defeated before that.

This answer also raised Riveria's vigilance towards fairy clones to the highest point.

Ordinary magic has absolutely no way to break through her barrier magic. Unless the magic used by the fairy has completely exceeded the upper limit of her resistance.

But if this is really the case, then this crusade will be really troublesome.

What fairies are best at is using magic to fight.

The fairies that exist as clones of gods each have super magical abilities. They can use different series of magics, and they are not subject to the same restrictions as adventurers.

As a companion, fairy spirits are the companions that make adventurers feel most at ease.

But once the fairies stand on the opposite side of the adventurers, their magic will be used against the adventurers, which will only make people feel despair and terror.

This information actually has a great impact on the battle, but once the gap in strength is too large, the effect of these 27 information will become a little weak.

"I'm afraid the fairy's strength far exceeds our initial predictions."

"Really, isn't it said that the growth of a fetus requires a lot of energy? The dungeon has temporarily stopped working. Where does the energy come from to cultivate the fairy fetus?]

Riveria couldn't help but feel agitated.

They initially knew that Fairy Spirit was still in an unstable situation, so they chose not to act for the time being. But as the images Cassandra saw in her precognitive dream became more and more detailed, Riveria felt that their preparations seemed to be useless.

"No, it's not useless. Finn's decision was not wrong [it was the best option to let the expedition team recover when we didn't know what stage the fairy fetus was in."

"But where does the energy for nurturing the fetus come from?"

It has been proven that cultivating fairy fetuses requires a lot of energy.

The food depot on the 24th floor was the one where Freya Familia took action to drive those guys away. This is enough to prove that the fairy fetus has a huge energy gap, even to the point where it needs to seize the quartz energy from the food bank.

So how can there be so many magic stones in today's dungeons that can be used as energy for the cultivation of fairy fetuses?

"The problem is energy."

Riveria sighed and looked at Cassandra sitting on the bed.

"Cassandra, get ready. Come to Finn's tent when you get up."

"I see."

After Riveria finished speaking, she left the room. She needed to unravel the doubts in her heart, where did the insufficient energy come from?

With this question in mind, Riveria went to Finn and Grace's tent.

At this moment, Finn and Grace were sitting in the tent waiting for the news brought back by Riveria.

After seeing Riveria coming back, Finn and Grace couldn't help but want to ask about the situation. But what they saw next was the incomprehensible look on Riveria's face, which made them temporarily give up their intention to ask questions.

After Riveria walked into the tent, she looked at Finn and Grace with confusion.

"Kassandra's dream was still the same as before, but the content she saw became more detailed. In addition, she also got a very important piece of information. Fairies can use magic.

"This is really not good news."

Finn's face didn't look good when he heard this information.

Magic is a decisive force, and what fairies are best at is using magic. If fairy fetuses also have the ability to use magic, then they may really be in trouble.

"This is not a worse situation, there are more troublesome situations."



Riveria didn't continue to pretend, and explained quickly.

"We are in a bitter battle against the fairies. We are all facing greater crises and the risk of death. This is a corner of the precognitive dream that Cassandra saw before the black dragon's roar, and today she saw it again It’s here, and it’s a more detailed battle process.”

Levia briefly described that part of the matter, which also made Finn and Grace more aware of the details of the battle.

After a brief narration, Riveria also raised the biggest question in her heart.

"Why does the fairy fetus still get enough energy?"


This question made Finn instantly understand what Riveria meant, so he deliberately mentioned the context of Dragon Roar just now.

"Indeed, this is a big problem. Before the dragon's chant, Cassandra predicted a corner of the future, but after the dragon's chant, the images in Cassandra's precognitive dream were no different from before, just more detailed. .”

"According to the current situation where monsters are not produced in dungeons, the energy required by fairy fetuses should be insufficient. Why is it enough?"

As one of the three, Grace, whose brain didn't work fast enough, looked at the two of them doubtfully.

"Couldn't it be that we have stored enough magic stones before?"


Finn shook his head slightly, put his thumb to his mouth and bit it gently. This was a way to calm down and think.

"The Freya Familia went to the food depot on the 24th floor before. They drove away the fairy forces who wanted to obtain quartz energy. If they had enough reserves, I am afraid they would not target the food depot on the 24th floor."

"I'm afraid that they have invested all the magic stones in it, but it is still not enough to re-cultivate a fairy fetus. This is why they need to choose the 24th floor of the food bank."

"Mr. Bell also said that cultivating a fairy fetus is not an easy task. The fetus that the Ganesha family snatched back before was probably fed by the fairy forces for a long time, because the loss of the fetus caused a stir on the fairy side. big move."

"They will inevitably face a shortage of energy when feeding another fairy fetus. In addition, the dungeon is now affected by the dragon's roar and no monsters are reborn in the dungeon. The gap between the fairy forces and the magic stone will be even greater. .”

This is a conclusion based on all the information.

In fact, Finn was sure that his judgment was not wrong. The amount of energy required to cultivate a fairy fetus will definitely be considerable, and even if the fairy forces want to re-cultivate one in a short time, it will definitely not be easy to do so.

Moreover, the fairy fetus needs energy, doesn’t the fairy body also need it?

So energy is in short supply no matter how you think about it.

"So, it's not that the fairy forces replenished the energy needed by the fairy fetus, but someone helped the fairy replenish the energy needed by the fairy fetus!"

Riveria and Grace were stunned for a moment, and then a name appeared in their minds.

Dark faction!

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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