I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 390 I Need Your Help

Chun actually doesn't know much about Bell's whereabouts. The number of times she has come into contact with Bell is also very limited. She usually only comes into contact when preparing to make rune stone materials. If she wants to take the initiative to meet him, she can't find the opportunity. .

It's not like Chun didn't know that Bell was always elusive. Unless he came to find him on his own initiative, it would be too difficult for others to find him.

After receiving this answer, Ais looked slightly disappointed.

"Don't Finn and the others know? As far as I know, Finn and Bell have the most contact time and frequency."


Ais shook her head helplessly. Although she wanted to get in touch with Bell Crowne, she never had such a good chance.

Regarding her parents, she may actually need help not just from Finn and the others, but from Bell Clonney.

Even Ais herself felt it a little bit. There is actually only one person who can be her partner and show this strength in front of her parents, because she herself does not agree to fight with more than less.

That was not 27 confronting my father and mother, but a very unjust gang fight.

Even if we really win, it will be completely different from what our parents expected.

So Aisi has always longed for a partner with whom she can face her father and mother.

"Jian Ji, you are in such a hurry to find Bell, do you have something important to do?"


Aisi never hides her purpose, and expresses it directly in her emotionless words.

"I need his help."

It was also the first time that Chun heard "Sword Princess" say such words. But Bell Zai is indeed different from others. In a sense, Bell Zai belongs to the most special type.

Hearing that "Sword Princess" wanted to see Bell Zai for something, Chun also wanted to help this girl who had lost her smile as she grew up.

"If you really have something to do with Bell, I'll tell you when I see him. But you can also go to Loki. After all, your family has a close relationship with the Hestia family. With the help of God Loki, you will definitely be able to meet Bell Boy."

"Loki...she doesn't seem to want me to meet Bell Cronny."


Because God Loki is an LSP.

Among the Loki Familia, the person who has the strongest desire to monopolize the "Sword Queen" is God Loki himself. She always keeps an eye on the opposite sex who might have a connection with the "Sword Princess", just like a hen always keeps an eye on her children.

No, if it was God Loki, it should be the weasel staring at the chick that he was drooling all the time. If it weren't for the fact that the chicken was still too small, the weasel would definitely not be able to resist his appetite and eat the chicken.

God Loki will definitely speak his mind, but whether he will be beaten to death by the Sword Lady is another matter.

Chun couldn't help but complain in his heart.

After coming back to his senses, Chun also changed the topic in that direction.

After all, it is not good to directly say that someone else’s main god is LSP. Even if this is true.

"Actually, Sword Princess, you can use special means, for example..."

Tsubaki leaned closer to Aiz's ear.

"oh oh."

Aisi's eyes suddenly lit up as she listened to Chun's reminder in her ear. She took a sharp breath, and when she was about to say something, she was blocked by Chun who was one step faster.

"Idiot! If you say it loudly, it's not a threat."


"Keep your voice down, try to be as quiet as possible. According to my understanding, Bell is usually watching from the side. You just need to keep your voice down to attract Bell.

Ais, whose mouth was covered, nodded slightly.

Just as they were about to pull away the hand that was blocking their mouths, they saw the distortion of space around them.

They wanted to take action but found that their bodies were controlled and they could only watch the space swallow them up.

When they could control their bodies, the two of them immediately became alert.

"'Sword Princess', Tsubaki, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

This sentence made the two of them stunned for a moment, and then they realized that there was probably only one person in Orario who had such means.

Only then did they notice that they had been transferred to a strange room, and the person standing opposite them was the person they had tried to find before.

"Bell boy!"

"Bell Cronney."

Now Bell does not wear a cape, mask and gloves, but maintains his normal clothes.

There are actually not many people who can see Bell like this, probably only two hands, and that's because they are new to Orario. When facing other people, Bell always wrapped himself carefully, just in case.

Any action in Orario requires extra caution. Sometimes crises often appear around you.

"Chun, please don't teach people how to find me next time. Also, I don't want to talk about God Hestia's affairs."

"That's it. I'm sorry, I won't teach people to use that method next time."

"Really... I hope you will pay more attention. The relationship between gods and ordinary people in the lower world is very complicated, and this level of relationship often brings about big problems.

Chun was also a little embarrassed to face Bell's numerous instructions. She was actually just looking at "Sword Queen" and was very anxious, so she told "Sword Queen" some special words.

Once the relationship between gods and adventurers gets that close, it will be very troublesome. After all, the life spans of gods and adventurers are different, which is often the biggest obstacle between gods and adventurers.

It is also because of this that 450 the relationship between gods and adventurers is often not viewed favorably.

This also makes the relationship between gods and children from the lower realms taboo, and this is a matter within the family members. There are some things that not only the gods don't want outsiders to know, but even adventurers don't want them to know.

Although Bell knew that his relationship with Hestia would be known to some people, he still hoped to control the matter within a certain range and not spread it throughout Orario.

"So, why do you go to so much trouble to find me?"

Bell's eyes were fixed on "Sword Girl" because that was the problem with this person.

"First of all, let me state that my strength is only Level 2. Don't ask me to go defeat the black dragon with you or anything like that. I don't want to lose my mind so early.

Aisi naturally knew that this was not possible.

Let alone Bell Cronny, even she would not challenge the black dragon foolishly at this moment.

That dragon's roar showed the gap in strength. How could she be someone who would seek death like this?

"It's not the black dragon, it's my parents."

"I hope to get your help. I need to show my strength to face my parents hidden in the dungeon, and I need someone's help.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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