I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 389 The Actions Of Sword Lady

Aisi, who got up early, did not disturb other people's rest time.

Yesterday, she saw the exhaustion on everyone's faces before entering the tent to rest. She must have felt very tired from the pressure of resisting the dragon's roar.

In fact, Aisi herself knew that this feeling of exhaustion was really strong, and she had to grit her teeth to persevere. Even looking back now, I still feel that those dozens of seconds were particularly difficult.

After carefully sensing the surrounding atmosphere, Aisi discovered that almost everyone was still sleeping.

After confirming this, Aisi began to habitually look for someone's aura.

That person's aura was only discovered once in the "Twilight Annex", but after that time, Aisi could not find it again.

She felt a little disappointed in her heart, but Ais didn't show much expression, and instead sat quietly next to the almost extinguished bonfire.

Normally, when she got up at this time, she might run to the floor in front or behind the "810" to do morning exercises, but now she just sat quietly.

There are not many people in the entire expedition team who are up now, and there is insufficient combat power to deal with extreme situations. She needs to stay here to guard.

"Bell Cronny, it's hard to meet."

While sitting quietly, Ace was thinking about how to meet Bell Cronny alone.

At this time, Bell, who was being missed by Ace, was sleeping on the wall on the 39th floor.

After about two hours, Bell slowly woke up from his sleep.


It always feels good to sleep until you wake up naturally.

Since experiencing the quality of sleep without using Rune, Bell has not used Sean to enhance sleep quality except under special circumstances.

The first time I opened my eyes, I used runes to check my surroundings.

"Are Captain Finn and the others still resting? It seems that the impact of the rush and the dragon's roar is really great."

Ordinary adventurers do not have the resistance to mental oppression, so they will inevitably suffer from mental intolerance in this situation.

Moreover, the black dragon's coercion is not only mentally oppressive, but also species oppressive.

Just like gods have the ability to suppress humans in the lower world, black dragons also have the same ability. It's just that the coercion displayed by the black dragon is not divine power, but the product of the concentration of fighting spirit and madness, which is the opposite of the gods.

What the gods can do, the black dragon can also do.

Therefore, in fact, the only way to become a god is to challenge a god-like being in a one-on-one fight, and successfully killing the opponent completely is the way to advance yourself.

Bell shook his head slightly.

He guessed it after learning about the relationship between the black dragon and the gods.

The number of gods in this world is actually full. There is only one way to become a god in human form——

"Evolve" the world.

Overcoming the "trials" given by the world, finding hope for progress from despair and darkness, and thus bringing ultimate sublimation to the world, is the only way for humans to transcend races and become gods.

Bell was actually mentally prepared last night.

Isn't it just preparation for confronting the gods?

Not to mention it was yesterday, in fact, such preparations have already been made.

However, there is no need to think about this problem for the time being. If you want to challenge the black dragon, you must at least wait until you reach Level 9 before you are qualified.

Now that he is only at Level 4, he doesn't need to think about such complicated issues.

Sitting up from the bed, Bell yawned "Ha~" again. At this time, he was relatively comfortable and he relaxed a lot of his usual vigilance.

At this time, he was either very hungry or rather sleepy. I don't know if it was a side effect of being too leisurely.

Perhaps because of facing the black dragon yesterday, Bell couldn't help but want to relax his nerves, instead of letting his nerves remain tense from beginning to end.

"Me too, sometimes I can't help but want to take more rest."

After all, he doesn't have an iron-clad body. Sometimes his body gets tired, just like an ordinary person.

"Just stay a little longer today."

It's rare that Bell, who is already very disciplined in life, still gives himself some rest time if he is not disciplined.

After stretching for a while, he lay back on the bed.

At this moment, the 39th floor was as quiet as night.

Another five hours passed, and no one came out of the tent until the light on the ceiling began to dim.


It was Chun. She had just walked out with sleepy eyes on her face and looked like she hadn't fully rested yet.

After looking at the color of the sky, Chun's groggy consciousness recovered a little.

"Is it so late?"

She knew it was the afternoon of the next day, which meant that she slept straight away for almost a whole day.

But even so, Chun still felt a little sleepy.

"The impact of this trouble is really big."

Chun couldn't help complaining, she still liked her usual energetic state...

As a semi-dwarf, she usually has enough energy to avoid this phenomenon even if she works for several days in a row. This is the first time since arriving at Level 5.


Suddenly, her stomach made a loud noise, which made Chun's consciousness clearer.

She subconsciously touched her pocket and took out a piece of dry bread from the space. Her growling stomach made her unable to control her appetite and took a bite.

In just a few mouthfuls, a large piece of dry bread was eaten directly by Chun.

It's just that the dry bread really irritated my throat, so I took out a bottle of water from my space pocket and drank it all with one tilt of my head.


"Hmm? Sword Princess?"

Chun just felt his stomach felt better when he heard Aisi's voice. He turned around and saw Ai standing over there.

"Ha~ "Sword Girl", are you in such good spirits today?"

Looking at Aisi's eyes, there was no color at all. Those beautiful eyes were as beautiful as ever, and the whites of her eyes didn't have too many bloodshot eyes. This allowed Tsubaki to conclude that Aisi was in good condition.

"Yeah, not bad."

Ais nodded slightly.

"Everyone has been greatly affected by Long Yin, but my influence is not very great."

"Hey~ Is this the strength of Level 6?"

Chun sighed a little in his heart, he didn't expect that Level 6 could still be resistant to that kind of dragon's roar.

Thinking back to how she felt yesterday, Chun felt that she really didn't want to experience it again.

But Aisi shook her head slightly.

0.1 "It shouldn't be the reason for Level 6. Finn, Grace and Riveria are all still sleeping, and their condition is not good either."

"Is that a personal reason?"

If it’s not because of Level 6, then it’s a personal reason.

Ais didn't know if this was a personal reason, but she didn't want to talk about these topics.

"Tsubaki, can you meet Bell Cronny?"

"Huh? Sword Girl, are you looking for Bell?"

"Well, I have something to ask him."

"It would be very difficult in this case. I don't know where Bell is. Maybe you would be better off asking Finn about this. He should know more."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: I have been slacking off on updates in the past two days. I've been coughing badly these past two days, and I'm a little uncomfortable. I've been sleeping and resting in the morning, and I've been slacking off on my writing. I'm trying my best to get back into shape.

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