I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 367 Everyone Has The Same Attitude

[The trial of LV.7 really doesn’t look like a joke. "

Finn tried his best to calm down, but at this moment it was difficult for him to remain calm.

Facing an immortal spirit that was almost certainly at Level 7, the pressure he had to endure was not ordinary.

Although Haruhime's ability allows the five members of the family to temporarily break through the level restrictions, Finn is really not sure if this can completely deal with the "fairy spirit".

But at this time, as the leader, he must calm down.

If even he couldn't calm down in this situation, then this time their trial would be half over before it officially started.

"Everyone, listen, this expedition is a narrow escape for us."

"The strength of "Fairy Spirit" may reach Level 7, which is a fatal threat to us. "

He had experience in conquering the Level 6 floor master "Udaios", but that was not a one-on-one attack, but a group attack with a team.

But Lv.6 and Lv.7 are completely different concepts.

Moreover, the opponent is not the floor master, but the "Fairy Spirit". Perhaps the difficulties they have to face are no bigger than the Level 7 floor master.

So Finn said frankly at 170:

"I understand if someone is scared and withdraws."

"Don't feel ashamed. If you feel that your abilities are not enough, you can bring it up. This expedition will stay on the 50th floor. There is no need to participate in the exploration of unknown areas."

The people present looked at each other, and the shrinkage and cowardice in their eyes completely disappeared at this moment.

Shrinking may be like what the group leader said is not shameful.

Everyone will feel afraid when faced with life threats. This is human nature. No one is born without fear of death.

But fearing death and not daring to face death are two different things.

Members of the Loki Familia may be afraid of death, but they are definitely not afraid to face death.

"What are you talking about, Finn."

The smile on Bert's face was a little more ferocious at this moment.

“It’s even more important to keep going if you know that the road ahead is a certain death.”

"We haven't continued to "grow" for a long time. "

At this moment, he naturally understood that this expedition was the biggest test for them.

If they can transcend the past, their long-stagnant growth may start to progress again.

But once they are unable to cross the past, it means that their highest limit can only stay here.

And Bert would never allow himself to stop.

He laughs at those adventurers who are unwilling to make progress, but he does not have double standards to the point where his unwillingness to make progress is allowed.

The "ferocious wolf" will not stop here. That would just betray its past commitments and trample on its past experiences.

"Old woman, you're not going to stop here either, are you?"

"Who is the old woman!?"

As the oldest person here, the veins on Riveria's head were beating wildly when she heard the words "old woman".

Now she really wanted to take out her wand from her space pocket and hit Burt on the head hard.

But what Bert said was not unreasonable.

Riveria looked at Ais, and looking at the eager expression on her face, she knew that there was no fear in her heart.

At this moment, in addition to wanting to take revenge on the black dragon, Aisi also has the goal of meeting her parents.

Aisi will never stop for this goal.

Even if Riveria wanted to persuade her, she couldn't.

"Adventurers never stop."

"How long has it been since the three of us set foot on Level 6? If we don't choose to move forward, I'm afraid we can only stay here."

"In the past, I might have been able to let things go freely, but now I can't."

Riveria sighed.

As Bell said at the beginning, they have really stagnated a little bit in their growth, and they have not even grown at all in so many years. (chcd)

If things had gone by, they would have chosen to continue on the safe path and then embark on the path of growth little by little, just like they did in the past.

But it can’t be done now.

Ais, who has always been nurturing, no longer acts like a child, and she is ready to move on.

So can they stay where they are?

Riveria had no choice.

Having met Arya, she knew that Ais was no match for Arya anyway. If they didn't move forward together, Ais would never have another chance.

Therefore, whether it is for themselves or for Aisi, they need to move on.

"Ace will keep moving forward, and we need to keep moving forward too."

Riveria's attitude is already clear.

They absolutely cannot retreat. Even if they face the threat of "fairies", they must not go back in despair.

"Yeah, we need to move on."

Grace's attitude was the same as Riveria's, they had to move forward this time.

"If the "fairy fetus" really grows up, if we don't resist, what will happen if we are brought to the ground?"

“This time it’s not just a problem for our family, but a problem for the entire Orario.

Both individuals and righteousness must stand up. They have no choice to retreat.

They might get into any trouble if they escape this time.

But they also lost the capital to continue fighting against the "fairy spirits".

This time is a big disaster for them, but it is also a good opportunity.

It depends on whether we can move on or not.

Everyone present knew this truth, so no one chose to retreat.

Because stepping back this time means that you will only be at this level for the rest of your life.

They all have the same attitude at this moment and cannot back down no matter what.

"That's right, Captain, this time we can't retreat no matter what."

Raul also showed his attitude.

"Maybe my strength can't compare with Mr. Bert and the others, but if I don't move forward, I will have to stop here."

Raul, who knows this, will never choose to retreat.

He may not be as talented as Aisi, nor does he have the special magic and skills like Cassandra and Haruhime, but he knows that he must not retreat.

Nothing can be said!

Finn glanced around and saw that everyone had the same attitude, and he felt a little comforted in his heart.

At least their momentum will not drop before a complete war begins.

But he also understood that no matter what, this trial was definitely dangerous.

"Mr. Bell, you should be listening."

So, Finn made a choice here and asked to see what you think.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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