I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 366 Finn’S Speculation

Before dawn, all the main members of the Loki Familia who were still sleeping were woken up and called into the council tent.

This time, not only the main members of the Loki Familia, but Chun, the leader of Hephaestus, were also called.

"Everyone, we are in the biggest trouble."

Finn unceremoniously emphasized the seriousness of the situation to the highest level.

These words directly made those who woke up later and were still unaware of the situation become much more energetic.

"Chun, you also need to listen carefully, this trouble has a lot to do with you.


In fact, Chun already knew it in his heart.

After Bell talked to her before, Chun knew that this expedition would definitely not be easy.

It is mandatory to bring special props such as "Stand-in Scarecrow". Obviously, this expedition is life-threatening.

After the reminder, Finn turned to look at Cassandra standing in the center.

"Cassandra, first tell me about the scene you saw, as detailed as possible."

Cassandra, standing in the center, nodded slightly and carefully recalled the scene she had just seen.

In fact, every precognitive dream will be deeply remembered by Cassandra. Those scenes appear in her memory like a curse, making it difficult for her to forget.

But this time's precognitive dream was obviously different from the past.

The pictures in my memory are not as clear as those precognitive dreams in the past, and some parts are even blurry and invisible.

Cassandra didn't know what was going on, so she could only suppress her doubts for the time being and tell her what she saw first.

"I saw the dark sky, and the surrounding ground was full of pits and damage. Everyone fell to the ground and couldn't see whether they were alive or dead. The leader lost a hand, and Mr. Grace was pierced through the abdomen. In addition, .………………”

Cassandra tried hard to recall the scene in her dream, but her memory became very blurry, and the others could only see them falling to the ground without knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"Others' memories became blurry, and in the end I only remembered Mr. Bell standing next to me, talking to me as if he could see me...

"To you who is having a precognitive dream? And I can still see you and talk to you?"

Tiona looked at Cassandra who said these words in surprise. She remembered that Cassandra's ability was to predict dreams, and she could see a corner of the future in her dreams.

But will the future seen while dreaming be noticed by others?

"Well, I felt weird too, but Mr. Bell did notice me and even called me by my name.

Although Cassandra also doubted whether she made the wrong judgment because she was frightened, she remembered clearly that Mr. Bell called her name directly at that time.

No matter how wrong his judgment was, it was not fake that he called out her name directly.

Finn didn't have any problem with Cassandra's judgment.

He was very sure that Cassandra could hear clearly what Bell said. It was not so easy to mishear.

Therefore, Cassandra did not hear wrongly.

"Mr. Bell has a certain plan with Loki behind his back. This plan may have a lot to do with this expedition."

Finn didn't think Bell would trick them.

Bell was definitely not working so hard to strengthen the Loki Familia just to kill them and see if they could last longer.

Moreover, there were Loki, God Hestia and God Hephaestus watching over Bell. It couldn't be to see them fall into the abyss.

With Bell and Loki's plans behind them, they would definitely not be harmed.

Since it is determined that it is not a trap, then... it is a trial!

Finn was sure of his answer.

Then there is an explanation for the "replacement scarecrow" created by Bell before. It is probably to save their lives in this trial.

Therefore, the dangers faced by this expedition may have been predicted in advance, but they were deliberately arranged.

Finn sighed slightly as he made a conclusion in his heart.

"Did everyone understand what Cassandra said?"

"Although Mr. Bell's actions are strange, the probability of him targeting us is actually very low."

Riveria also agreed very much with this statement and continued what Finn said:

"There needs to be a reason to trap us, unless it's an organization that exists only to destroy Orario."

"But God Hestia is a god who only came in the past year, and the Hestia Familia has just been established, and there is only one member, Mr. Bell. From many logical considerations, the Hestia Familia and the Dark Faction The likelihood of a relationship is very low.”

"Moreover, Mr. Bell's actions this time also have Loki's consent. Now Loki is also looking at us through Mr. Bell's sight."

Speaking of this, Villiya paused for a moment, with some more thoughts on her face.

"Actually, if you think about it from this aspect, it is more likely that Loki and Bell-kun are planning something behind the scenes.

"indeed so."

Finn nodded in approval and quickly skipped Bell's question.

"Mr. Bell's problem is not that big, and we have the eyes of Ace's guild to help us keep an eye on it. There is a high probability that it is not Mr. Bell's problem.

"The real problem is us."

"Why is it happening to us?"

Tiona couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but Tione could understand it enough.


Tione hit her sister hard on the head.

"Are you stupid? What are we here for? Why were we all wiped out in Cassandra's precognitive dream? Didn't we collide with the "fairies"?"

"We must have bumped into a "fairy spirit" on the floor as Cassandra said, and "the fairy fetus has been cultivated."

At this moment, everyone's expressions became serious.

If the "Fairy Fetus" is really cultivated, what level will it be? I'm afraid it will be at least Lv. 6. If there is a sufficient energy source, it may be cultivated to Lv. 7.

You must know that monsters of the same level are much stronger than adventurers of the same level.

Therefore, the way for most adventurers to obtain great achievements is to challenge monster posts of the same level as themselves.

Even if high-level adventurers kill monsters of the same level, they may not be able to obtain great achievements. They must challenge floor owners of the same level or even one level higher to obtain great achievements.

In other words, Level 7 fairy spirits may be much stronger than ordinary Level 7 adventurers.

This is evident from the results of Cassandra's precognitive dreams.

I'm afraid that what they will eventually have to face is the grown-up "fairy fetus."

A "fairy spirit" clone in the true sense.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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