I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 332: Is There Something So Outrageous About Orario?

Finn, who went back with the substitute Scarecrow, immediately called some people into the room.


"There is such nonsense!?"

After hearing Finn's introduction to the substitute Scarecrow, Bert was the first person to exclaim with wide eyes.

But Bert's reaction this time was unanimously recognized by everyone. The effect of this thing is really nonsense, and it actually has the ability to transfer fatal injuries.

Isn't this the same as having an extra life?

"It's really bullshit."

Tione also felt that the effect of this prop was really excessive, and he also had some worries.

"Captain, does this prop really have such a function? But if it does, why doesn't this prop appear in Orario?"

The only thing Diogne meant was to question this outrageous prop.

After all, once this extra life item appears in Orario, it will definitely be as popular as the space pocket, but why doesn't this kind of consumable appear in Orario?

For this question, Finn actually already has the answer in his mind.

"I think it must have something to do with Mr. Bell's character."

"Character...that's true, his character really doesn't seem like he would make this kind of thing known to everyone.

Riveria recalled Bell's course of action in the past 907, and agreed with Finn's statement in her heart.

Of course, she also felt that in addition to Bell's personality, there might be other reasons for the creation of such outrageous props.

"However, I think it is not just Mr. Bell's personality that led to the birth of such an outrageous prop. Not to mention having heard of such a prop, it is something that should not exist at all, even if it was created by the "Almighty One" Everything is far inferior to it. "

"Ordinary magic can never reach that level. Even as an elf, I have never heard of such outrageous magic.

"However, I think Loki already knows the answer."

"Well, I think so too."

The answer analyzed by Riveria was actually what Finn thought.

"The creation of such an outrageous prop is not something like rune stones in the past. Moreover, I heard Mr. Bell's tone and even disagreed with it. He also thought that such a prop was not perfect."

This statement is indeed outrageous.

The faces of several Level 5 people present were twitching. Some people still despise imperfection for such an outrageous thing. So what outrageous props are needed to be considered perfect?

"Bell-kun's magic must have some part that we don't know about."

There are huge problems with this magic. Even Finn feels that this is not magic at all, but something even more outrageous.

"Before the expedition started, Loki also said something to me, "If you have any trouble, you can go to that boy." I also felt that Loki's attitude was a bit ambiguous at the time, and now it seems that Loki must know Mr. Bell's secret. "

At this point Finn stopped, he now felt strange from Loki's attitude.

This expedition always felt like Loki knew something was going to happen, as if someone was controlling it behind the scenes.

"Is it an illusion?"

Finn's intuition told him that this feeling was correct, but Loki probably wouldn't deliberately tease them.

"So, Loki is also involved behind this? Or maybe Bell-kun is also involved?"

Such speculation made Finn a little unsure of this expedition.

If he thought about the past from this direction, it would be difficult for Finn to imagine what kind of outrageous scene they would encounter at the end of this expedition.

"Riveria, Grace, Ace, Bert, Tione, Tiona, Lefia, Raul and Haruki, please pour your blood on me."

*The strategy after level 50 requires your participation. I have some bad premonitions about this expedition. "

The total number of substitute scarecrows is ten, and including himself, all the people Finn chose to participate in the 50th floor follow-up strategy have exactly one.

"Finn, one is missing."

"Huh? Less?"

"Tsubaki's share."

Finn was stunned for a moment, but Riverlia reminded him that Chun would also join the strategy after level 50. In order to ensure safety, she also needed to prepare a substitute scarecrow.

"You guys use it first, I'll go talk to Mr. Bell later."

Everyone must have a substitute scarecrow. After all, this expedition will involve unknown areas, and we don’t know if we will directly collide with the fairy forces in the dungeon, so it is necessary to prepare an insurance.

Tsubaki definitely needs one too.

But Finn is not very worried about this. After all, the Hestia Familia and the Hephaestus Familia are also in a cooperative relationship. It will definitely not be a problem for Tsubaki to prepare an extra substitute scarecrow.


In fact, Bell was standing at the door of Chun's room at this moment.

"Knock knock knock!"

The door opened quickly, but Chun walked out wearing a simple bathrobe, not even a bra wrap.

"It's big, and it's brown meat."

In terms of scale, it is not inferior to Hephaestus at all. Her bold and unrestrained personality coupled with her tall and hot figure is indeed very impressive.

But Bell glanced back and looked away.

"Hmm? Bellboy?"


This title makes Bell a little uncomfortable, but considering that this person's character is so unruly, maybe this person calls others this way.

Chun's eyes widened, and she only had one thought in her mind at the moment.

"Captain Chun, I have something to talk to you about, and I may have to disturb your rest time for a while."

"It's used to save life. This is a substitute scarecrow, which can be used to resist fatal injuries to the holder.

"Lord God?"

"Ah, it's okay, you can just come in."

"Is this what Lord God said?"

"Yes. In addition, God Hephaestus also asked me to make this thing for you."

She didn't quite understand what the operation was, and she wasn't confused. After all, there were many times before when she was obsessed with forging and forgot about the existence of the request for money entrusted by Lord Shangshen. Maybe it will be the same this time, because before I was so obsessed with forging that I couldn't listen to other words.

Due to time issues, Bell did not prepare any unnecessary pleasantries and went straight to the topic.

Orario has something so outrageous!?

"Captain Chun, this expedition may encounter some troubles, so you need to be adequately prepared.

"Well, this is what God Hephaestus asked me to remind you of."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The generous stick laughed without mind at all, grabbed his hair to get out of the way, and walked into the room on his own.

Chun scratched her face, she didn't expect God Hephaestus to ask Bell to bring her such words. By the way, why didn’t God Hephaestus talk to her directly before the expedition?

Chun looked at the scarecrow in Bell's hand and asked with slight confusion:

Bell walked into Chun's room and closed the door.

"This is a scarecrow? What is it for?"

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