I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 331 The Flaws Of The Substitute Scarecrow

In the hotel room, Bell just sat quietly and rested, waiting for someone to knock on the door.

Bell, who was sitting quietly, suddenly opened his eyes, and the whisper in his ear told him that the guests were coming.

"Please come in, the door is unlocked."

The person outside the door was slightly startled, but he quickly pushed the door open and entered.

The person who entered the door was Finn. He looked at Bell sitting in the room with a little surprise.

"You didn't knock on the door this time. Sir Si'er just said I'm here?"

"The wind told me the answer."

Bell didn't say anything complicated, he just gave the answer sincerely.

"As my use of runes becomes deeper and deeper, in addition to having good five senses, I can also subconsciously receive messages from the wind."

"Although you deliberately relaxed your body, thereby reducing the sound, and controlled your breathing, making it difficult for me to catch even your breathing and heartbeat, you still can't escape the wind's capture.

"That's right, it's your magic."

Finn nodded in understanding.

He naturally knew that Bell had special magic, and Loki also knew a lot about this magic. It was even said that Finn felt that Loki seemed to understand the nature of Bell's magic, so he always said things like "If you have trouble, just go to that brat."

"I have already finished the life-saving props. They are indeed props that can save someone's life at critical moments, but they are not perfect."

Bell needs to explain everything beforehand. After all, if something goes wrong due to imperfection, he doesn't want to take responsibility.

"For example?"

Finn naturally also knew that this kind of life-saving prop would definitely not be perfect. To put it bluntly, there was no prop in Orario that could perfectly save a life.

"The props I created can only withstand one fatal injury. This is based on some special basis, which can transfer the damage caused by fatal attacks to the holder of the prop, thereby allowing the holder to avoid a fatal blow. .”

"But the biggest problem is here. Although props can indeed save a person's life, only the fatal attack can be transferred. Once it is a sustained fatal damage prop, there is nothing you can do~"

After hearing the explanation, Finn was obviously stunned, and then his face began to twitch.

Is this what you call imperfection?

Finn wanted to punch Bell in the face with these words, and then ask him what misunderstandings he had about perfection.

The ability to transfer a fatal injury is already incredible. Even if it is only a fatal injury, it is definitely a life-saving existence.

Adventurers are not afraid of anything in the dungeon except for losing their lives. A chance to deflect fatal damage is like giving the adventurer a life.

So Finn needs to give Bell a heads up here.

"Bell-kun, just like this, it is already an amazing prop."

"It is difficult for adventurers to save themselves when they encounter danger in the dungeon. Even the best therapists cannot make up for the gap in physical strength. But if there are props that can save someone's life at a critical moment, then At the critical moment, adventurers can risk their lives to win."

In Finn's opinion, this kind of life-saving prop is more useful to stronger adventurers.

When there is not much difference in strength, the critical game of life is the key to determining whether the adventurer wins or loses.

This prop that can divert fatal damage at critical moments is an opportunity to save your life, and this opportunity is also the key to dominating the victory.

Therefore, in addition to saving lives, this prop also has the effect of saving lives. It is simply a desperate trump card that will not die.

Okay, maybe Bell underestimated the props he made.

For him, this effect has obvious flaws, but for many adventurers, such flaws may not really matter. It is even said that such props are really not much different from artifacts.

"If Captain Finn feels that this is not a flaw, then it will be fine."

"However, I suggest that you still need to pay attention to safety issues when using it. After all, this kind of prop still has too many problems in my opinion."

As he spoke, Bell snapped his fingers, and ten stand-in scarecrows floated in mid-air.

The materials used for this kind of stand-in scarecrow are actually not very complicated. The key is to form a special causal connection between the scarecrow and the real person, which can transfer the cause and effect of death to the scarecrow at a critical moment.

Because the effect is very simple, the effect is also very simple. It only has this effect and no other effects.

"The way to use this kind of stand-in scarecrow is also very simple. You only need to drip your own blood on the scarecrow. After swallowing enough blood, the stand-in scarecrow will become a mini version of the user. In that case, you only need to put the stand-in into the scarecrow. The scarecrow can be placed next to you, or placed in a space pocket, so that it can serve as a substitute at critical moments."

How outrageous!

Fenn once again confirmed in his heart the outrageousness of this trick. It only needs to swallow enough blood to kill the user once. It is simply an artifact of desperate use.


"Bell-kun, you said it swallowed a sufficient amount of blood? It won't be too much, right?"

Finn has already been prepared for this.

As long as you remember this question and let Riveria and Cassandra watch over you, it will be fine.

(De Nuo Zhao) "Ah, by the way, the unit price of these scarecrows is not cheap."

Anyway, as long as there is no blood dripping on the battlefield, it will be no problem. Even if it sucks some blood during this preparation time, it will be no problem.

Finn is still very confident about this.

This is another issue Bell needs to be reminded of.

After all, the preparation time is less than three days, so Bell can only make such a defective thing. If it takes more preparation time, it should be able to make a better one.

"If you don't want to pay, let's wait until after the expedition. This time after our expedition is over, we should be able to bring more materials back to the ground, and we should be able to pay the subsequent expenses.

During the past expeditions, we had to consider issues such as food, so many dropped items and materials could not be retrieved, which also reduced a lot of material income.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"I see."

You must know that the materials dropped by monsters deep in the dungeon are all very expensive, and most of them are even scarce resources that Orario does not have. If you can bring a lot of materials back, you will definitely get a good profit.

Finn put these stand-in scarecrows into his space pocket.

This is also one of the problems with this prop.

"Ah? No, no, it's not just a drop or two of blood, but it won't suck the person to death. As long as someone is around to treat it, it's just a little anemic.

The preparation time is not long, and it is needed to save lives. In fact, the substitute scarecrow has the function requested by the customer. Although it has certain flaws, the effect is definitely not bad and it can tolerate some problems with the prop itself.

"I know this. This special prop is obviously not going to be cheap."

Well, although this is also a problem, considering the effect of this thing, Finn doesn't think there is any problem.

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