I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 308 Temporary Order

After getting the conclusive information, Freya accepted the commission from the guild.

Due to the direct intervention of the Freya Familia, the monsters near the food depot on the 24th floor were easily wiped out. At the same time, the food depot was also uprooted, and there was not even a single person to stop it.

However, it is not that there are no clues left at all. At least there are some piranha flowers left next to the food bank that cannot be completely transferred, which can be regarded as defining the nature of this incident. The dark faction is involved.


damn it!?

The man punched the wall hard.

"Freya Freya...if it weren't for the involvement of that Freya family member, I wouldn't have left in such an embarrassing state..."

The man was looking for excuses for his escape, but there was no need for it. After all, he was facing Orario's strongest force. He was only a mere Level 4, and there would be absolutely no resistance against Level 7. force.

"Hmph~ It's really ridiculous."

Listening to the sarcastic sneer in his ears, the veins on the man's forehead jumped wildly.


A fist 067 clearly appeared in the man's field of vision. The next second the fist came into contact with his entire face, it was distorted and deformed. His entire face was even punched into the wall.

"Don't call me by my name."

Revis's cold murderous intent was enough to freeze one's consciousness, and her fist was firmly stamped on the man's face.

"In addition, complete your mission well. If the food bank is destroyed, then find other energy. It is your mission to help another clone absorb energy. This is what you said yourself."

The moment the fist left the man's face, a pool of blood came out of the man.


After spitting out the mouthful of blood, the man looked at Revis with an angry face, but he could not refute.

"I will complete the mission given to me by the goddess, and I will definitely make the goddess's glory fully bloom on the 59th floor. Just wait for me, and I will definitely be able to bring the "Sword Princess" that the goddess hopes for in front of her first. "

Revis just smiled disdainfully at the man's words. A mere loser who was not even her opponent could be "Arya's" opponent?

It was just a mad dog that was rescued.

If it weren't for the lack of manpower now, she would even want to tear the licking dog in front of her into pieces with her own hands.

The man left in embarrassment, leaving Revis sitting on the ground alone, looking at her arm that had not fully recovered.

In fact, the broken arm should have been able to recover earlier, but there was a special force preventing her from recovering.

"That knife...or that person...

She has confirmed that there is no curse on her right hand, and if there is a curse, there are many ways to remove it.

However, the arm problem is not the most critical issue. The key issue is that the recovery of a broken arm requires too much energy. The magic stones she is devouring now are used for physical recovery, but her strength is at a standstill. This is the biggest problem for her.

This time, not only the filthy fairy faction in the dungeon knew about the matter, but the dark faction was also very aware of it.

When they knew that "The Fierce One" was leading the team to the dungeon, no one in the entire dark faction wanted to cause trouble. After all, a Lv.7 leading a group of Lv.6 was no joke, and it would not be good for the dark faction. If you hit him directly, you'll be dead.

Therefore, the dark factions at this moment were also very calm and did not make any reaction to this.

Anyway, to highlight one idea, the "fierce man" hid calmly in the dungeon before leading the team to leave. Don't rush forward if nothing happens. No one will save you if you die.

Under such an atmosphere, the dungeon was completely at peace.

At this moment, Bell was still in a state of limbo. He simply chose to ignore the external affairs and focused on accumulating "ability points".

Time just passes by accumulating day by day.

Bell spent almost the whole day in the dungeon, in order to advance on the expedition and increase his "ability value" to the extreme level of LV.2.

For this purpose, Bell temporarily put aside his "skills" that were almost reaching the extreme level, and focused all his time on polishing his "ability values."

Under such circumstances, there is naturally rapid progress.

However, during the polishing process, Bell did not update the "ability values" too frequently, but postponed the updates to the last few days.

A month later, the Loki family sent a message to Bell through the hands of Hephaestus.

PS: Please collect and send flowers.........Please comment.

However, the substitute scarecrow also has limitations. It cannot resist continuous attacks and can only deflect fatal attacks. Therefore, if it encounters a fatal attack with a wide range and sustained nature, it will be completely put to rest.

"Do you still have time?"

Only critical hits can be transferred.

"Need some armor that can block Level 7 or even Level 8 attacks?"

In fact, the creation of a substitute scarecrow is not very complicated, just bind it to a person, and when it feels the cause and effect of death, it will transfer the cause and effect to the scarecrow. "It is a relatively easy-to-use rune product."

Hephaestus said with a smile.

"But if I know the purpose of the scarecrow you made, even if it costs 1 billion Faris, Loki will come up with it for you."

"Well...the expedition is scheduled to start in three days. It might be okay to prepare a few stand-in scarecrows, but to keep their accounts, each one will cost at least 100 million French.

"Let's forget about the armor. There's not enough time to get the armor, but I can prepare a substitute scarecrow for them."

1 billion is a bit unkind. If you continue to improve the stand-in scarecrow, you may be able to sell it at this price, but it is not necessary.

"give it to me.

If the two sides are close in strength, maybe the substitute scarecrow can reverse the situation at a critical moment. But if the difference in strength is too big, even if there are 100 substitute scarecrows, they will still die.

Therefore, when Bell is made, it is usually made together with the transfer talisman, and the transfer talisman is directly bound to the substitute scarecrow. It's like Hestia and Hephaestus have such a safe combination around them to ensure that no one will hurt them.

However, Bell somewhat understands the thoughts of the Loki Familia, and he probably wants to rely on Rune to help them protect themselves.

"Hestia, please help me update the "ability values". "

"Forget it for 1 billion Faris. The substitute scarecrow is also a defective thing. Selling 171 of them is considered a huge profit."

Bell was a little speechless when he saw this request. He was not a craftsman, so why would this news be transferred to him?

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