I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 307 Information Months Late

"I reject.

Obviously, the commission that should not be rejected was rejected.

"Excuse me, why is this?"

The receptionist who came to represent the guild to initiate a commission for the Freya Familia was dumbfounded at this moment. She thought it was just a certainty that God Freya would accept the commission, but the fact was that she refused.

The unexpected situation made the receptionist a little confused at the moment, and he couldn't help but ask "why".

Freya's seductive eyes swept across the lovely receptionist in front of her. The charm of the goddess made even the female receptionist swallow her saliva. She smiled as if she saw her satisfied expression, and Freya also said gave the reason for his refusal.

"This is not the condition I want."

Taxes? Number of expeditions?

These are not Freya's current concerns.

Judging from the size of her family members, she can still withstand the pressure of these things even if the guild does not give her relief, so this is not the condition she wants.

It's really not a good thing.

The receptionist had a sad face. She knew that it would definitely not be a good thing if it was her turn. The job that could have been completed easily, but now she got Freya's rejection.

But luckily she was already prepared.

"Since God Freya refuses, I will leave first."

Yes, at this moment the receptionist is mentally prepared to be rejected.

After all, the guild's commission is not mandatory. Even if it is rejected, there is nothing to say. She is not qualified to negotiate the conditions that cannot be agreed upon.

So, just retreat quickly at this time.

"Loki is preparing for an expedition."

"Ganesha is still dealing with the dark faction's affairs."

"If it weren't for the fact that Orario's family members are not suitable to deal with this problem, the Great God Ouranos would not have entrusted it to me."

Freya chose to refuse the conditions proposed by Uranus, but this did not mean that she was unwilling to discuss the conditions.

On her terms.

"God Freya, I will convey these words to the great god Ouranos."

The receptionist's face twitched a few times, but he quickly changed the topic with a smile.

It would be better for a little receptionist like her not to get involved in this kind of conversation between gods.

Just remember God Freya's request and tell it to your superiors.

Soon Freya's meaning was also conveyed to the inside of the guild, to be precise, the ears of Ouranos and Fels.

"Sure enough, she still knows something."

Fels said with emotion that she had never underestimated Orario's god, but these things had never been leaked out, but the god Freya still knew some things. Fels was very clear about the conditions God Freya wanted.

"Ouranos, what God Freya wants is information about Bell Cronni, right?"

Ouranos nodded slightly.

"That's her way of doing things."

"The information has always been suppressed, and the guild also has the child's helpers to conceal it. But that only made her more interested and wanted to know more about the child.

This is indeed the style of the goddess Freya, but rather than knowing these things from other people's mouths, perhaps she prefers to see them through her own eyes.

"Should you tell her?"

Ouranos was also lost in thought at this moment.

"Bell Cronny's own information is unknown to us, so tell her the information we know."

Fels didn't expect Ouranos to play so big.

"Doesn't it matter?"

Ouranos shook his head indifferently.

"Her interest has always been in that child. Adding some of the auras of Zeus and Hera just made her pay more attention, and it will not have a greater impact on the child."

Naturally, larger information needs to be hidden, such as the child's own strength, and that child may be able to carry the banner of Orario's era.

So compared to these important parts, the unimportant parts can be used as transactions.

"In addition, Freya won't go directly to things that she is not sure about. At least she can buy some time for the child before then."

Fels was silent for a moment and then nodded slightly.

"Then I will sort out that part of the information, convert it into sacred words, encrypt it, and send it to God Freya."

In the afternoon, the receptionist who represented the guild once again came to the Freya family and once again faced the goddess Freya who was lazily drinking wine.

The receptionist tried to divert her gaze to other places, but her eyes couldn't help but look at the goddess Freya. Slowly, her smart eyes were completely immersed in love, and then became completely chaotic.


This is the power that belongs to Freya. As the goddess of beauty and love, she has the power to confuse all living beings. Unfortunately, her power has also been greatly restricted after her divine power was sealed.

However, it is more than enough for playing with the similarly sealed gods in the lower realm and raising children in the lower realm.

Freya searched for the memory of the child in front of her, but in vain.

"The child's level of confidentiality in the guild is quite high."

Although it was just a futile effort, Freya already knew a lot from Ouranos's attitude.

"give it to me."

When I was looking through the memory of the child in front of me just now, I discovered the information that Ouranos used to trade with her.

It's just that these statements are like hindsight. Only when the identity of the child is known at first, and then based on the "ordinary" she sees, can she analyze the unusualness of the child.

But being ordinary in the heaven does not mean it is ordinary in the lower world.

"What color is that child's soul?"

"Zeus and Hera... I didn't expect that child to have such a relationship with those two families."

The receptionist took out an envelope from his arms with dull eyes.

After thinking about this, Freya only felt regretful. If the child did not have special characteristics, there would be no way to avoid her eyes.

There was a special mark printed on the outside of that envelope.

"The information about the transaction has been sealed so tightly. Do they want me to know? Or do they not want me to know?"

He took the envelope and examined it carefully. There was a very special seal set on the outside of the envelope, which could only be opened by specific gods.

Although she felt a little regretful, Freya's expectations were even higher.

At least the appearance of this kind of envelope means "special". Freya could only smile helplessly and opened the envelope.

"Then there's only one reason why that child came to Orario."

"So that's it~ That's it~ Everything is already destined."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

So this information is a few months late.

It was deliberately arranged.

The sacred words inside made Freya's pupils dilate slightly, and then the corners of her mouth raised in a big arc.

It would be too common for this kind of letter to be placed in the heaven. After all, sometimes everyone also plays a letter-writing game. That kind of game is not suitable for letting too many gods know, so everyone will make some restrictions so that only special gods can read it. The seal is the format of the envelope in front of you.

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