I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 20 Aegina's Reminder

"It seems to be something that happened to Bell-kun alone. If this matter is known to others, it will also attract the attention of some gods. There are some special secrets in Bell, and it is because of this secret that this child is different. It's normal. It's just that this kid doesn't seem to know it. It seems that I also need to pay special attention in the future to not let other people know this kid's secret."

Aegina was not prepared to tell the secret to any god. Since she had told her the secret, it meant that she had also gained Bell's trust. In order to live up to this trust, she will also try her best to help hide the secret.

"Mr. Bell, don't let anyone know what you said just now. If that kind of thing is known to the top of the guild, then you may be the one to be studied. The guild has been investigating the dungeon all the time. And research, if you're controlling the operation of a dungeon for personal reasons, then you're going to be the subject of research."

"So, you'd better not act in a team with others. This is absolutely the worst thing for your future development. Many levels of the dungeon cannot be walked alone, and it is possible to form a team. The best way to get you to the middle level early. That is to say, as long as you want to keep your secrets from being known, you can’t make any dangerous actions in the future, and you can only develop your own strength little by little.”

Not being able to form a team also means that you want to challenge your own limits. It takes more than hard work to make yourself go further, it really requires taking risks. There is a huge flood between Lv.1 and Lv.2, and it takes hard work to cross this boundary.

There is no doubt that this is a very dangerous thing. Aegina is also strongly against such desperate adventures, and "adventurers can't take risks" is what she often says. But for this child, it seems that there is no way to continue to maintain that statement. After all, if this kid wants to keep his secret.

"For this point, it is exactly what I want."

Bell was unwilling to trust any "comrade-in-arms" from the very beginning. To just trust someone in this city is to entrust your life to someone else, something like a fool would obviously not be something Bell would do.

"Because of my personal experience, I won't trust anyone casually. And the city of Orari is also a very special place, and it is very difficult to find a companion who can form a team."

"If that's what you think, then do what you think."

Although Eina really wanted to enlighten the child about some ideas, the child had already said that it was because of her own experience that she did not want to believe anyone. What kind of experience made this child think like this, Ai Na didn't know, but she really wanted to know at this moment.

Clearly, Bell matured because of those experiences. Humble thoughts and efforts to hide their actions all indicate that this child has been seriously hurt in the past. That is to say, because he knows where he will be injured, the child's atrial barrier is very thick, and not everyone can open it. Also not everyone is qualified to know.

She had only known Bell for less than three days, and she obviously didn't have the qualifications to know. So Aegina didn't ask any further questions.

Just looking at the goblin knives lying on the ground in the room, Aegina still felt a little helpless. The number of such hits cannot be identified in a short time. Of course, the situation of these short knives also needs to be concealed, otherwise the guild will directly know about Bell.

"Mr Bell, let's talk about the value of the Goblin Knife. Goblin's magic stones may not be very valuable, each one is only worth 100 Pharis. But the Goblin Knife is far more valuable. Much more than this value. Considering that it is a rather sharp weapon in itself, but even the Minotaur with strong body surface defense can cause damage, the value of the Goblin Knife has increased to less than 100,000 spells. Liss up and down."

The high value surprised Bell. I originally thought that this short knife and a 10,000 Pharis would be almost the same, but who would have thought that this kind of play would have turned ten times directly.

"Are monster drops so valuable?"

Aegina felt she needed to introduce Bell.

"Mr. Bell, the value of the drops of any upper-level monsters fluctuates between 1,000 phalis and 10,000 phalis. After all, most of the dropped items from monsters are materials for weapons and potions, which themselves require the first It was processed twice, so the upper-level monster drops only have the same price. But the weapons are completely different."

"The Goblin's dagger is a weapon that can seriously injure the middle-level monster Minotaur, so its value is not within the range of the upper-level. It is sharp enough to seriously injure even a middle-level monster. In addition, the drop probability of the Goblin Knife itself is quite low, so its value is only one line worse than the low-level weapons sold in those shops."

By explaining Bell, I can understand why the Goblin Knife is so valuable. Mainly because the goblin knife itself is a finished weapon that does not need to be polished later. And the goblin knife is in good condition, and it can even cut the flesh of Minotaur. It is precisely because of this uniqueness that this adds value to the weapon.

"Mr. Bell, how many are there in total?"


"In this case, it's 26.4 million Pharis. The first time you entered the dungeon, you earned such a huge amount of money. If you let the other families know, they will all be scared by Bell's ability to make money, right?"

Bell smiled wryly. This one-handed operation of his will only scare the clan, it really will scare people to death. In fact, he himself was frightened to death by his own operation. At the beginning, it was 26.4 million Pharis. As long as he maintained this operation for a week, he might even be able to get one of the most advanced weapons.

Of course, this operation should not be repeated several times.

Once is enough to be eye-catching. If the number of times is too many, it will be easy to be missed by people with intentions, because these short knives need to be shot, and he has already taken the risk of being known. He couldn't stand it after doing the same operation several times.

"This should be the last time. In the future, except for magic stones, don't continue to sell those materials in the guild. Maybe you need the help of God-sama to sell things, or ask Faith Tos. The channel from God's side."

After the teasing, Aegina became more serious. On the guild's side, she can give Bell a lot of help, but this help is not unrestrained. She also needs to give Bell a bottom line, and Eina feels she needs to give Bell an unnoticed limited arrangement.

Otherwise, every time such a move is used, not only the gods will be suspicious, but even the inside of the guild will not be able to hide it.

"Mr Bell, I also need to have a good talk with you about these short knives. In the future, you need to control the amount of monster drops you sell, otherwise not only the gods will stare at you, but even the guild. I'll keep an eye on you too. I can fool you this time, but only once."

"So, Mr. Bell, next time you'd better deal with those excess drops from other sources."

PS; ask for collection... ask for flowers... ask for evaluation

PS: I still attach great importance to the evaluation votes. Can some readers lose more?

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