I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 19 Strange Phenomena

"Space-type magic, and it's still a magic that can store things. Space-type magic almost doesn't exist, and it's still a rare space magic with storage properties. If that Loki God knew, he would definitely Excited to the point of madness."

Aegina had almost imagined the image of Loki going mad. After all, all of Orari knew that every expedition "Loki Familia" would give up the expedition because it couldn't get too many things. In other words, as long as there is one person in the "Loki Familia" who can possess space magic, then the expedition of the "Loki Familia" can open up a new level of the dungeon.

"Unfortunately, this child who can use space magic did not join the Loki family. If this child's abilities did not change after joining the Loki family, the God of Loki might really be going crazy with laughter."

However, Aegina quickly raised her head.

"Bell-kun, since it's such an important matter, you should keep it a secret. You should go back to your family to sell the magic stone, and then repackage it and sell it. In this case, you can't keep it a secret. ?"

It wasn't that Bell didn't know this, but he really couldn't do it. Helplessly covering his face, this approach is just to make himself more conspicuous. Expose to one person and to everyone, a choice Bell knows how to do with his eyes closed.

"Miss Aegina, what I want to sell isn't just magic stones. If it's just magic stones, then I don't have to expose my magic. But what I get in the dungeon is not just magic stones."

Not just magic stones?

Aegina couldn't react for a while. And the drop? But Aegina knew that the probability of dropping items from monsters was very low. How could she also need to expose her special magic when buying one or two items?

And just when Aegina couldn't understand, Bell moved directly. "Pa" snapped his fingers, and a large number of "ding ding ding" weapon falling sounds began to appear in the open space of the room. This phenomenon even lasted for a while before it stopped. But in such a short time, it almost filled the whole room.

Bell sighed deeply. I don't know if he was lucky or not. After the goblin is killed, a magic stone and a short knife will appear. The magic stone should definitely be a normal drop from goblins, but the dagger is definitely not. It is because of this understanding that Bell chose to expose one of his hole cards.

It's not because he doesn't want to hide it, it's because there are too many goblin knives, so that once he sells it, he will definitely be stared at by those who are interested. It hurts too much to be stared at at this early stage. So Bell's choice was to expose his cards to the safest possible person.

"so much!?"

Aegina was bewildered by the series of voices and the pile of knives. With a stiff neck, she turned her head to look at Bell, and pointed to the pile of knives lying on the ground next to her.

"Bell-kun, are these... are they all dropped items?"

Bell nodded helplessly and embarrassedly.

After confirming this, Aegina's face twitched. What's up with this amount of drops? Even a big family like the "Loki Familiar" couldn't get so many drops in one expedition. This amount was several times exaggerated than the drops the guild received every day.

Aegina then picked up a short knife and examined it carefully. Then she quickly realized the origin of these short knives. She raised her head sharply and looked at Bell who was sitting across from her, and she knew that this was something Bell had exploded from the goblin's body. But why are there so many such ultra-rare drops?

Goblins are not a monster that is difficult to kill in a dungeon, or even one of the best monsters to deal with. But it is because of the good solution of the goblins that the drops of goblins are very, very rare, and even so rare that maybe only ten goblin knives will appear in the guild in a year or two.

But there are at least hundreds of goblin knives that have fallen here, and it has soared to the number that the guild will only have for decades. If someone told Aegina before that someone could get so many goblin knives, she would definitely not believe it. It is simply impossible for anyone to have such luck.

"Mr. Bell, how many goblins did you kill today?"

Bell reluctantly pointed to the daggers around, and then said a number.

"284 in total."

Just this amount alone is too much. The first floor of the dungeon will not produce such a large number of goblins, you must know that most of the time monsters are refreshed at a fixed time. According to the number of goblins spawned, they are only spawned three times a day, and each time there are only a dozen or so.

So how did the number of 284 come from?

Aegina took a deep breath and looked at Bell and asked solemnly.

"Mr. Bell, did you encounter a monster feast in the dungeon?"

"...Miss Aegina thinks there is such a thing as a monster feast on the first floor?"

Feast of monsters, a situation unique to dungeons. It means that a large number of monsters are born on a floor, but this phenomenon often occurs below the third floor, rather than the first floor. Facts and experience have proved that it is impossible for a monster feast to appear on the first floor, otherwise the entrance to the dungeon would have been blasted long ago.

Aegina also realized that she was wrong, there should be no monster feast on the first floor. However, Aegina also reacted, even if it is a monster feast, it is impossible for 284 monsters to appear in this number. And this number obviously didn't appear all at once, after all, even Lv.2 adventurers couldn't resist the attack of so many goblins.

"So, how did Bell-kun meet such a large number of goblins?"

In fact, Bell has not thought about this issue. Although I felt that the amount of experience accumulated from the goblins was a little too much, but such an amount did not come up all at once. Looking back now, it seems that after he killed one wave, another wave appeared after a while.

"I don't quite understand it myself. Almost always after I killed four or five goblins, after some time of adjustment and rest, the next wave of goblins was discovered by me. Except during lunch time in the middle. After stopping for a long time, within the time I adjusted, I found another wave of goblins that was born after only a short interval."

Aegina looked at Bell the first time she got the answer. Obviously, this description and this number of goblins, no matter where you look at it, appear to be because of Bell. Whether it's lunch at noon or the time when the goblins appear between intervals, they all seem to be catering to Bell's state.

It's just that Eina didn't know if the answer she got was correct. After all, it was the first time that such a bizarre thing had happened. At least until now, this is the first time such a weird thing has happened.

PS; ask for collection... ask for flowers... ask for evaluation

PS; cough cough, I'm sorry that my condition has not been very good in the past two days.

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