I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 197 Eat It

"I was deceived..."

The moment Lililuka Ode was thrown out by her companions from the same family, her heart was completely desperate.

She shouldn't trust adventurers.

For the sake of profit, adventurers will do any one dirty thing.

She also doesn't deny that she's the same dirty person.

For her own purposes, in order to be able to break away from the Sumo family, she did a lot of dirty things, even killing those adventurers, so as to obtain the "inheritance" of those adventurers

Perhaps, her situation now is her retribution.

The body collapsed weakly on the ground, weakly watching the surrounding killer ants slowly approaching his body.

"What's going on!? Why can't you move?"

Lili Luca, who was paralyzed on the ground, listened to the familiar voice and subconsciously looked over, and saw that the three people who used her as bait to escape were fixed in place.

Lili Luca, who saw this scene, couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha... It looks like you're going to die here like Lily." ”

For Lili Luca, death at this moment is actually like liberation.

She knew there was no way she could escape from this place.

The wealth she had worked hard to accumulate in the past to get out of the 10 tribes of Su Mo's family could not even be spent, and she was very unwilling.

But what if you are unwilling?

Can filthy she expect the hero who saved her to arrive?

Can she still be saved from such a filthy slump?

Lililuka just laughed sadly, maybe only then can she laugh unbridledly, she can laugh unscrupulously at the adventurers who look down on her and treat her as a tool.


The man led by the Dog Terran was gritting his teeth deadly, but even if his teeth were about to be crushed, his fixed body could not even move a step.

"You did it!"

Lili Luca's face only had contempt on her face when she said this, is such a person an adventurer? I can't even tell if she did it.

"yes, what about what I did?"

"I just want you to die here with me!"

The emotions that had been suppressed all broke out at this moment.

For those insatiable adventurers, Lili Luca has nothing but contempt.

The ability is not great, but he thinks only to squeeze money from her, and such scum will turn out to be an adventurer.

It's disgusting.

「...... Ah, so am I."

"It's disgusting."

For the disdain of the insatiable adventurer, Lili Luca also felt disgusted.

How many adventurers has she killed for her own purposes?

Lili Luca remembers clearly.


Thirteen adventurers were indirectly killed by her.

As long as you use the monsters in the dungeon and drop some props that can attract monsters, you can easily attract the monsters in the dungeon.

And all she needs to do is take advantage of the fire and steal the things of those adventurers at the most dangerous time, so that they can be killed by the monsters they attract, so that no one will know that she did it.

The man in the lead also had a bruise on his neck when he listened to Lili Luca's words, but his body was controlled, and he couldn't even jump if he wanted to.

Look at the killer ants around you.

If it weren't for the surrounding killing ants that seemed to have stopped inexplicably, they would have been killed and eaten by the killing ants by now.

At this time, he could only suppress his tone

"Ode, we don't have to do this."

In order to survive, even the supporters they despised the most, the dog people led by them, chose to compromise.


Lili Luca couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hey! Lord Adventurer, you really think that Lily and I did it, do you?"

"Lily doesn't have that ability."

"If Lily had that ability, then Lily would have killed you in the first place!"

After laughing, there was only contempt in Lililuka's voice.

Anyway, now that she is already going to die, there is no need to continue to talk humbly.

Lililuka remembered how these people had just spoken unruly.

To be honest, she wanted to see these people dying without panicking.

Unfortunately, these adventurers could not continue to maintain the same high posture as they did to her just now when facing death.

"Ed........ You stinky bitch!"

Hearing Lili Luca's words, the man completely lost the restraint just now.

If it weren't for the fact that his body had been controlled, he would even rush straight up and strangle that bitch.

But he couldn't move, so Lili Luca, who saw this, became more indifferent.

Knowing that this was her own retribution, she had no fear of the past, nor any fear.

For her in the Sumo family, it is just to die early and later.

But Lili Luca was already feeling tired.

She really didn't want to do the things she had done before, and maybe it would be nice to die here under her own retribution.

"I'm so tired..."

In the face of death, Lili Luca's mood is very calm.

As the voice fell, the faces of the three adventurers of the Sumo clan changed at the same time.

Now she is just regretting why she joined the Sumo family, which was a wrong decision in the first place.

It's too easy for killer ants to kill three Lv.1 adventurers.

"It seems that it is only contaminated with some, and the key is really not on these people."

The person wearing the hood didn't care about the "feast of killing ants" next to him, but came to Lili Luca.

"It seems that the thing is indeed on you."

"Brother! Brother....aaaaaaa

The restricted killing ants around immediately crawled over to the three with red eyes.

"Eat it."

At this moment, the sound of gentle footsteps entered the ears of the four people present.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

The man in the hood looked over to the man, and just when the dog man thought his words had an effect, he heard the other person say.

"But I am indeed a troublemaker, maybe this is my retribution."

The man led by the dog 530 Terran immediately saw a man wearing a cloak and a hood coming over.

"Brother! Brothers! We have money, we have a big deposit hidden in the face of Gold Curry, as long as you release us, it's all yours!"

"Grandpa, grandma, thank you very much for taking you in.......

However, killing ants are not only hunting adventurers, but also can easily devour these adventurers with flesh and bones, just like the habits of ants

Being able to say these words, it seems that men also know that at this time life and wealth must give up one, otherwise their fate will be the same as that of Ed, who they used as bait.

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