I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 196 A Chance Encounter On The Return Journey

Bell obviously felt that his understanding of earthborn people had become much stronger, and he would even subconsciously attack the magic stone hidden in the skull of earthborn people.

But how does this subconscious come about?

Bell himself doesn't know how this subconscious comes about.

He knew that the guild had a lot of monster strategies, but because of his previous caution, he only paid attention to the monster strategies of the first ten layers.

The strategies of other floors need to be borrowed books to learn, otherwise it is impossible to understand the characteristics of those monsters.

So where did his understanding of earthly people come from?

Bell clearly remembered that he did not buy the monster information after ten floors, so how could he have such an understanding of the earthly people?

This is a problem that even Bell himself does not know why.

He just felt that after killing the first earthborn person "Seven Six Three", it was as if he could confirm the location of the magic stone of the earthborn person.

Moreover, by observing Bell, it can be determined that the distance between the eyes of the earthborn person is not very far, but it is extremely sensitive to hearing and has the ability to locate sound.

But if he was not habitually cautious when he first entered the floor, I am afraid that he would already be surrounded by earthly people.

But because of this, Bell is even more curious why he subconsciously pays attention to these problems, and discovers the characteristics of earthborn people so quickly.

"I don't understand the situation."

Bell glanced at the earthborn people on this floor, frowned slightly, and then turned around and chose to leave.

It was obviously not a wise decision to start tossing around the dungeon without understanding the changes in your body.

This state of not being controlled by himself is what Bell hates the most.

The next time he continues to explore the dungeon, then he will definitely be ready to go to the middle level.

So you need to understand this change before you come to the dungeon next time.

On the way back, Bell's walking speed was not very fast.

As I walked back, I struggled to think about why I was doing what I did.

"It's really strange, I really only know the name of the earthborn, but why do I suddenly know so clearly about the situation of the earthborn?"

The first time I aimed at the skull and stabbed it, it was because there was only something that could be hidden inside, and it was obvious that the magic stone of the living person was hidden inside the skull.

So the first time he started, Bell didn't plan to hit the magic stone all at once.

But his luck was indeed very good, and he stabbed the magic stone with one sword.

But what about the second time?

The second time he stabbed through the skull of the earthborn man, Bell was sure that he was aiming for the magic stone.

It was not deliberately aimed, but very subconsciously aimed at the magic stone, and this subconscious behavior was really accurate to the magic stone.

Therefore, this subconscious is very problematic.

"Jianshuo should not have such ability."

The first thing Bell ruled out was the concept of "fitness" that he had instilled yesterday.

That concept is a purely physical concept, how can it have this subconscious effect on the body?

So, "robust" is certainly not the real problem.

Then the problem can only arise at one point.

After the reinforcement, "nine characters and two characters".

"It seems that it can only be nine characters."

Although Bell itself does not have strong reasoning ability, he can't stand the elimination method.

From yesterday to now, he has only infused the concept of "Jianshuo", and just now he has strengthened the "Nine Characters and Determination" and then discovered that this "Nine Characters and Determination" is still snatched from the hands of the root type.

"It seems that the new characteristics of this knife caused me a series of reactions."

The characteristic of "cutting through everything" is that it is based on knowing the death of each object from the root, so that any kind of object can be easily cut.

In a sense, this is something that only those who record the beginning and the end as the root can do.

Death is the end.

It is because you can understand death and see through it that you can easily cut through everything.

In a sense, cutting open all things should be the root style often using nine characters to cut off all things, which leaves such a characteristic for nine characters and determination.

So how did he use this concept when he didn't have the root that records the beginning and end of everything?

This question made Bell pause slightly, and then he understood a little why he had the strange feeling of using it just now.

"Whether that's the case or not, you need to do some tests first.0

"If this is true, then this knife should be going to take me into an incredible world."

A possible answer had appeared in Bell's mind, and this answer also surprised him.

Calmed his emotions a bit.

Suddenly, the sound of a large number of monsters gathering was heard in his ears.

Bell's footsteps paused, and suddenly a killer ant came out of the ground in front of Bell, which made Bell frown.

"Which bastard brought these things out?"

This is the fifth floor of the dungeon, which is already considered to be close to the ground floor.

Most of the people who usually hunt here are Lv.1 adventurers, but it seems that so many killing ants are deliberately lured out, probably to prepare for killing and escaping.

"That's why I can't trust any adventurer."

Bell continued to remain hidden and walked over with the killer ants to see the excitement.

On the way past, Bell heard more killer ants gathering over.

And in the noisy sound of killing ants, Bell also heard the voices not far away.

"Ed, you don't want to mess around like you did this time, do you?"

It was a man's voice, but this "Ed" made Bell's expression a little more subtle.

"Lililuka Oder?"

"So it is, no wonder I always feel that this scene is a little familiar with the lines just now." 0.8 Bell now understands why he feels that familiar.

These were the three times he had met the little Terran girl in the dungeon.

"It seems that even if I am cautious, I will let that little human meet me."

"But it looks like this is the last time."

Bell continued to follow the direction of the killer ant.

Walking through a fork full of killer ants, Bell sees three adventurers and a small Terran girl caught in mid-air.

Without a detailed explanation, Bell understands this situation very well.

Looking at the little Terran girl who was lifted into the air, Bell was slightly stunned, and then grinned slightly.

"It seems that your luck is indeed good, but now there is a reason for me to do it."

PS: Please collect........ Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

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