I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 178 The Goddess's Heart Is Forever

Because it was an invitation from God Hephaestus, Bell couldn't refuse.

Of course, he also had a lot of things he wanted to say to God Hephaestus in his heart, so he came to the edge of the sofa and sat next to God Hephaestus.

"Bell, I already know from Hestia about your purpose in moving forward. 35

Bell is not very surprised about this. After all, Lord God and Hephaestus usually have the best relationship and have the most contact time. Naturally, Lord God will also give some secrets to Hephaestus. Silk God to share.

This kind of thing is also a very common thing among ordinary people's best friends.

So, Bell just took a deep breath and looked at Hephaestus more seriously.

"Since Hephaestus God knows, why is it still... like that? 35

"So? You mean my blessing to you?


Bell really didn't quite understand, why did Hephaestus join in even though Hephaestus knew Lord God's thoughts and his purpose of becoming stronger?

Looking at Bell who didn't understand, Hephaestus' face was calm without any guilt.

"If you just want to spend decades with Hestia, then I won't bother you and Hestia no matter what.

"However, your purpose is to pursue a longer time with Hestia, so I let go of that persistence.

"...So that's how it is."

No wonder Bell felt that the blessing of God Hephaestus to his goddess was abrupt, and he didn't expect the real problem here.

The gods themselves have a very low concept of time, because gods have existed in this world for too long, even so long that many gods have been suffocated into insane.

Therefore, time is the cheapest and most precious to the gods.

The cheap is the time of the gods in the heaven, and the precious is the time of the gods in the lower world.

Seeing Bell understand what she just said, Hephaestus cocked her legs and turned her head to look at him with her chin on one hand.

"If you are fighting for a longer time, I will not give up this heart"

Bell really didn't expect God Hephaestus to have such an idea. It seems that the ideas of gods and humans are different.

This made his consciousness pause for two seconds.

"God Hephaestus... wouldn't he care about this?"

"If it were other gods, I would definitely care, but if Hestia is the case, I can only say that I am one step behind. After all, it was the child who dug you out first, and I was ranked after that child. 55

If there is an advanced consciousness, then Hephaestus will definitely grab Bell before he becomes Hestia's family. But even the gods don't have the ability to see the future, otherwise, wouldn't the gods choose the children of the lower realm with excellent ability to start?

Hephaestus straightened her waist and leaned on the back of the sofa, her body turned slightly sideways, and her hand even pulled Bell to her side.

"The first thought that struck you was that morning.

"Who made you a little pervert unable to control your eyes in the morning, and aim at the goddess' body when you get up early."

Bell looked slightly embarrassed, and his eyes really didn't control that morning.

Normally, Bell can control his emotions and his eyes well, but didn't Hephaestus wake up that morning?

The key is that he really didn't expect Hephaestus to be awake.

Hephaestus smiled slightly, pinching Bell's embarrassed face.

"Of course, that's just to make me think you're a bit of a lecherous child. 99

Here Bell is out of the arms of the god Hephaestus, and he needs to explain it to the god Hephaestus.

"God Hephaestus, in fact, I was..."

"No need to explain.

Before Bell could say anything, Hephaestus put her hand over his mouth.

"It's not bad for boys in the lower realm to think like this, and it's just something that got my attention."

"The idea of ​​"little devil" was born at that time, but after you solved the problem of my right face, my attitude towards you changed a little. ""

'Uh... God Hephaestus, isn't this just repayment?

Fool. "


Hephaestus rolled her eyes, did she really think she was such a superficial person?

"What the gods care about is the momentary heartbeat, because the gods will not have any changes, so those who can make the gods change will be forever remembered by the gods.

"So, for our gods, a moment's heartbeat means forever.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Bell really did not expect such a thought for the gods.

A moment of heartbeat means forever.

This is indeed the difference between humans and gods.

","Although this does not correspond to all gods, goddesses like Ishtar are not within the scope of ordinary gods. However, for most goddesses, this moment of heartbeat is an eternal encounter for us.

"So, the gods are always looking for encounters in the lower realm.

Bell now understood the reason why Hephaestus would take the initiative to come over.

"Also, what you're after is not decades, but hope forever.

Hephaestus' words made Bell take a deep breath.

"I do seek forever."

After having a short life experience, now I have the opportunity to set my goals bigger.

"The demigod of Lv.10 is my goal, and I also hope to be in contact with the Lord God for a longer time.

These words are actually what Hephaestus wants to hear now.

"Just Hestia?"

"...The only person who thought about it before was Lord Shangshen (Wang Qianzhao).

"Well, now you can think a little more."

Hephaestus' words didn't allow Bell to hold back.

The love between the gods and the mortals of the lower world, if even the gods are already prepared, then as a mortal, why should he hesitate?

“It’s okay to be bold. 35

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

The sudden approach of the face, the sudden contact with the breath made Bell stunned.

After saying this, Bell felt a special twist.

"I... also hope to be in contact with God Hephaestus for a longer time."

"God Hephaestus, this is the first time I've had this... uh!

Those soft lips made Bell's consciousness come to a standstill.

Gradually separated, Hephaestus' pretty face had a layer of blush.

"I allow you to have such bold ideas.

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