I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 177 Rational and Emotional Choices

"Reversing the cause and effect. It is a more advanced usage than the rune script, and let the amulet take the damage on the oneself instead of oneself."

"Completely jumped over the red line that the gods were fatally wounded, and replaced all the cause and effect of fatal wounds with talismans.

This can be said to be quite an act of cheating, but it is also a guarantee that Bell can think of to give Hephaestus God's safety.

"Both "Turn" and "Hidden" can be used independently, but only "Replace" can be used automatically. Once it really reaches that dangerous level, the "Death Amulet" will work immediately, and it will work together with "Turn" and "Hidden" to ensure that you can be in a safe position. "5

And Bell's so-called safety is naturally the territory of the Hestia family.

As a self-built fortress, it is like a fool's dream to break through the restrictions from the outside.

The most reliable magician is the territory they build.

The territory established by Bell is not even afraid of Emiya Kiritsugu's "Boom", the outer barrier has arrangements to absorb damage, and even the absorbed damage can be transformed into power.

So Bell is very sure that the Hestia family is the safest 16 fortresses in Orari.

Hephaestus looked at the amulet in her hand and couldn't help but sigh.

"You really can come up with something incredible.""

She thought she already understood Bell's urine enough, but who knew that this child could create more surprises.

"Do you know? Once you launch this talisman, how many gods will try their best to fight for it?"

"I know."

How could Bell not know about such a thing?

"I don't plan to launch this amulet either."

"God Hephaestus, you should know that I will never sell things that threaten me, nor will I sell things that are absolutely beneficial to other forces.

"It's not a business, it's just chronic death.

For Bell, doing business is doing business.

In doing business, you can't have too many calculations, so you can't maintain the business well.

However, before doing business, Bell will first delete the list that can be taken out to do business, so as to avoid some products that are threatening to him.


Hephaestus sighed in her heart, "You really are still being careful, child," and then threw away the emotion just now.

"You did the right thing."

"There are some restless guys in the gods who want to make fun of themselves all day long, and their way of looking for fun always makes people rationally uncomfortable.

Although he didn't name names, Hephaestus was referring to the gods that made people physically uncomfortable, that is, the evil gods who thought about doing things in Orari all day long.

She, who is also a god, understands the thoughts of those evil gods very well.

To put it bluntly, gods do not distinguish between good and evil, they are just a bunch of idiots who are idle and bored and want to do something for themselves.

"If you give this kind of thing to those guys, then their madness will be less than in the past. 35

Looking down at the talisman in her hand, Hephaestus was in a better mood now than receiving the life-saving talisman.

At the same time, Hephaestus did not forget the full amount of the order that Finn sent today.

"If you didn't come today, I'm actually going to find you today.

"Well, Loki directly asked Finn to bring all the money."

"Full payment? Didn't you say a deposit before?"

"What's this? Loki paid the full amount directly, didn't he just want to sell you one? In the future, we can have a long-term cooperative relationship and build some trust. It's right. 99

Having said that, Bell doesn't think it's a problem.

In fact, he has not yet officially grown up, what he needs is time and wealth that can promote his rapid growth.

Samsung's follow-up card draws are all good things.

Powerful costumes, even Heroic Spirits.

However, if he draws the Heroic Spirit Card, he still needs to prepare for the incompleteness of the Heroic Spirit's spirit base and the removal of part of the spirit base concept.

Of course, even if only a part of the spiritual foundation was of great help to him now.

Hephaestus turned around and went to the drawer of the desk, took out a money bag, and slowly came to Bell and gave him the money bag.

"That's the full amount.

Bell glanced at the space in the pocket and confirmed that it was indeed the full amount.

He put half of the amount, that is, 790 million phalis into his four-dimensional space, and then returned the money bag to Hephaestus.

"It has been confirmed, it is indeed the full amount. I have accepted half of the money bag, and the rest is the other half."

Hephaestus shook her head slightly and took back the purse.

"Isn't this all for you?"

"God Hephaestus, this is business, and doing business requires rules.

It was said from the beginning that the person who made the runestone business 55 points was Bell. How could he take this sentence back at this time?

If even this sentence was taken back, then Bell would be embarrassed to walk into the Hephaestus family in the future.

"What if it's my sponsor?"

Glancing at the purse, Hephaestus' eyes were full of smiles.

Facing this sentence, Bell was silent for a while, and finally spoke his answer.

"From an emotional point of view, I should have accepted it.""


This sentence sounds very pleasant.

“And what about from a rational point of view?”

"From the point of view of rationality, it means that our family can't use such a large sum of money. 35

The huge sum of nearly 1.6 billion Bell naturally wants, but after having the experience last time, he understands that drawing cards is not easy.

The more powerful the dress, the harder it is to absorb it.

Bell saw Hephaestus sitting down just now and patted his side.

It's because Bell doesn't know if his body can take more than a certain amount of attire.

Drawing a card has already given him a great shortcut, and it is reasonable to meet some conditions when using this shortcut.

That is to say, because of the need to achieve the conditions for shortcuts, naturally the time for each card draw needs to be staggered, and the number of cards drawn each time cannot be too many.

Listening to what Bell had said, Hephaestus did not let Bell choose between sensibility and rationality, but put the purse on the table behind her, and then she sat on the sofa in the room.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

"Bell, let's talk.""

But this is also normal.

Even if he really took out a powerful dress, he might not be able to turn it into his own power immediately. If the basic conditions are not enough, maybe accepting the dress will bring a series of troubles.

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