I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 138 The Excitement of Eros

That night, what happened in the guild appeared in Freya's ears.

"Ah~ Hermes really started to move."

Freya put her hands on her chin, and now she is looking forward to Hermes to act as soon as possible to show everything she wants to see.

Because of this thought, Freya is not in a hurry to act now.

"However, Hermes can quickly stand on Hestia's side, and it seems that there must be some secrets here."

The reason why she thought so was because Freya was really too familiar with Hermes.

That guy is a pure neutral and never strays from his stance, because that would put him in a bad position. Therefore, when in the heavenly world, Hermes always stood in the middle position and never made any deviations.

And Freya also knew that Hermes liked to pretend.

Usually, when she used her power to charm the gods, only Hermes, the neutral person, pretended to be. You know, she is the god of beauty, but she is also the god of love. She also possessed the power of desire, otherwise, how would those male gods play around in circles on weekdays?

With the power of desire, she will not be able to see if Hermes is pretending?

It's just that sometimes it's not necessary.

Now to expose the lies of Hermes is just a waste, and Freya wants to see if Hermes can guide the picture she wants to see.

But it's a little bit sad.

"If only I could see that child in advance."

It's just a pity that the child disappeared completely in the city of Orari as if it were invisible, and even the family she ruled couldn't find the child's position.

Although it was a pity, Freya was also enjoying the process.

There is no mortal fear of the unknown gods, and what they pursue more is the unknown.

Knowing too much about them all starts to get boring.

Only the unknown can arouse their interest, which is why the gods choose the lower realm.

And Freya is the most special of the gods.

Her eyes could see the brilliance of the soul of the child in the lower realm. The gorgeous soul did not equal how high the achievement of the child in the lower realm was, but it was destined that what the child needed was just a chance.

And what Freya's eyes happened to see was the future of that child.

But only this time was different.

Facing the child Freya, who can't see the soul at all, has a strong interest.

Even the eyes can't see the child's soul, but from what the child has done, it is determined that the child's soul will be brighter than he has ever seen before.

At this moment, Freya is like an ordinary god pursuing the unknown that she wants.

And at this moment, Freya is also the most curious time.

But it was because of curiosity that she restrained her desire even more. In the past, this was absolutely impossible.

As a god of love, as a god of beauty, it is the norm to unbridly sway one's love.

But now she is restraining.

Resist this curiosity.

Restrain your desires.

At this moment, Freya clearly felt that the emotion made her feel anxious, and the unprecedented emotion made her even more unable to control her excitement.

"My mood also started to get excited, what an unlovable child

Lightly pursing her slightly dry lips, Freya lay on her back on the sofa and looked out the window.

Oralie's night scene is even more gorgeous than expected.


A white light rose into the sky.

The corners of Freya's mouth raised slightly, and in the white light that soared into the sky, she saw the soul of an old friend soaring to the heavens.

"It seems that we won't meet again in the Nether, Ishtar.

There was no problem with the repatriation ceremony of Ishtar, the Ganesha family stared at it all the way, and most of the members of the guild were watching.

In addition, there are even several Lv.5s in the Loki Familiar who are tracking at the same time, even if the dark faction wants to make something happen, it is worth considering whether it is worth it.

And inside the base of Loki's family, looking at the beam of light that goes straight to the sky under the night, Loki's mood is extraordinarily cool.

At this time, because Ishtar was sent back to the heavens, all members of the Ishtar family were blocked from "ability points". This kind of blockade is until the members of those clans choose new clans, and the blockade will be released after receiving the blessing of the gods.

After the beam of light disappeared, Loki withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the two people sitting in the room.

"How, are you ready now?"

The two people sitting in the room are naturally Loki's main purpose for the Ishtar family, Aisha Bellka and Sanjo No Haruhime.

Aisha had no hesitation from the beginning, and if she was given a chance to choose again, then she would not question her decision today.

"It's ready, Lord Loki."

For joining the Loki Familia, she has already done the corresponding psychological construction.

Loki nodded, then looked at the other child.

Sanjono Haruhime, just like the information provided by the family of the little dwarf, it is really a bulge, and it is completely her food. And his personality is a little bit sullen and submissive, as if the words "come to bully me" are written directly on his face.

Moreover, as the princess of the fox family, the soft golden ears and tail, and the shy look that always shows, these qualities make Loki unable to help drool.

If it weren't for the fear that the child would be frightened, Loki would have jumped on the child long ago.

Of course, what makes Loki drool even more is the magic that this child possesses, and that Nima's is really perverted. She has seen countless children in the lower realm, but she has never seen such perverted magic.

Mandatory level up?

Even if this kind of magic is limited to a single player, it is abnormal enough.

It's just that Haruhi Sanjoo was a little hesitant.

"Lord Loki... can I ask a question?

"Huh? Well, yes.

Haruhime Sanjono gathered up the courage and asked the question she wanted to know.

"Lord Loki, who saved Sister Elsa and me yesterday, who is he?"

This question is actually not very important. (Wang Li's) In fact, after bringing Aisha and Chunji back yesterday, Loki knew who the person who rescued them was through the description of the two.

But looking at Chun Ji's slightly nervous, shy, and even courageous appearance, Loki didn't want to say that name.

Because she saw the very obvious longing and admiration in Chun Ji's eyes.

In fact, Loki did not understand this phenomenon. After all, what this child experienced was really like the scene of the prince saving the princess written in the script.

Isn't it every girl's dream to look forward to the appearance of the prince who will save her?

But that kid only introduced people, but he attracted them, which made Loki feel extremely depressed.

But now she really can't help but say.

A slightly reluctant Loki said the name Leigh.

"Bell Cranel, is that little dwarf... a servant of the Hestia family."

But Chun Ji kept the name firmly in her heart.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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