I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 137 Hermes' Interests

"Bell-kun's ability value can tell you, but I can't say about magic and skills."

Hermes nodded indifferently.

"Even if it's just a simple ability value, it's enough."

"If magic and skills are not good, the level should be good, right? 35

Hestia was silent for a moment but nodded slightly.

She didn't know what kind of chain reaction these things would cause Hermes to know, but she couldn't avoid it. After all, Bell's affairs were also related to Zeus and Hera.

"The current Bell-kun is Lv.2."

"All stats were above 1300 before he leveled up.

The specific Hestia did not directly say, but just this general data is enough.

Hermes lowered his hat to hide the shock on his face.

"Zeus, that's not what you said about being unqualified."

This is the second time he complained about the old Zeus in his heart. 16

According to his investigation, the child had not become an adventurer for less than a month, at most more than half a month.

But in such a short period of time, he went from Lv.1 to Lv.2 directly, accomplishing what most of Orari's adventurers wanted to do but couldn't do.

And all the ability values ​​have exceeded 1300, which is even more strange in the strange.

You must know that the limit of ability that most adventurers can reach is 999, and there are not no adventurers who break through the limit. There are many adventurers who did not accept favors in ancient times.

But that was ancient times.

Now is not the ancient times, but now there is a child who has broken through the limit of 999, and even all abilities have reached 1300 or more.

Not only the fast growth rate will scare people to death, but even the gods will be frightened and fainted by the accumulated height.

"If the gods of Euleri knew about this child, I'm afraid there will be no gods who can continue to maintain their restraint."

"Hestia, I can understand your desire to hide your child's magic and skills."

Such rapid growth is undoubtedly a very special skill.

It was also necessary to consider the magic that the child used, and Hermes was very sure that the child's "ability value" was something that could not be said.

It's just that Hermes also understands that this information must not be known to the gods outside, otherwise things will become very troublesome.

But at the same time, Hermes also saw hope in this child.

That is the hope of the black dragon who cannot be defeated no matter what.

He has been in Orari for such a long time, but he never thought that Orari now has the qualifications to crusade the black dragon.

It seems to him that what Orari needs now is a hero who can lead adventurers forward.

With the adventurers around the hero, they can work hard to move forward, so as to find their own further advancement space.

In the past, Hermes had no way to select the adventurers who could be called "heroes" among Orari.

But now, Hermes saw hope.

Hermes couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, the boring days were finally over, and the next Orari would gradually start to become more interesting.

Hermes stood up directly from the sofa.

"I already know the information about that child, and I will send the information about that child to Zeus and Hera. 99

"I will also take the responsibility to keep the information of that child secret, and I will not let the third person know all the information just now.

No matter what, Hermes would not leak the information about that child.

Now that too many gods know the information of the child, the final result is not that the child slowly grows into a hero of Orari, but becomes a plaything in the hands of some gods.

This is not what Hermes wants to see.

"Hestia, see you next time. 35

After Hermes finished speaking, he turned and left.

"I'm sorry, God Hestia, God Hephaestus."

Asfi, who had not moved, bowed slightly to God Hestia and God Hephaestus, then turned around and followed the Lord God.

After the two left, the room fell silent for a while.

At last Hephaestus couldn't help but speak.

"The identity of the child is indeed unusual, and his life experience is directly related to the Zeus family and the Hera family."

Hestia was silent for a long time before slowly letting out a breath.

"Although I knew that Mr. Bell's identity was very special, I didn't expect Mr. Bell to be related to those two families. 35

Hephaestus also understood Hestia's mood, she stood up and walked to Hestia's side.

"Hestia, you don't have to think so much. Now that child is your family, and this is the fact you need to know."

"The affairs of the Zeus family and the Hera family are only in the past tense. The child's parents are the family members of those two families, but the child is not now."5

Hestia took a deep breath and eased her nervousness just now.

"Yes, that child is now my family.

Hermes, who walked outside, was also impacted to varying degrees.

"It only took half a month to accumulate the ability to break through to Lv. 2. Asfi, what do you think will happen when this news spreads?

"The whole Euler-Lido 650 is going to go crazy with this news.

"Yeah. 39

Hermes also thought the same, and the entire Orari gods would be stimulated crazy by this news.

"So, from now on, block information on that child."

"The record information from the guild should have been obtained by the gods now, and the Lord Freya will never let that child go.

"Because the beautiful god's temperament is uncertain, he will not act for the time being."

At the same time, Hermes also affirmed in his heart.

"Even if he knew, that god of beauty wouldn't be like Ishtar."

Hermes didn't have to worry about the actions of the beautiful god.

But he really can't leak the information about the kid.

"Asfi, go to the guild and dispose of that information.

"……Is it okay?"

"Ah, it's just some useless information. The people in the guild haven't investigated the problem before, so they won't investigate the problem in the future."

The operation of the guild is as old as it has been in previous years.

The guild will record each adventurer's transaction, as well as the very important transaction terms, but the guild will not read every record one by one.

Hermes did not want the child to be exposed too much for the time being, and now he must control the intelligence.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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