I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 106 Raul's Confession

After returning to the clan, Loki immediately started a meeting of the four.

"How much did you believe the information given by that kid?"

"Seven points."

Finn was the first to give his answer.

Then Riveria nodded slightly, and she also felt that the seven points were almost the same.

"Character information must be true, but not necessarily human trafficking information."

"That kid seems to have said that on purpose, just to provoke our anger."

"This should be.

Finn nodded slightly.

"But there is another possibility."

Riveria frowned slightly.

"You mean, he didn't actually exaggerate, but there really was a population trade between the little people and the elves? 35

Finn nodded slightly, and in his heart there would be some very bad premonitions unconsciously.

"The possibility of that cannot be denied."

"623" "Other people may not be possible, but those lunatics from the dark faction are the ones who start, and those lunatics don't care about being targeted by two Lv.6 adventurers. 39

"Those lunatics aim to destroy Orari, I'm not surprised that they target any race."

That's actually true.

Riveria very much agrees with Finn's evaluation of those dark factions, what else can't those crazy people do?

"If you think so, what the boy said may not be the truth."

"It's just our thinking that he was deliberately provoking us."

Although such a conclusion was inconsistent with their previous judgments, both Riveria and Finn thought about this issue with the worst possible outcome.

"So, I still need to find out the hidden dark faction's dens within the range of the Ishtar family as soon as possible, or else those guys really buy and sell various races and we will still be kept in the dark."5

Taking a deep breath, Finn still lost his previous "thought".

The current matter also has a certain relationship with their little people. It can't be said that he thought that there was really no little people caught by those guys as a bargaining chip.

Because Finn knew in his heart that the boy was not lying.

This Euleri really has no shortage of interesting perverted bastards.

If Finn and Riveria still carry some conservative guesses, at least about 30% of Bell's exaggeration must be exaggerated, then Loki already believes 10% of what Bell said.

"Rivelia, go to Happy Street."

"You just go directly to Ishtar's clan's land and say to Ishtar, "Raul wants to establish a relationship with Aisha Bellka and ask her to come to the Loki clan to talk." 99

"That prostitute wouldn't even give me that face.

... Raul, this time you are miserable.

The three people present knew that once such remarks were spread, Raul's reputation would not be very good in the future.

Although there is also love among the prostitutes, but no one would be so open to propose marriage.

Even if they knew it was an excuse.

But when Loki said this excuse, they knew how much fire was burning in Loki's heart at the moment.

Riveria nodded slightly.

"Finn, Grace...you go and catch Raul for me first.""

"I won't say anything about him, but teach me a lesson before sending it over."

Being able to say these words shows that Loki is really angry.

Of course, the reason she was angry was not because Raul was messing around in Happy Street, but because the bastard had made her humiliated in front of Hestia.

If Loki is humiliated in front of other gods, he is thick-skinned and doesn't care about that face.

Besides, what about losing face? Those guys laughed for two days at most.

But it was different in front of Hestia!

The dwarf had never been taller than her in any place other than her stature.

As a result, she is still a head short in front of that little dwarf.

Especially after the little dwarf's family also showed unparalleled talent, and even put her and the dwarf on the same plane.

This kind of shortness becomes even more obvious.

How does this keep the fire in Loki's heart from burning?

Although Loki's approach was a bit of venting his anger, it was the result of Loki's self-cultivation over the years that he could just teach him a lesson.

Soon the Loki Familia began to act.

Finn and Grace directly found Raul Nord, who was waiting for news in the clan.

"Captain, Uncle Grace, are you looking for me?"

Today's Raul is also naive, and he has no idea why the head of the regiment and Uncle Grace are looking for him.

Finn stared at Raul with subtle eyes.

"Raul, what I said next is a bit important and needs your serious confirmation. 99

"Ah, I see.

Raul was also nervous at the words of the head of the regiment.

"Have you been to Happy Street in the last four days? 35

Raul's breathing stopped for half a second at this moment, and then he looked at the head of the regiment and Uncle Grace with a blank expression...

"I haven `t been there.

Just how could Raul's unusual reaction escape Finn and Grace's perception?

It's just that Finn is not in a hurry, but stares at Raul with calm and unwavering eyes.

"Raul, someone has seen you going to Happy Street."

"However, this is not the point of concern, the point now is that the Ishtar family has a connection with the dark faction.

... no way!!!

Raul's heart was about to jump out at this moment, and he never thought that the Ishtar family would have a connection with the dark faction.

"Now we are tracking down the Ishtar family."

"Then, we found out that you've been to..."

Finn's words stopped here for a while, but this pause scared Raul out of a heart attack.

"No! I don't! I don't know!

Raul, whose legs were so frightened, directly denied Sanlian.

"I just went there to have a private meeting with a little human girl, I don't know anything about the dark faction.

This act of recruiting without a ruthless hand is quite French.

It's just that the cold light that appeared in Finn's eyes became more obvious.

Because he just heard Raul say "the girl of the little human race".

Finn's face was not visible, but some violent blue veins appeared on the back of his hand.

"Raul, do you often walk around Pleasure Street?"


"Also, not very often...just a week...twice?

The muscles on Finn's face twitched, looking at Raul's cautious look, he knew that this guy would definitely go more than twice a week.

"Then do you know which prostitutes have recently appeared in Happy Street?"


Raul was a little embarrassed to answer this question.

But Finn still had a smile on his face.

"Raul, you have to know that now is a critical investigation period. If you can't give enough proof, maybe someone from the guild will come to talk to you."

"I... I... I only know... Recently, there have been a lot of prostitutes from the elves, cat people, and villains, and I really don't know the rest... The people I usually choose are fixed. , I don't like to change people casually..."

Well, this time Finn's eyes were really burning.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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