I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 105 Provoking the Fury of Loki's Familiar

After signing the alliance agreement and signing their names one after another, this transaction was considered a perfect end.

"Well, the contract is complete."

As a middleman, Hephaestus directly turned the contract into three copies, one for each of the two parties who signed the contract, and then as a middleman and as a witness, she had to keep one copy.

After all, the gods take contracts very seriously.

As a witness, Hephaestus needs to keep an eye on both sides after the event to see if they have fulfilled their promises. If there is a problem with both sides, she, the witness, needs to stand up and speak.

"Okay, let's talk about the child's information."

Loki had been a little rude to know the child's information just now.


Bell wouldn't continue beating around the bush at such a time, since the contract had been made, the Hestia family would be the most important partner of the Loki family from now on.

Bell didn't want something major to happen to the Loki Familia when he was growing up.

"Her name is Sanjo No Haruhime, and she belongs to the Ishtar family."

"In the hands of that whore!?"

The phrase "whore" came out of Loki's mouth.

Bell didn't want the Loki god to have any kind of misunderstanding, and added a little.

"God Loki, don't misunderstand that Haruhi Sanjo is one of the prostitutes."

"She is still a virgin because she is afraid of male bodies."

"In addition to her special status, the family doesn't particularly care about whether she is picking up guests, which also allows her to maintain her virginity.

"...Lying on the grass! She's still a virgin under that prostitute?"

Just that alone feels rare enough for Loki.

Later, Loki showed a slightly LSP expression as usual. She has always been the most tolerant of cute girls. Of course, being a virgin is also a plus for her.

"What about the kid? How cute is it? Isn't the body sexy?'

The appearance of that LSP was a bit unbearable even for Rivillia who was sitting next to her.

And Bell does not shy away from this question either.

"She is an aristocrat among the fox girls, and she was raised as a princess since she was a child, and she is an orthodox princess among the fox girls.

"Introverted with some sullenness, he has a pair of golden fox ears and a fluffy golden tail.

"Although his height is not as tall as your deputy head, his figure is more than a grade. The expression on his face is also softer than your deputy head, and his smile is relatively more.


Through this description, Loki has probably got a very good picture in his mind.

Fox girl + noble + sullen + good figure = Loki is amazing!

The saliva couldn't stop flowing.

If it wasn't for a formal occasion, Loki might have started rolling on the ground by now.

Excellent ability, the body of a fox girl, a good figure, and a slightly sullen personality, doesn't this combine all the conditions that can be rushed?

After swallowing his saliva, Loki's wretched face became more serious.

"For the lovely fox girl, then you must send that prostitute to heaven! 35

"Yes, I also think your decision is right.

Bell agreed with Loki God's decision with a slight smile.

"Let such a poor girl fall into the hands of a prostitute, this is simply the greatest regret."

"This prostitute is simply Orari's biggest cancer. In addition, I also saw that extraordinary man under your command during the investigation. 35


The expression on Loki's face was instantly distorted, and she turned to look at Finn with a dangerous look.

"Anything else?"

Loki is actually quite open about this sort of thing.

But it doesn't mean that she can accept that when others tell her about Ishtar's information, she takes her own family along with her.

And it is also the information that his family members went to the Happy Street to be known.

This will make her feel ashamed, and even her family members can't manage well.

Finn's expression was also a little subtle.

He naturally knew about the fact that his extraordinary Fleur Nord often visited Happy Street, and he also went to Raul to talk about it.

Unexpectedly, they could even run into Raul while they were investigating.

Finn was a little out of touch, but Bell still wanted to give Loki a little face.

"I think he may have the same purpose as me?"

He has a fart purpose!?

I still don't know about his fancy intestines?

It's just that Loki herself can't say these words, after all, she knows in her heart that Raul is definitely looking for fun when he goes to Wall Street.

Bell did not stop on this topic, he could only pray for the extraordinary man in his heart, hoping that God Loki would not teach the extraordinary man to death when he returned.

"And there are things about the dark faction and the Ishtar family. 35

"According to what I have investigated, the dark factions are selling those abducted. 35

"There are many people from the elves and the little people."

Finn and Riveria raised their eyebrows.

"After all, the girls of the elf race are relatively pretty, and even the men are generally handsome and have a lot of sales. After all, there are also some people with special interests in Orari.

"Most of the little people are short in stature, and in a sense, they are also in line with some people with special interests."

"Among them, the noble fox girl I mentioned earlier was abducted and sold by the dark faction, and was sold to the Ishtar family at the same time. 99

How brave!

Finn, who took the responsibility of revitalizing the little people, seemed to have fire in his eyes.

The dark faction is a group of lunatics, and Finn can completely believe that those guys are buying and selling the villains.

Now he knew that fellows were used to satisfy the desires of some.

If he can continue to remain indifferent in the face of such a thing, he still needs to revive the little people!

There are things he doesn't know that might be considered non-existent.

But when things really appeared in front of his eyes, he couldn't pretend that they didn't exist.

If he does back down on the issue, his ambition to revitalize the race is nothing but a joke.

Some fire started to appear in the depths of Riveria's eyes.

Although she was separated from the royal family, she still treats the elves very kindly so far. Except for the fat elf in the guild, which she regarded as a shame for the elves, she also helped other elves when they were in trouble and danger.

But now I heard that members of the dark faction were actually buying and selling elves.

And use it as a tool for lust!

Does this make Riveria angry?

But the person who was even more angry was Loki, who had completely opened his eyes.

"Those guys from the dark faction really have the guts. 35

"Dare to do these things so blatantly, Ishtar should also help behind the scenes.

Now Loki is very sure that Ishtar definitely has contacts with the dark faction.

Loki suppressed his anger this time.

....... ask for flowers.‥...

"What about the child's name?"

"Sanjo No Haruhime."

Bell suddenly remembered another person, and he was reminding him.

"Loki God, when I was investigating, I also investigated a prostitute who tried to help Sanjo No Haruhime escape, but she still failed. 35

"She is now a Lv.3 adventurer, but according to the answers given by acquaintances, the other party is already close to Lv.4."

Approaching Lv.4, even if there are many high-level adventurers in the Loki family, such a combat power will not be ignored by Loki.

"A child with special magic, a child with strength close to Lv.4, heh, this business is really not a loss."

Loki naturally has to accept such benefits.

"What about the child's name?

"Aisha Bell Card. 35

Loki nodded slightly and stood up straight.

"Xiao Fei, I'll trouble you this time."

Hephaestus shook her head indifferently, and she was not tiring as a witness.

"I'm not in trouble, but you will be in trouble in the future.

'It's not easy to investigate Ishtar's black material. ""

"The people of the dark faction dare to cooperate with Ishtar, which means that those guys are in Ishtar's territory, and people outside are not easy to investigate."

Loki took a deep breath, she knew that the prostitute would only dare to do things in her own territory, but as long as she wanted to investigate, it would only be a little troublesome.

"It's just a little troublesome.

"Then, does Loki God need a runestone for exploration?"

Just as he was about to turn around, Loki froze there.

Bell stretched his hand behind his back with a smile, and took out a tightly tied bag from behind.

"This is used to detect runestones within a range of 500 meters, the surface range is 500 meters, and the underground is only 50 meters.

"The total number is 20, although it won't turn over Happy Street, but God Loki thinks that suspicious places should be turned over.

...you also made this kind of runestone?

Loki looked at the bag speechlessly.

Bell just said with a smile.

“After all, I also want to develop more business directions. 35

"The method of using this thing is also very simple, as long as it is crushed, the user can see most of the structure diagrams in the surrounding 500 meters in the next 15 seconds. In addition, it can also highlight the creatures, Great for finding people.

...good guy!

Where are you looking for someone!

You are using it strategically!

"Because of the trial items and the deal with Loki God, the trial items are free.

"If Loki wants other runestones, he can contact God Hephaestus, and I will customize the runestones for you.

"However, because it is an in-house customized product and is not sold externally, the price will be adjusted due to the function.""

Loki looked at Bell, who had been eagerly promoting it, speechlessly.

You start selling products as soon as you form an alliance, and you really know how to do business.

"I'll let Finn come over for those things."

Loki directly took the bag and immediately turned around and ran away, but when she was at the door, she looked back at Hestia imposingly.

"Little dwarf, remember to me, this time I'm not losing to you!

After leaving the defeated dog to speak, Loki just slipped away.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

PS: Chapter 3K, I am sorry to all readers, I also know that the latest update is relatively slow, and then I will start to adjust it back to five.

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