Zen Master Baiyun held the Golden Buddha in his hand and recited scriptures silently in his mouth. The Golden Buddha in his hand suddenly shone brightly. The sound of Sanskrit singing appeared in the air, golden lotuses surged from the ground, nectar fell from the sky, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere.

The dark, violent atmosphere in the room was immediately suppressed.

The roar that seemed to hurt to the core became insignificant.

Master... At this time, Yan Shier looked at the closed door with a look of heartache on his face, My master...

I'll go in and take a look. You wait outside. Zen Master Baiyun stopped chanting, and the Buddha's light vision immediately dissipated. He thought for a moment and said to Yan Shier.

It's not that Zen Master Baiyun has any ulterior secrets that he doesn't want Yan Shier to know.

But Yan Shier's strength is still a bit low, but in the later stage of foundation building, Zen Master Baiyun is afraid that something will go wrong in the future and hurt Yan Shier.

Thank you, Master. Yan Shier clasped his hands together and said gratefully to Zen Master Baiyun.

Amitabha! Zen Master Baiyun recited the Buddha's name, then dragged the golden Buddha toward the door of the room.

The door opened automatically, and it was dark inside, like a bottomless abyss. Just one look at it would make people shudder.

However, Zen Master Baiyun's expression did not change and he walked in with a blank expression. After he entered, the door closed automatically.

Outside, only Yan Shier was left with a worried look on his face.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Outside the room and inside the room are two different worlds.

In total darkness.

There is a howling wind and ghosts crying.

Although Zen Master Baiyun is successful in cultivation, he cannot see things in such an environment.

But his spiritual sense was still there, and he felt that there was danger approaching in the darkness.

Zen Master Baiyun calmly began to recite the Heart Sutra.

Buddhist scriptures inspire the power of the golden Buddha in your hands.

The Golden Buddha shines brightly again, and the golden light and Sanskrit chants appear at the same time, radiating in all directions.

The darkness is dispelled.

There was a soft light in the room.

And Zen Master Baiyun's eyes were finally able to see clearly what was going on inside the room.

Everywhere in the house was in a corroded state and smelled of black gas.

But what attracted the most attention was an old man with disheveled hair who was tortured to the point of dying in the middle of the house.

There is a black mountain shadow above the old man, like a huge burden.

But there were countless female ghost heads wrapped around his body, biting the old man's flesh and blood crazily, making shrill ghostly screams.

There was a golden light on the old man's body that protected his most important heart, but under the bite of the black female ghost's head, it was like a candle in the wind, and he didn't know when it would be extinguished.

Master Yan... Zen Master Baiyun looked at this scene with a look of compassion on his face. The scriptures in his hand once again became lighter, and the Buddha's light emitted by the Golden Buddha seemed to become softer.

[Ksitigarbha’s Original Vow Rebirth Sutra]!

After Zen Master Baiyun recited this sutra, the nature of the Buddha's light also changed. When it shined on the old man, those female ghost heads with sad and ferocious faces, the twisted and crazy meaning disappeared a lot.

As Zen Master Baiyun continued to recite Buddhist scriptures, Ksitigarbha's original wish Buddha's light continued to shine on these ghost heads. Finally, the faces of these female ghost heads showed a look of liberation, and then slowly dissipated in the Buddha's light.

At this time, the old man had the strength to raise his head and said in a hoarse voice, Thank you!

Seeing this, Zen Master Baiyun cast another [Sweet Rain Technique] on the old man.

The old man's face gradually turned a little rosy. Although he still looked like a ghost overall, he felt much better about himself.

This old man is none other than Yan Shier's master, the swordsman Yan Chixia.

Thank you. Yan Chixia said to Zen Master Baiyun again.

Zen Master Baiyun shook his head, and his eyes fell on the [Black Mountain Shadow] above Yan Chixia's head.

This is demon power, unlike the ghost energy in Yan Chixia, which is naturally restrained by the light of the Buddha.

In fact, Zen Master Baiyun did not solve the problem of ghost energy in Yan Chixia.

That's a curse.

A curse issued by a ghost far beyond the level of a ghost king.

Zen Master Baiyun only temporarily suppressed the curse with the power of the Golden Buddha, but this only treated the symptoms but not the root cause. Sooner or later, it would still break out.

Zen Master Baiyun calmed down, looked at Yan Chixia who had been tortured by the curse for these years, pondered for a moment, and then told the truth about the situation.

I know! Yan Chixia didn't take it seriously, and her free and easy look made Zen Master Baiyun admire her.

Zen Master Baiyun asked, Master Yan, I see that your cursed aura is caused by the [Old Demon of Black Mountain] in the underworld?

That's right! It's that old monster! Yan Chixia raised her head and glanced at the [Black Mountain Shadow] that was weighing heavily on him like Mount Tai, and said.

As far as I know, the [Black Mountain Old Demon] generally doesn't come to the underworld because of inconvenience in moving. Zen Master Baiyun said.

I took the initiative to deliver it to you. Yan Chixia laughed at herself.

Seeing that Zen Master Baiyun had an inquiring look in his eyes, he explained, Back then, there was a thousand-year-old tree demon occupying Lanruo Temple, which was constantly killing the living beings in the past.

I couldn't see it, so I fought with it.

Although the thousand-year-old tree demon is powerful in its magic, it is still no match for me, so it fought and fled and fled to the underworld.

I'm chasing after you.

Only after arriving in the underworld, I discovered that the backer behind this thousand-year-old tree demon is actually the [Old Black Mountain Demon]!

Of course, what I met was not the true form of [Old Black Mountain Demon], but just a clone of it!

But combined with the nearly endless ghost soldiers, I almost had no power to resist, and I almost collapsed there!

Yan Chixia shook her head.

Fortunately, I had a few treasures that I bought at the No. 9 pawnshop. I fought with the treasures and blew myself up. I was lucky enough to escape with my life and return to the world of the world. However, I didn't notice at that time that I had been hit by [Old Montenegro]. The curse of the demon!

So over the years, my cultivation has continued to improve, but the power of the curse has become stronger and stronger, until later, it was completely unstoppable. Yan Chixia sighed and said.

So that's it! said Zen Master Baiyun.

I have to thank Master this time, otherwise, I probably won't be able to hold on for long! Yan Chixia said to Zen Master Baiyun sincerely.

Master Yan, you are so polite! I admire you for eliminating harm in the world. Any capable practitioner who sees you will help you with your treatment, said Zen Master Baiyun.

After a pause, Zen Master Baiyun continued, However, Master Yan... the Golden Buddha has only temporarily suppressed your curse. If you want to cure the root cause, unless there is a major cultivator with the strength of [Old Demon of Black Mountain] to remove the curse for you, Or, we have to go down to the underworld and get rid of the [Old Black Mountain Demon], so that the curse can truly be eradicated.

I know! Yan Chixia's expression was solemn. He knew all the methods that Zen Master Baiyun said.

However, these two methods are not that simple.

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