The flags used to set up the spirit gathering formation came from pawnshop No. 9! Yan Shier said again.

It's Pawn Shop No. 9 again.

The eyes of the young monk Shifang suddenly lit up. He became very curious and said, Yan... Donor Yan, do you think you got this spirit gathering array from pawnshop No. 9?

To be precise, I bought it. Yan Shier replied kindly.

Donor Yan, have you been to Pawnshop No. 9? The young monk from Shifang became even more curious.

Been there. Yan Shier looked like she was remembering.

That happened many years ago. Yan Shier added.

Many years ago? How many years ago was that? The little monk Shifang was so curious that he kept asking.

Yan Shier just smiled but said nothing.

The young monk Shifang felt a little regretful. He was silent for a moment, and then couldn't help but say, Donor Yan, since you have been to No. 9 Pawnshop, can you tell me what this Immortal Pawnshop is like?

Shifang... The young monk Shifang kept asking, and Zen Master Baiyun finally spoke.

Master... The young monk from Shifang laughed dryly upon hearing this, I'm just asking.

Master, it's nothing. Is it rare that this kid from Shifang is so curious? Seeing him so energetic reminds me of what I was like when I was young. It's pretty good. Yan Shier said with a steady smile.

Once upon a time, his character was as out-of-the-box as the little monks from Shifang!

How many years ago was that?

Yan Shier fell into memories... the rainy night... the white-headed water ghost... the thatched house by the river... the fragrant food... and him...

Donor...Donor... The young monk from Shifang called Yan Shi'er several times before pulling him out of his memories.

He shook his head and looked around, a trace of apology flashed across his face, and said, I'm sorry.

What's there to be sorry for?

Zen Master Baiyun just nodded and said nothing.

But the young monk Shifang said, Donor, do you remember the environment in the Immortal Pawnshop? Isn't it very special...

Actually, it looks no different from an ordinary pawn shop, except... Yan Shier paused.

Just what? As soon as Yan Shier finished speaking, the young monk from Shifang took over from behind.

It's just that the treasures inside are placed directly on the shelves outside. Anyone can see them at a glance. Yan Shier said with a chuckle.

Aren't you afraid that others will steal it? The young monk Shifang immediately thought of this question.

Do you dare to steal? Yan Shier asked the young monk from Shifang.

Monks can't steal things. The young monk from Shifang immediately replied with his hands clasped together.

Hahaha... Yan Shier couldn't help laughing, which made the little monk Shifang's face turn red.

At this time, Yan Shier said, Of course someone will steal it.

Did you succeed in stealing? The young monk from Shifang was really gossipy about these things.

Of course not! You already said, this is an immortal shop. Yan Shier said.

There are restrictions, right? Just like in our temple, some precious Buddhist treasures will have restrictions set up to prevent outsiders from touching them at will. The young monk Shifang said, giving an example.

Restriction? Yan Shier was stunned for a moment when he heard this. It's not that he didn't understand restrictions, but that he had never thought about it this way before.

He couldn't help but recall the memory from more than a hundred years ago, and then said slowly, There should be no restrictions.

Is this like this? If there is no restriction, no one can steal it successfully? The young monk from Shifang raised his eyebrows and asked.

Little monk, do you really want someone to steal successfully? Yan Shier looked at the little monk Shifang with interest.

Zen Master Baiyun also looked back with a dull expression, although he didn't say anything.

But the young monk Shifang suddenly felt embarrassed and said sarcastically, I'm just curious.

Haha... Yan Shier laughed again, feeling that the young monk was interesting. After laughing for a while, he stopped teasing the young monk from all directions and said, As far as I know, no one has succeeded in stealing.

Have all those who stole been caught?

I don't know. Yan Shier shook her head.

Don't know? It's...

Before the question of the young monk from Shifang was raised, Yan Shier said, I don't know means I don't know! Because those who want to steal things...

Or the monk who wants to harm the pawnshop...

It's all gone.

All disappeared? Could it be that they were all killed? The young monk from Shifang took a breath at his guess.

I don't know! I just know that they have all disappeared! Yan Shier's expression became more solemn as he said.

Then... The young monk Shifang still had many questions to ask, but Yan Shier spoke again at this time, We're here.

The young monk Shifang came to his senses and found them standing outside a room.

Master, I invite you to stay in this humble room tonight. Yan Shier said politely.

In fact, the environment has been tidied up. Although it is simple, it is quite clean and is considered good.

Zen Master Baiyun bowed slightly towards Yan Shi'er and said, Thank you, Donor Yan.

Master, you're welcome. You are my master's friend. As juniors, we should treat you well. Yan Shier said quickly.

Zen Master Baiyun stopped saying anything and said to the young monk Shifang, Shifang, you stay here first.

You are restless today. I will punish you to recite the [Heart Sutra] silently in this room. When can you stop reciting until your mind calms down? Zen Master Baiyun said.

Ah...Master... The young monk from Shifang wanted to complain.

But Zen Master Baiyun ignored him at all. Instead, he took the cloth rack carried by the young monk Shifang, and then said to Yan Shier, Donor Yan, please lead the way.

Master, where are you going? the young monk from Shifang asked immediately.

I'm going to meet an old friend. Just stay here and chant sutras. Zen Master Baiyun said calmly.

The young monk Shifang immediately grimaced.

Yan Shier looked at this scene with amusement, then naturally took the shelf from Zen Master Baiyun and walked in front.

The two figures slowly walked into the darkness.

The young monk from Shifang curled his lips and returned to the room honestly.

This time there is no chatty little monk from Shifang.

Zen Master Baiyun and Yan Shier walked much faster.

It didn't take long.

The two of them walked to the depths of Lanruo Temple and came to the door of a hall shrouded in ghostly and evil spirits.

From time to time there was a suppressed sound of pain.

Yan Shier looked very uncomfortable and couldn't help but said, Master...

Hey! Zen Master Baiyun looked at this situation with an unbearable look on his face, I didn't expect that...

As he spoke, he lifted up the white cloth on the shelf, revealing a golden Buddha made of pure gold.

Zen Master Baiyun held it in his hand and recited scriptures silently in his mouth. The golden Buddha in his hand suddenly shone brightly. The sound of Sanskrit singing appeared in the air, golden lotuses surged from the ground, nectar fell from the sky, and the light of the Buddha shone everywhere.

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