I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 59 The Evil Dragon's Avatar

after a while.

In the empty barren mountains.

There was no one around.

Wu Siyuan suddenly appeared here.

He looked around, waved his hand, and a hundred-meter-long [Hundred-legged Dragon] appeared out of thin air, soaring in the mountain sky, and black acid clouds automatically gathered around it.

It is said that the wind follows the tiger and the clouds follow the dragon.

However, unlike the auspicious clouds formed by the normal gathering of real dragons, the [Hundred-footed Dragon] gathers to form corrosive acid clouds. If it rains, it will also rain toxic acid rain.

Of course, if you really want to do it, [Hundred-footed Dragon] is not unable to make ordinary rain, it just requires more mana, unlike the acid rain similar to this talent.

To sum it up, [Hundred-legged Dragon] is more inclined to the evil dragon genus. Compared with the ichthyosaur promoted by the fish genus, the dragon promoted by the snake genus, the pig dragon promoted by the crocodile, and the flying dragon promoted by the horse genus, there is still a difference. The attributes are more towards darkness.

You must know that the centipede, the predecessor of [Hundred-legged Dragon], is one of the five poisons along with poisonous snakes, scorpions, geckos and toads.

Anyway, once [Hundred-legged Dragon] appears, the probability of being regarded as a villain is more than 90%.

But Wu Siyuan didn't have a choice, right?

I have been in the world of [Fairy in Painting] for a while, and I have only caught this dragon.

This evil dragon was cultivated by himself with dragon blood and dragon essence.

As for the other true dragons in this world.

Wu Siyuan has not discovered it yet.

I heard a monk say before that after Liu Bowen cut off the fourteen dragon veins in the world, the spiritual energy of the world dropped sharply. Those major cultivators had evacuated and went to who knows where. The same happened with the Four Seas Dragon Court and the Five Sichuan Dragon Palace. Those real dragons They are no longer in this world.

For example, in the Wuchuan Dragon Palace, the Yellow River Dragon Palace and the Yangtze River Dragon Palace, because there is no real dragon to preside over, the dragon gate cannot be opened. The feast of Fish Leaping over the Dragon Gate has never been seen again in the entire spiritual world. It has become a legend among many immortals in the spiritual world. Big regret - there are no more dragons in the world!

[Hundred-legged Dragon] Although it is at the bottom of the contempt chain among the true dragons, at this time, it is the only Tianhuang Guiwei, which can go sideways.

But Wu Siyuan doesn't have the hobby of riding a dragon to show off.

Lao Wu has long been out of this low-level taste.

Besides, this [Hundred-Legged Dragon] evolved from the Millennium Centipede Spirit has been successfully refined into a [Fake Body] by Wu Siyuan.

To be honest, it is not easy to refine this nearly 100-meter-long [Hundred-Legged Dragon] into a [Fake Body].

The consumption of mana alone is an astronomical figure.

Not to mention the trouble of refining.

Like Cihang Pudu before, he didn't put much effort into refining the [Human Skin Prosthetic Body].

But it did take hundreds of years to refine the [Buddha's false body].

But I have to say that this [Buddha's False Body] has indeed brought Cihang Pudu's strength to a new level.

The refining of [Buddha's false body] is not simple.

And it is even more difficult to refine [Hundred-Legged Dragon] into [Evil Dragon False Body].

Ordinary golden elixir stage monks would not be able to succeed without hundreds of years of effort to do this work. This is if everything goes well.

But if this happens, the cultivation of the Golden Core Stage monks will definitely be affected.

The lifespan of Golden Core monks is generally about 500 years. Some who are good at maintaining health, or have special opportunities, or have special bloodlines, can live to more than 800 years old, reaching the lifespan of Peng Zu in ancient times.

But this is usually the limit.

Unless the path is hopeless, there are not many golden elixir monks who are willing to give up their training time to refine a [false body]!

Although this [false body] is quite powerful.

Cihang Pudu is a great demon, and he is also a great demon who has awakened a different bloodline. His lifespan is naturally longer than that of humans, and he has lived for thousands of years.

Although hundreds of years are not a short time, it is not a problem for Cihang Pudu.

Under normal circumstances, it would take at least several hundred years for Wu Siyuan to sacrifice the [Evil Dragon False Body].

It even takes more time.

Because [Hundred-legged Dragon] is already an existence comparable to the Taoist Nascent Soul.

Cihang Pudu's previous [Buddha Avatar] only looked awesome, but in fact it was only a golden elixir-level combat power. In the movie, it was destroyed by Yan Chixia's sword formation when it rebounded.

If he had time, Wu Siyuan wouldn't mind spending hundreds of years refining this [Evil Dragon False Body] as a training exercise.

Wu Siyuan still has this Taoist heart.

It's just that his lifespan can support him to do this - whether it is the minimum lifespan of 500 years for a monk in the golden elixir stage, or the thousands of years of lifespan increased after taking the [Dragon Essence Elixir].

However, the world may not allow him to do this.

Wu Siyuan is not sure how long he will stay in this world.

Normally speaking, the direction of the movie The Immortal in the Painting has changed because of his existence, but the timeline has been completed. Logically speaking, this movie world should end, and Wu Siyuan will also be under the protection of the nameless ring. Next, consciousness returns to itself.

But the reality is that he didn't return.

In other words, this world is not a single world as he initially thought, but a composite world.

He will not return until he has traveled through other world lines.

The problem is that this situation is unknown.

He may stay in this world for a long time, or he may leave this world not long after.

This time is unknown and beyond his control.

Therefore, Wu Siyuan still wanted to sacrifice the [Evil Dragon False Body] as soon as possible.

Therefore, he used the power of [Shennongjiao Space].

Only in this way can the [Evil Dragon False Body] be sacrificed and refined in a very short time.


These situations flashed through Wu Siyuan's mind.

He pondered for a moment, then turned into a stream of light, shining directly at the [Hundred-legged Dragon] hovering in the air, and blended into it.

The next second, the dragon eyes of [Hundred-Legged Dragon], which originally looked empty and lifeless, became lively.

It feels like wearing a piece of clothing... Wu Siyuan thought to himself, or to put it in a science fiction way, it's like wearing an exoskeleton suit.

Wu Siyuan couldn't help but smile. At this moment, the first thing that came to his mind was Thor Stark's [Steel Suit]!

Maybe it's because the two are very similar in nature.

Tony Stark put on the [Iron Suit] and became [Iron Man], standing shoulder to shoulder with the gods as a mortal.

And Wu Siyuan, wearing the [Evil Dragon Coat], has the power of the [Hundred-legged Dragon].

Of course, the power of this [Hundred-Legged Dragon] is consumed and needs to be replenished by Wu Siyuan, but it cannot recover on its own like a normal monk or normal monster.

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