You found the soul power, do you want to absorb it? This text prompt box popped up in front of Wu Siyuan.

He knew that [Shennongjiao Space] was talking about the dragon soul of Cihang Pudu.

Cihang Pudu's dragon soul has a crystal clear feeling. This is because it has just successfully transformed into a dragon, and the soul attributes have not yet been completely stabilized. Otherwise, it should be as crystal-like as a whole, just like the glass feeling in Buddhist scriptures.

Demonic monks will especially like this kind of high-strength soul. It is enough to be used as the main soul of [Ten Thousand Ghost Flags], or to practice other secret techniques.

Some righteous monks also like to use the souls of such sinful monsters as the souls of magic weapons. The power of the magic weapon can be increased several times, and there is no need to be condemned by moral monks.

But for Wu Siyuan, he has no such need.

Cihang Pudu's dragon soul was still desperately begging for mercy, begging Wu Siyuan not to let it fly away.

At this moment, it was filled with regret, regretting that it should not have had any strange thoughts to test Wu Siyuan.

As everyone knows, whether it tests or not, it will not change Wu Siyuan's long-established idea.

After giving it so many resources to successfully transform into a dragon, Wu Siyuan focused on its dragon body and wanted to use it for experiments and refine it into a [false body].

This old guy has been in the court for so long and can't figure out Wu Siyuan's thoughts. How stupid!

It was impossible to let Cihang Pudu go.

If this guy is released and allowed to convert to the ghost path and successfully become a dragon ghost, it won't take long before he can become a ghost emperor with strength that surpasses the ghost king, or in other words, a heavenly ghost!

The Heavenly Ghost is equivalent to the Taoist Nascent Soul, although it is the weakest at the same level.

But it’s also troublesome!

Wu Siyuan did not have such an overflowing Holy Mother's heart to let go of an opponent who was extremely resentful of him.

Of course, losing one's soul is too much. Doing this kind of thing too often will damage one's moral integrity. Even if it is really necessary, Wu Siyuan will never be lenient.

He said to the dragon soul of Cihang Pudu, Don't worry, I won't let your soul fly away!

Cihang Pudu's dragon soul, which was half centipede and half dragon, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. The next second he heard Wu Siyuan say, Search the soul!

Wu Siyuan did not let Cihang Pudu's soul fly away, nor did he let [Shennong's Corner Space] absorb its soul energy, but he let [Shennong's Corner Space] conduct a domineering soul search on it.

As for the soul search, the memory has been refined and the consciousness has become a blank sheet of paper.

That doesn't count what Wu Siyuan said.

The main reason is that Cihang Pudu's Dragon Soul is indeed a treasure, and its potential is much higher than that of the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox.

After Wu Siyuan refined his soul, refined it into a dragon ghost and cultivated it, he would soon have a loyal ghost servant of the heavenly ghost level in his hands, wouldn't it be nice?

In addition, when searching for the soul of Cihang Pudu, you can also see if Cihang Pudu has played tricks on him and whether he has concealed information from him, for example, about the refining method of the [false body].

Sometimes, a little mistake can make all the refining efforts go to waste.

At this point, Wu Siyuan is still more concerned.

Wu Siyuan watched as the energy of [Shennongjiao Space] invaded the depths of Cihang Pudu's soul step by step. The fluctuations of consciousness emitted by Cihang Pudu's dragon soul also changed from hatred and begging for mercy to numbness, dullness, and no response. , he suddenly sighed quietly, and immediately most of his consciousness returned to his physical body.

At this time, several days had passed since Cihang Pudu attacked that night.

Wu Siyuan asked people to bring Zuo Zixiong and the governor of Dongchang who survived that night.

Both of them looked embarrassed.

It's just that Zuo Zixiong is relatively more dignified, standing proudly and motionless, like a green pine.

The governor of Dongchang, who was the emperor's first companion, had a much softer figure. He smiled charmingly at Wu Siyuan and said, Immortal, it was us who were blind to the true face of Mount Tai and offended the immortal in the past!

I didn't expect that Cihang Pudu was actually a monster!

We were also deceived by it!

Immortal, after we go back, we will report to Your Majesty to wipe out the remnants of Cihang Pudu and restore peace to the world!

Your Majesty has admired the immortal way for a long time, and he will worship it devoutly, build a golden body for you, and spread your fame all over the world!


The governor of Dongchang talked a lot.

Wu Siyuan just smiled, Haha...

Immortal, do you agree? The governor of Dongchang felt unsure and cautiously asked.

Wu Siyuan's smile widened and he said, I only know one fact.

And the fact is that you, your Ming Dynasty, came with a large number of people to deal with me, trying to rob me of my things!

If I don't have this ability, then if I die... I deserve it!

Wu Siyuan said in a dull tone.

The face of the governor of Dongchang changed. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, Immortal, we were deceived by the monster Cihang Pudu. This is a misunderstanding.

No, for your court, it is a misunderstanding, but for me, it is a fact! Wu Siyuan said still calmly.

The governor of Dongchang was still thinking about how to save the situation. Zuo Zixiong next to him finally spoke, he said, The immortal is right! We have offended you!

Kill or behead as you wish!

Zuo Mou only hopes that the immortal can give His Majesty a chance to change his ways, and not to affect the common people! still want to kidnap me morally? Wu Siyuan raised his eyebrows, But you are right, you can kill or behead me as you please!

With a thought in Wu Siyuan's mind and a shot in the air, Jin Danqi's mana condensed into a big hand in the air and clasped Zuo Zixiong's neck. Then with a twist, Zuo Zixiong received the box lunch. Damn it. Clean and crisp.

When he died, Zuo Zixiong's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He didn't expect Wu Siyuan to be so decisive. Wu Siyuan obviously appreciated him very much at the beginning...

Wu Siyuan still looked indifferent. Although you are handsome, you still have to die if you want to kill me.

Wu Siyuan turned his attention to the governor of Dongchang next to him.

As an innate master, his face turned pale. He smiled bitterly and said, It seems that I will not be able to escape today!

Wu Siyuan said nothing.

The governor of the East Factory suddenly cut off his heart and died.

Wu Siyuan's face was quite surprised. This old eunuch looked groveling and spineless, but he was quite decisive at the critical moment.

He saw indeed very accurately that he, or rather they, would not be able to escape today.

Wu Siyuan is not a person who is willing to treat the world gently. In his heart, he is a you are in the first grade of junior high school, and I will be in the fifteenth grade person.

If he didn't do this, it was very likely that his strength at that time would not allow him to do this!

Wu Siyuan stood up and looked at the body of the Governor of Dongchang. Suddenly a beam of light shot out from his hand, directly piercing the chest of the Governor of Dongchang, and then twisted.

The dead Governor of Dongchang suddenly let out a scream, and then he really died!

It's not that easy to pretend to be dead in front of someone with [Detection Technique]!

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