I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 19: Levels and killing of ghosts

Monks have different realms.

Ghosts also have different levels according to the strength of their yin-inducing energy.

First of all, there are wandering souls. The souls of the recently deceased are not even considered ghosts. They are usually attracted by the power of reincarnation in the underworld. In some special circumstances, there will be ghosts from the underworld to attract them.

But some wandering souls had deep obsessions before death, or were in special places, such as the Four Yin Land and the Six Yin Land, which could resist the attraction of the reincarnation power of the Netherworld. If they absorbed the Yin Qi, they would turn into ghosts.

The most elementary ghosts are called wild ghosts or imps.

Up there are evil ghosts, fierce ghosts, and fierce ghosts.

Fierce ghosts can also be called ghost generals.

When the ghost general goes up, he is the ghost king. He can build a palace, build a ghost army, occupy a place in the underworld and become the king. In the real world, he can also form a netherworld, which is equivalent to the golden elixir realm in the realm of human cultivation. .

It's just that ghosts don't have mortal bodies, they only have soul bodies. Even if they reach the realm of ghost kings, they are still the weakest in the same realm, or the last.

White-headed ghosts are roughly equivalent to the level of evil spirits.

And the two female ghosts by the river pavilion are just newborn ghosts.

The maid ghost named Xiaoshuang is only at the level of a wild ghost.

The female ghost called Miss is only between wild ghosts and evil ghosts in strength.

But the strength of each of the six red-clothed ghost boys chasing after them was in the realm of fierce ghosts, equivalent to a monk in the human foundation-building stage. Among them, the red-clothed ghost boy with the strongest ghost aura had even reached the peak level of a fierce ghost. Perhaps he was If you need an opportunity, you can break through the level of the fierce ghost, condense a ghost pill, and enter the level of the ghost king, which requires a bad experience.

In addition, the red umbrellas held by these six red-clothed ghost boys are not ordinary objects. The umbrella surface is made of zombie skin, with symbols like ghost drawings painted on it. The umbrella pole is forged from resentful bones, and the overall surface is filled with a human-like appearance. The bloody light confuses people and minds. It is a first-class murder weapon, its power is comparable to the top-grade magic weapon of a monk.

Wu Siyuan recognized these six red-clothed ghost boys as the most important subordinates of the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox.

The other ghost kings established their own mansions, absorbed lonely ghosts, and established ghost armies, corrupting the whole place.

But this gathering of ghosts is weak and difficult to control.

But the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox is different.

It has very few subordinates, only six ghost boys in red clothes, and a few female ghosts.

These female ghosts were all brides waiting to be married in the nearby area. They were killed by the resentful ghost king Nine-tailed Fox. After death, he still refused to let them go and controlled their souls. They became bride ghosts and were enslaved by him.

The Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox only harms the bride, but it basically does not harm the wedding party.

Just because the ghost king nine-tailed fox has the deepest resentment towards the bride.

Because it was the bride who was about to get married, but something unexpected happened and she died tragically.

After his death, the bride became filled with resentment and was jealous of the happiness in the world, so she turned into a ghost. She didn't know what kind of fortune she got, but she actually turned her into a ghost king, causing trouble in this area ever since.

No bride can escape its vicious clutches!

Mochou, the female ghost in white, was forced to jump off the cliff and die in this way.

If Yan Chixia hadn't been there, its methods might have been even more brutal.

Maybe it was because of the existence of the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox that Yan Chixia chose to settle here in order to check and balance the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox.

While Wu Siyuan was thinking, the six red-clothed ghost boys had already rushed in front of the two female ghosts.

The female ghost Xiaoshuang and the female ghost Mochou fled in panic.

But the six ghost boys in red suddenly dispersed in all directions and surrounded the female ghost Xiaoshuang and the female ghost Mochou from all directions.

Moreover, these six red-clothed ghosts are connected with each other, and their movements may seem random, but in fact they have formed a ghost trap formation. The invisible ghost ropes have closed the space, leaving the two female ghosts with nowhere to escape, and they feel trapped. The stickiness of the spider web reduced my mobility a lot, making it difficult to move even an inch.

The two ghosts, Mochou and Xiaoshuang, looked at each other with despair in their eyes.

Miss... The female ghost Xiaoshuang's tone was full of pain.

Xiaoshuang... The female ghost Mochou looked sad and sad, and couldn't help but shed tears.

The six red-clothed ghost boys smiled proudly, and their weeping ghost laughter became more and more obvious. They compressed the living space of the two female ghosts less and less. One of them, one of the red-clothed ghosts, The red light of the ghost umbrella in the ghost boy's hand became more and more intense, covering the two female ghosts. The two female ghosts seemed to be pulled and sucked into the ghost umbrella.



The two female ghosts screamed at each other, but to no avail.

However, it is really difficult for a kid who is below the level of two fierce ghosts to get rid of the control of six fierce ghosts.

According to the plot in the movie, these six red-clothed ghost boys are even able to briefly confront Yan Chixia, who is at the Jindan level.

You must know that Yan Chixia is a sword cultivator, and the treasure she holds in her hand is the Xuanyuan Sword.

In the same level, the combat power is among the best.

These six red-clothed ghost boys can fight Yan Chixia together. Even if they only have a brief confrontation, their strength is evident. They can deal with the female ghost Mochou and the female ghost Xiaoshuang with ease, even with a little fuss!

Any red-clothed ghost boy can capture two female ghosts as long as it takes time.

Completely at ease.

Even after the red-clothed ghost boy discovered Wu Siyuan and He Youman who were watching carelessly by the river, he separated two red-clothed ghost boys and came to Wu Siyuan, intending to suck out their energy.

Two ghost boys in red arrived in an instant.

Hee hee hee……

Ghost laughter appeared all around Wu Siyuan, and countless red lanterns appeared in front of him.

He understood that this was a ghost beating a wall.

This is a common trick used by ghosts.

If Wu Siyuan's spiritual cultivation in the Yin Shen realm is still there, then this ghost hitting the wall will be of no use to him.

But who told him to just travel through time?

This is the moment when the strength is at its weakest.

But he still had a way to deal with the two fierce ghosts.

He waved his hand, and a clear light emitted from his body. The two ghost boys in red who were approaching were caught in the light before they could absorb Wu Siyuan's yang energy, and disappeared in the next second.

The clear light on Wu Siyuan's body disappeared, and most of his consciousness sank into a dreamlike space.

This is exactly [Shennongjiao Space]!

Space, obliterate! Wu Siyuan ordered decisively.

The next second.

The two ghost boys in red who were still confused were completely killed, their spirits shattered and their souls scattered.

Without even a scream, he disappeared from this world.

Somewhere in the Women's Ridge, in the underworld filled with ghosts.

This is the Yin Domain created by the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox in the Yin Cave, or it can be called the Dharma Domain. It is located at the junction of Yin and Yang and is the home of the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox, who had been sitting on the ghost bed with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of light flashed in his eyes.

Just now, it sensed the souls of two ghost boys in red.

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