But putting up river lanterns is only a custom in Jinhua, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

In other areas, customs are more different.

For example, in Fujian, the Ghost Festival sacrifices are very important. Every household must prepare paper money, write the name of the ancestor, and then burn it to worship.

If a married woman is offering sacrifices to her deceased parents, she will wrap gauze over paper clothes and paper money and burn them to show the difference, which is called a gauze box.

In the Putian area, people prepare their offerings in the early morning of July 15th, then the whole family gets dressed up and goes out to bow in the air, which means to invite the spirits of their ancestors into their homes.

After the sacrifice is completed, the deceased is sent out of the house respectfully.

In the evening, everyone prepared fast food, wontons, and paper money, and asked the wizard to set off flames in the market and give food to the wild ghosts who had no one to sacrifice.

Due to the high cost, some poor families who are struggling to make ends meet sometimes have to postpone the completion of this annual sacrificial ceremony until August or September.

In comparison, in the imperial capital area during the same period, the Hungry Ghost Festival sacrifices were much simpler.

On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, villagers take kudzu, hemp seedlings, and millet seedlings, tie them with roots and soil vertically on both sides of the gate, and tie three more bushes and stand outside the gate, offering noodles and fruits, which is called Sacrifice Magu, that's it.

But regardless of the differences in local customs, the point is not that. The point is that today is the Ghost Festival.

According to old rumors, the Ghost Festival is a holiday when the gates of hell are opened, and relatives who have died before return to the earth to fulfill their wishes that they could not fulfill during their lifetime.

On this day, the yin energy of heaven and earth is strong.

All kinds of lonely ghosts will also come out.

It's better if the place where you live is very popular.

But in the wild, it's fine during the day, but very dangerous at night.

Not to mention the wild places, even not far from the town, you may encounter unexpected events.

But Cui Hongjian lived in a house by the river outside the town.

Several people who lived there before died mysteriously in the water. This was caused by water ghosts.

The townspeople are just ignorant, but not stupid!

It's not easy to go out at night.

Luo Weiwei has also been frightened by her parents' horror stories since she was a child, and she knows the dangers outside at night.

And Wu Siyuan went out alone like this. She, a kind-hearted person, couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But as if Wu Siyuan didn't hear her voice, he just walked into the fog, his figure was looming, and he disappeared.

Luo Weiwei put her worries aside for the time being and closed the pawn shop with the other two children.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

The night of the Hungry Ghost Festival is foggy and blurry, and from time to time sinister laughter and ghostly cries can be heard.

Wu Siyuan returned to the host Cui Hongjian's residence by the river.

But he did not go into the house, but stood by the river.

The river water is dark, like a huge moving mouth.

There are river lanterns floating above, like eyes staring at you.

Along with the biting cold wind blowing from the river, people have the feeling of being in the underworld, Wangchuan River.


Suddenly, a ball of white ghost hair appeared in the river and rolled towards Wu Siyuan by the river.

Oh, it's the ghost from last time... Wu Siyuan took one look and recognized it.

Wasn't he severely injured by Shi'er last time, and now it's only been a few days and he's out looking for food? Wu Siyuan thought to himself, seeing the white ghost hair getting closer and closer to him, but Wu Siyuan's expression remained as usual.

Under the river, the white-headed ghost with its ghostly body scattered was looking proudly at Wu Siyuan on the bank. As long as Wu Siyuan is caught in the ghost's hair, even if Wu Siyuan is a cow, he will be pulled into the water. As long as he enters the water , that is the home ground of the white-headed ghost, and Wu Siyuan is dead.

Although his blood energy was not very strong, it helped the white-headed ghost regain some of its energy.

Unfortunately, the white-headed ghost will eventually be disappointed.

When the white ghost hair was about to entangle Wu Siyuan, a pair of white hands emerged from behind Wu Siyuan and grabbed the ghost hair easily.

The magic power wrapped around his hands, as if he had unparalleled strength, and the white ghost hair could not break free at all.

Under the river, the white-headed ghost was a little panicked. It wanted to escape, but it could no longer escape.

At this time, He Youman walked out from behind Wu Siyuan.

She also followed Wu Siyuan to practice Maoshan Dao Jue, and she also reached the foundation-building stage, which was easy for a white-headed ghost.

[Uncle Zombie] The spells of the world can be cast without any obstacles in this world.

I saw He Youman freeing his hand, taking out a gourd and holding it under his arm. He pinched his fingers with one hand and recited the incantation, activating the [Ghost Receiving Jue]. The mouth of the gourd that had been practiced suddenly glowed red, accompanied by a burst of light. A powerful attraction first sucked the white ghost hair in, followed the ghost hair, hooked out the white-headed ghost hidden deep in the river bottom, and sucked it in.

He Youman closed the lid and shook the gourd, and the white-headed ghost imprisoned inside was shaken into confusion.

He Youman then put the gourd away again and nodded towards Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan didn't say anything, just looked at the river quietly.

More and more river lanterns floated up from the upper reaches.

And his eyes continued to look up, stopping at a pavilion by the river.

I don’t know how long it took, but two beautiful figures appeared.

Xiaoshuang, why are you so stupid! Sometimes, being a ghost is worse than being a human being!

Miss, as long as I'm with you! I don't need to be alone, I'm content!

Xiao Shuang, you combed my wedding hair for me.

Miss, I hope you can meet the person you love again, and then I will help you comb your hair again!

Silly boy, your soul is wandering now! You don't know when you will be reincarnated! How dare you think about it?

Miss, do you know what day today is?

Festival of Lanterns! Put up lanterns to express your feelings and remember your loved ones!

Miss, let's also put a lamp and make a wish.

The beautiful figure who was called young lady was dressed in white, tall and had a gentle and pleasant appearance. She was moved after hearing this.

At this time, the maid in purple clothes next to her suddenly pointed in the direction of Wu Siyuan, Miss, look at that scholar, has he been looking at us?

This scholar can actually see us? Xiaoshuang said in surprise.

This scholar is so rude! He always stares at others! the woman in white said shyly and secretly.

Miss, maybe someone is interested in you! Xiaoshuang said jokingly.

Oh, you stinky girl... the woman in white said angrily in sheep's clothing.

Miss, I'm just joking... Xiaoshuang smiled.

You girl... Before the woman in white could finish her words, she heard a strange cry.

The expressions of the two women suddenly changed. When they looked up, a little red light appeared on the horizon. The red light became more and more obvious, turning into six red umbrellas connected end to end. Under each red umbrella, there was a same expression. Cang Qing, a ghost boy dressed in red.

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