I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 11 Pawnshop No. 9 suffers a loss

Although the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox did not [deliver to your doorstep], Wu Siyuan was quite regretful.

But he still had a good sleep.

The next day, he went to the town again in high spirits and took over the shop that belonged to him.

Yaren in Yaxing was very surprised to see him, but soon, Yaren hid this surprise deep in his eyes, with a flattering smile on his face.

Wu Siyuan also smiled at him and asked him to arrange for manpower to clean and tidy up the store and purchase some necessary things.

Anyway, as long as you spend money, Yaren can help you with anything.

And Wu Siyuan happened to be not short of money.

Seeing Wu Siyuan's generous attitude, Yaren suddenly smiled even brighter, patted his chest and promised Wu Siyuan that he would get everything he wanted as quickly as possible.

Yaren even took the initiative to ask Wu Siyuan if he needed some slaves to warm his feet and servants to run errands.

Age is bad.

Most of them sell their sons and daughters.

Within the scope of work of the dental industry, there is also human trafficking.

However, some people are brought to the door by others, and some are taken on their own initiative.

Wu Siyuan wanted to refuse.

But when I thought about it, sometimes he couldn't leave, and he also needed someone to help him run errands and do some things. He couldn't always send He Youman to take action. This was not convenient!

So Wu Siyuan agreed.

Yaxing's work efficiency was very fast, and two eight or nine-year-old children were quickly sent to Wu Siyuan according to Wu Siyuan's request.

He was said to be eight or nine years old, but he looked like a six or seven-year-old carrot head, with a sallow complexion and thin muscles.

But this is normal.

In this day and age, how many fat people can eat for free?

Both young children were given nicknames.

Not nice.

Wu Siyuan simply changed their names.

He thought about the store he was going to open, so he named the two of them, one was called Jieyou and the other was called Difficulty.

Both of them knew that life was not easy, and they acted submissively. Whatever Wu Siyuan said, they would naturally do it.

At this time, Yaren also bought the things Wu Siyuan asked for and thoughtfully helped Wu Siyuan lay them out in the shop.

Wu Siyuan was very satisfied with him, patted him on the shoulder, and paid his wages happily.

Yaren left happily, although he was also curious about where Wu Siyuan's money came from, but he was not in a hurry.

Wu Siyuan, on the other hand, calmly ordered He Youman to make the Yaren disappear as soon as possible.

That Yaren arranged for gangsters to follow Wu Siyuan and rob him after he revealed his wealth. Didn't Wu Siyuan really know that? Do you really think Wu Siyuan didn't respond?

In the past, the other party was only valuable, but if it no longer has value, deal with it as it should be dealt with. Don't leave any future troubles for yourself, and don't add any trouble to yourself.

Wu Siyuan does not take the behavior of the Holy Mother.

After the tooth man left, Wu Siyuan took out a plaque. Wu Siyuan asked the [Transformers] in the space to make the plaque. These are faster. It says [Pawn Shop No. 9]. This is what Wu Siyuan gave him. The name of this shop that came down.

Yes, the shop Wu Siyuan plans to open is a [pawn shop].

Of course, this is no ordinary [pawn shop].

Just by the name, you can tell it’s not an ordinary [pawn shop].

The name of this store actually comes from a magical TV series in Wu Siyuan's real world - [Pawn Shop No. 8]!

There is a pawn shop with the same name in this TV series - [Pawn Shop No. 8]!

In Pawn Shop No. 8, any wish can be fulfilled as long as the pawn pays a sufficient price.

Wu Siyuan is not that powerful, and the [Pawn Shop No. 9] he wants to open cannot satisfy everyone's wishes.

But Wu Siyuan gained a lot during his journey through the heavens and worlds.

These things are of great help to practitioners, and they are what Wu Siyuan intends to trade and pawn for exchange.

Wu Siyuan believed that they could help him catch many big fish.

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Because Wu Siyuan is not sure how long he can stay in this world - if it is just the [Fairy in Painting] world, he will not stay too long.

So I kept everything simple and quickly opened this [Pawn Shop No. 9].

No firecrackers, no lion dance, just opened quietly.

Because it is too low-key, many townspeople don't know about this store.

But in the eyes of some strange people, it is very different.

Li Banxian has been staring at the store opened by Wu Siyuan for a long time.

Last time he was frightened by Wu Siyuan and ran away, thinking that Wu Siyuan might encounter something unexpected.

But I don't want Wu Siyuan to be still active and lively, and he also opened a pawn shop in the town.

Opening a store is just a small thing.

But Li Banxian was shocked by the strange fragrance emanating from the shop and the spiritual light above that was so powerful that it produced spiritual pressure.

He hesitated again and again, but finally chose to walk into this shabby-looking pawn shop - Pawn Shop No. 9.

As soon as Li Banxian entered the door, he discovered that the layout of this No. 9 pawnshop was similar to that of a traditional pawnshop.

The counter, which is taller than a person, isolates Li Banxian and Wu Siyuan in different worlds.

The word Dang on the wall was bright red like fire, exuding strange magic power. Li Banxian just took a look at it and was attracted. In the depths of his mind, a unicorn wrapped in magic flames appeared, running rampant.

A jade pendant in Li Banxian's arms gave off a gleaming green light, and a cool feeling appeared in his mind, and he was freed from this dazed state.

Li Banxian was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat - if someone wanted to harm him, the state just now was enough to kill him three times.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Wu Siyuan behind the counter.

Wu Siyuan looked at him with a half-smile.

The word Dang is made from the Qilin blood of Wind and Cloud World, combined with certain materials, to create Blood Ink!

Because the fire unicorn has demonic properties, so does its blood.

The [Blood Ink] prepared by this concoction has the effect of confusing people's hearts. Most people will be stunned. In fact, it is Wu Siyuan's way of distinguishing customers.

After all, only those with a strong will and true practitioners can get rid of the influence of this [Kirin Blood Ink].

This is also the real customer Wu Siyuan wants.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Li Banxian looked at Wu Siyuan and opened his mouth. Before he could say the word fellow Taoist, a young boy Jieyou bought by Wu Siyuan came to Li Banxian's side respectfully with a cup of hot tea.

Tao... Taoist Master, please have some tea! Jieyou stuttered.

Li Banxian glanced at it and didn't want to drink it, but when he saw the steaming spiritual energy on it, his eyes were surprised and he took the cup of spiritual tea!

Lingcha entrance.

The taste is secondary, of course, the taste is not bad either.

But for people like Li Banxian, the most important thing is the spiritual energy that comes from drinking the spiritual tea in his stomach.

Taoist Master, you really surprised me! It took a long time for Li Banxian to say this.

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