I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 10 The Ghost King Attacks Tu Fu

at dusk.

The remaining clouds are like burning clouds.

Wu Siyuan neatly dealt with the following gangsters and sank them into the river. Then he returned to the newly built three-bedroom hut by the river.

It was already nightfall.

Nights without light pollution are extremely dark, especially when this is a wild riverside. The moon in the sky is blocked by dark clouds, and the stars are nowhere to be seen. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as invisible.

Wu Siyuan lit several modern smokeless candles.

The bright light fills the entire room, bringing light but also a bit of warmth. If you are an ordinary person, you may also feel a bit of security.

After all, the wind howls by the river at night, like a ghost crying, and sensitive and timid people will get goosebumps all over their bodies if they hear it too much, and they will be unable to sleep all night long.

If someone suddenly knocks on the door in the middle of the night.

The continuous knocking on the door, combined with the sharp sound of the wind outside, can scare the people in the house until their faces turn pale.

Of course, Wu Siyuan is definitely not included in this.

Even though Wu Siyuan is encountering this situation now.

He calmly got up from the bed and opened the door.

Outside the door, there was a young woman wearing white clothes with a beautiful face but very pale skin.

But the strange thing is that the woman's eyes are closed.

She heard the sound of Wu Siyuan opening the door, turned around, bowed to Wu Siyuan like a lady, and said, Hello, sir, you are polite!

The words just fell.


Wu Siyuan punched the woman in white with a flaming punch, knocking her back and burning a hole in her body.


The woman in white screamed and took a few steps back before she stabilized her figure. Black air filled the hole and was repaired in an instant, along with the burned white clothes.

This young woman is originally a ghost, and her whole body is just a combination of ghost energy and consciousness. Even if Wu Siyuan hits her head, she can still recover as before as long as her consciousness is not damaged.

Wu Siyuan actually saw that the other person was not a human being at the first sight of meeting him.

He didn't bother to deal with the opponent, so he just hit [Pegasus Flame Fist]!

The flames condensed by the high-level [Fire Control Technique] are not only high in temperature, but also pose a great threat to the mortal body, and are also harmful to the spiritual body.

The female ghost in white in front of her lost at least one-fifth of her ghost energy after taking Wu Siyuan's blow. The trauma was not light!

That is to say, Wu Siyuan is now at the lowest point of his strength, so he can only achieve this step.

Otherwise, just punch the monster to death.

If ghosts can be formed, the right time and place are indispensable, but the most important thing is that the deceased must have an obsession with them, so that they can withstand the pull of reincarnation at the time of death, stay in the human world forcibly, and become ghosts.

Whether it is [Yi Ding World] or this world, it is the same.

Because ghosts have deep obsessions, they are also quite extreme.

The female ghost in white was beaten like this by Wu Siyuan. Not only did she not run away, but she opened her eyeballless eyes, her hands turned into withered ghost hands covered with corpse spots, and rushed towards Wu Siyuan!

Wu Siyuan sneered disdainfully. Although he had neither internal strength nor magic power in his body now, it was not something that an ordinary kid could deal with.

He held his right hand, and under the control of the [Water Control Technique], the moisture in the air condensed into water ropes that exuded spiritual fluctuations.

The water rope was as flexible as a water snake, and it tied the eyeless female ghost in white out of thin air, making it unable to move.

Did the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox send you here? Wu Siyuan asked softly.

The female ghost in white didn't answer, she was just struggling wildly.

Wu Siyuan knew at first glance that it was useless. After thinking about it, a fireball fell on him. Amidst the screams of the female ghost in white, it was burned into ashes, and his resentment was also purified. Empty.

Between the dark mountains and fields.

Suddenly, ghostly energy rose into the sky and spread rapidly, trying to cover the area.

Wu Siyuan stood in front of the door, looking at the horizon. There was a faint scarlet blood-like light appearing, and it became bigger and bigger in Wu Siyuan's sight.

Along with the red light came the wind that became as cold as a knife.

Are you beating the younger one, and the older one is coming? Wu Siyuan leaned against the concierge, his expression as usual, and he was even in a teasing mood.

With the existence of [Shennongjiao Space], Wu Siyuan is actually very confident.

He was just a mere ghost king and was not in Wu Siyuan's eyes, even though Wu Siyuan had no magic power at all at this time.

As for [Shennong's Corner Space], when the level is not high, you can mobilize the power of a space to kill the [Angel Spirit] trapped in it. Later, when the level is high, you can also directly kill the vampires with divinity.

In the hands of Wu Siyuan, the level of [Shennongjiao Space] is not low, and the energy accumulated is even more exaggerated.

Wu Siyuan didn't really think that a nine-tailed fox, the ghost king, could conquer the world in his hands.

So he was very indifferent.

But he didn't expect it.

The ghost king, the nine-tailed fox, came over the mountains and seas with an aura that would destroy the world.

But midway, there was a sharp golden sword light rising into the sky, intertwined with the red light.

Golden light, red light intertwined, sword energy and ghost energy crisscrossed.

The dark sky seemed to be torn into pieces.

In the end, the golden light had the upper hand, and the red light was forced to retreat.

Among the many cultivation systems, ghost cultivation without flesh and blood is inherently weaker than other cultivation systems.

As for sword cultivators, in the Eastern training system, they are famous for their unparalleled killing abilities.

Even though the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox's cultivation level was higher, he was still struggling more and more under the attack of the sword cultivator, and finally had to escape, tearing open the Yin-Yang channel and entering the ghost world.

The sword cultivator seemed to be afraid. Seeing the ghost king nine-tailed fox fleeing away, the sword light appeared hesitant in the air and did not continue to pursue.

Wu Siyuan looked intently and turned on the [Detection Technique]. Although he was ten years away, he could still clearly see the man in the sword light - a middle-aged man of short stature, full beard, and a serious expression.

Yan Chixia? Is he back? Wu Siyuan thought silently.

In mid-air, Yan Chixia, who was being observed by Wu Siyuan's [Exploration Technique], felt something in her heart and looked towards the boundary where Wu Siyuan was.

Wu Siyuan didn't know if Yan Chixia had noticed him, because Yan Chixia pressed the sword light and fell to the ground after a while.

Wu Siyuan can still observe Yan Chixia from high in the sky, but there is nothing he can do on the ground. There are too many things in the middle to block it. His [Detection Technique] is not as powerful as the legendary [Sky Eyes], which can see three thousand things at a glance. There is nothing missing in this world.

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