I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 39: Miracle medicine or fake medicine?

May I have your name?

Hu Zhiqian.

How old are you this year?

49 years old.

What's wrong with you?

Nasopharyngeal cancer...stage four.

Where to treat the disease?

More provinces, cancer hospital.

“Have you joined the experimental group of [ledimumab]?”


Is it effective?


Isn't [leditimab] not as effective as the rumors say?

No, [ledimumab] is very effective! The patient who is the same patient as me also participated in the [ledimumab] experiment. His tumors have shrunk significantly and his complexion is much better.

You mean, this medicine is targeted, some people will be fine with it, and some will not be well with it?

No, no, no, I think this drug is effective for all cancers. It is really a miracle drug, but...

It's just that what you are taking is not the real [ledizumab], but a placebo?

Yes, we guess that's the case. Now, the pills given to us by the staff of [Xuanhu Technology] have been tested, and they are all starch vitamins.

Starch? Vitamins? Really?

Yes, we tested it again together with several other patients who had no effect in the experimental group. They all had the same starch and vitamins.

...Have you contacted those patients who have shown significant improvement?

got engaged.

Have you tested the ingredients in the pills in their hands?

This request was made to them.

They said that?

They politely declined... After all, this is their freedom.

So, you don't know the ingredients of their pills?

Yes. There was an offer to let them withhold some of the pills for testing, but after some consideration, they refused.

Still refused?

Well... I can understand! After all... we are all sick! People can gamble with one hundred and eighty thousand, but few people who are standing on the edge of death are willing to gamble with a chance of life.

Feel sorry!

The fault should be mine. Who told me to get this disease? Who told me to enter the experimental group and be given a placebo? It's just... I'm still a little unwilling.

If there is a chance of survival, no one will accept it!


Have you had any feedback?

Yes, I, and many patients like me, are asking doctors to buy this drug! This real miracle drug - [ledizumab]...

Sorry to interrupt, when you say patients who are the same as you, do you mean patients who have the same disease as you, or patients who are in the same advanced stage of cancer as you?

Like me, a patient with terminal cancer...

Feel sorry!


Hmm...are other types of cancer patients also asking for this drug?

Yes, I said it, this is a [miracle drug]! A [miracle drug] for cancer patients! In the experimental group, there are many different types of cancer, but they all have the same effect.

The effect you are talking about means that the diseases are controlled to varying degrees? Some people are more sensitive to this...well, this [magic drug], so they can control it very well, while some people are not so Sensitive, although the effect is there, there is still some gap compared to the former.

No! No, it's been getting better. This [miracle medicine] can really cure our cancer! Really! I'm not lying to you! This is really a miracle medicine!

Yeah, please relax!

Huh...huh...huh...I'm sorry, I lost my temper.

Let's continue the topic. You said this is a [miraculous drug]. There are rumors that several people took this drug and their bodies could no longer detect cancer cells within a month or so. Is this true? ?”

I don't know when you got the news, but according to what I learned this morning, there are several more patients in the experimental group with advanced cancer whose bodies have no detectable cancer cells.


Yes! I said, this is a [miracle medicine]!

Are they all the same type of cancer?

No! There are people with bone cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer...I am the one with nasopharyngeal cancer...

...No cancer cells were found?

I'm sure.

They all have terminal cancer?

Yes, they are all transferred to the whole body.

Do they have any side effects? I mean, after they recover, are there any differences in their bodies from before?

...talk a lot and smile a lot, does that count?

...Forget it. If that's the case, then this medicine is really a [miraculous medicine]!

I didn't lie to you!

Then what are your plans?

We wanted to ask the doctor to buy [redizumab]. But the doctor said no! This drug is not yet on the market.

Yes, if it is true as you said, this is a drug that has just entered clinical trials. There is no such drug on the market. If you really want to obtain this drug, you still need to find the source.

The doctor also said so, and we also contacted the relevant staff of [Xuanhu Technology].

What did they say?

They said they could only report the situation to the authorities and wait for a reply.

Is there an answer?

So far, no.

It's just that some people can wait, but some people can't wait!

you mean?

We hope that [Xuanhu Technology] can disclose the real data of this experiment to the public. We want to know, those of us who had no effect after taking it, did we take a placebo? We also hope that [Xuanhu Technology] and the national side , can sell us this life-saving medicine! If you can live, who wants to die!

Yes! If you can live, who wants to die? We all understand that new drugs have a clinical trial period, but for some new drugs involving terminal diseases, can our agencies and departments provide greater support in terms of review and policy? What? After all, the purpose of our drug research is ultimately to have an effect on patients! To save lives!

Thank you! Thank you for your understanding!

This is what I mean! After all, everyone is equal before disease!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

This interview on Is the Miracle Medicine or a Fake Medicine? was quickly reprinted widely.

In addition, more patients in cancer hospitals have taken the initiative to come forward, either accepting interviews from reporters, or publishing relevant information alone on [Douyin] and [Weibo].

Instantly, society's attention suddenly rose.

It seemed like there was nothing else going on under the sun.

Everyone is talking about [ledimumab].

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