I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 31 The black technology I decided to bring out (Happy Valentine’s Day)

[Chaoqun Group] This attitude makes the big leader very satisfied.

How to say?

Although his previous behavior was a bit outrageous.

But in front of the real big things.

[Chaoqun Group] is still a trustworthy company.

And Wu Siyuan is also a comrade who can be trusted.

The big leader is back.

In the empty conference room, only Wu Siyuan was deep in thought.

Whether it is Yangcheng's No Man's City project or the Canal Planning mentioned by the leaders, they cannot be pushed forward so quickly. They are all projects with a long time span.

The good thing is that even though Huaguo's projects take a long time, they are still reliable.

It's not like a project in a certain country, which takes a long time, requires a lot of investment, and is easy to be unfinished.

California, a certain country, had launched a high-speed rail project as early as 2008.

In the plan, this high-speed rail line connects San Francisco and Los Angeles, with a mileage of 8 kilometers, a total investment of US$77.3 billion, and a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

After the opening of the train, the rail journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles will be shortened from the previous 9 hours to 5 hours.

The people of California welcome the arrival of the high-speed rail era and imagine that millions of Californians will be able to travel between the two cities comfortably and conveniently.

However, 14 years have passed since the project was launched, and the high-speed railway has not been repaired for 14 years, becoming a world-class unfinished project.

California's high-speed rail budget has increased from the previous $77.3 billion to $105 billion.

I heard that this project will be restarted.

However, even if the project is to be restarted, even local people are pessimistic about its construction.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Of course, the efficiency of a country's infrastructure has nothing to do with Wu Siyuan.

He doesn't care either.

What he cares about is influence.

However, both projects are time-consuming and long-term projects, and gaining influence cannot be achieved in a day.

Unless Wu Siyuan has the patience to wait.

Otherwise, if he wants to continue traveling, he still has to find some ways to gain influence and achieve quick results as soon as possible.

Wu Siyuan took stock of the good things on hand and thought about those that could be realized.

[Anti-gravity technology] brought from the world of [Godzilla]?

Too advanced!


The [Binding Force Field] brought from the world of [Doraemon]?

This thing can speed up the research progress of controllable nuclear fusion.

Of course, its other use is to bind the clouds to flat ground and establish a [Kingdom of Clouds]!

Wu Siyuan is determined to bring out this technology.

Not to mention controllable nuclear fusion.

Establishing one or more [Cloud Kingdoms] that can float around the world will not only have great advantages in space exploration, but will also greatly enhance China's military capabilities.

how to say?

It’s nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree!

Wu Siyuan was making trouble outside.

I definitely don't want to get wet by the wind and rain caused by myself.

Then he will make the big tree where he enjoys shade become more leafy and more deeply rooted.

However, Wu Siyuan also needs to find the right time to bring out this technology.

He has supported so many scientific research funds in universities just to do this.

It's already underway, but it will take time.

Distant water cannot save nearby fire!

So what other black technologies does he have in his hands?

Gene evolution fluid?

This is the ability derived from the [Biological Research Laboratory] on the [Base Vehicle].

But it requires the flesh and blood of mutated beasts.

Wu Siyuan can be used, but it cannot be promoted on a large scale.

If it cannot be promoted on a large scale in reality, it will have little influence on Wu Siyuan.

Moreover, the technology is also sensitive.

Wu Siyuan rejected it immediately.

So what other black technology reserves does he have?

Oh, by the way, there is also a whole set of VR equipment technology brought from the world of [Ready Player One].

The supporting [brain-computer connection technology] can reap a wave of influence in the world.

There is a laboratory inside [Yuanyuan Company] that is researching [brain-computer connection].

Wu Siyuan is thinking about whether to leak some [inspiration] to the scientists in the laboratory?

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Siyuan rejected the idea for the time being.

At this time, something came to his mind.

It’s the [Nano Medical Particles] he recently obtained from the world of [Avengers 2]!

Although Wu Siyuan did not obtain the industrial production technology of [nano medical particles].

However, the [Transformers] that he used to alienate the [Regeneration Cradle] with [Fire Source] energy have the ability to generate [Nano Medical Particles].

This is actually equivalent to Wu Siyuan having the technology to produce [nano medical particles].

After the [Cradle of Regeneration] Transformers came out, Wu Siyuan ordered it to produce [Nano Medical Particles].

Now that some time has passed, Wu Siyuan also has a batch of [Nano Medical Particles] that can be controlled by the [Regeneration Cradle].

He now feels that getting involved in the cancer medical industry is a good choice.

Not only for him to gain influence, but also for those patients who are in terminal stages with no cure and can only wait to die in despair.

Wu Siyuan decided, this time, he would take out [Nano Medical Particles]!


[Nano medical particles] need to be packaged before they can be taken out to see people.

Wu Siyuan cannot be allowed to directly announce to the world, I have mastered nano-medical robots that can treat most human diseases.

This won't work.

Wu Siyuan and his [Chaoqun Group] will become the target of public criticism - if Wu Siyuan does not want to overturn the table and continues to use the [Chaoqun Group]'s signature to gain influence for himself.

So these [nano-medical particles] need to be packaged into developed anti-cancer drugs.

It takes about 15 years for a new anti-cancer drug to be launched.

It takes a lot of time, energy and money to develop a new anti-cancer drug from development to launch.

In summary, the development of anticancer drugs needs to go through two stages: research and development.

The research stage includes target identification, model establishment, discovery of lead compounds, and optimization of lead compounds.

According to statistics, the research phase requires an investment of approximately US$300-600 million.

The research and development stage includes preclinical trials, R\u0026D new drug applications, clinical studies, and new drug applications. It requires an investment of approximately US$500-100 million, but the success rate is only 05%-1%.

Once it fails, all the previous money will be wasted.

The cost is very high.

[Xuanhu Technology], a company in charge of medical business, received investment from [Chaoqun Group] regardless of cost. [Xuanhu Technology] has early established a new drug research and development laboratory specifically for several terminal diseases.

Among them, there is a new drug research and development laboratory for cancer.

This new drug research and development laboratory has also produced several anti-cancer drugs.

However, before it actually entered clinical trials, it was rejected because the drug was not effective or had excessive side effects.

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