Wu Siyuan asked another question, If, leaders, I mean if, if [Chaoqun Group] participates in this project, do we have the corresponding supervision rights?

As for projects, there will always be people fishing in troubled waters to make money.

Especially for such a big project.

If there is any leakage between the fingers, there will be oil!

It's all his money.

Wu Siyuan doesn't want to benefit anyone in vain!

That’s why Wu Siyuan asked this question.

When several leaders heard that this was the question, they nodded calmly, Of course.

The corner of Wu Siyuan's mouth curled up.

He took the plan and said to the senior officials and leaders of Yangcheng, Then I will take this plan back to the board of directors for discussion.

Such a big project.

Even if Wu Siyuan has a preliminary intention, he will not decide immediately.

The senior officials and leaders of Yangcheng all expressed their understanding. Not only does [Chaoqun Group] need internal discussions, there is also a lot of work to be done here in Yangcheng.

The inspection ended in a friendly atmosphere.

Wu Siyuan returned to the company and threw the plan to the group executives and [Foresight Company] strategic personnel for evaluation and analysis.

Such a large project requires a long time of research and many aspects need to be considered.

After all, the money invested is really not a small amount.

If trillions of dollars are spent, if the result is not ideal, it will be a heavy blow to [Chaoqun Group].

But what Wu Siyuan didn't expect was that it wasn't just Yangcheng who was eyeing the trillions of funds from [Chaoqun Group].

The Imperial Capital also sent high-level staff, who were old acquaintances of Wu Siyuan.

This is a man of real power.

Wu Siyuan happened to be free, so he met with the big leader.

After the two exchanged Chinese-style greetings, the leader got straight to the point.

It turns out that due to the impact of the black swan event, the domestic macroeconomic market is not very good and the unemployment rate is very high.

The above means that we want to provide work-for-relief through the construction of large-scale projects, increase the domestic employment rate, and stimulate the economy.

General infrastructure construction has been almost completed in the past ten years.

If we continue doing this, it won’t have much effect given the marginal utility.

But this is on land.

The infrastructure on the water is still in progress.

Of course not infrastructure projects such as bridges.

But - canal!

China is one of the countries with the most rivers in the world. There are more than 1,500 rivers with a drainage area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers. The Yangtze River and the Pearl River are the most important golden waterways, forming multiple water systems.

It's just that although China has many water systems, each water system is isolated from each other, which is not conducive to the development of shipping. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, various dynasties have listed the construction of canals as a key project.

Because in ancient times, transportation losses were exaggerated, especially land transportation.

Water transport not only has a large transport volume, but also has low consumption, which makes water transport attract the attention of rulers in the past dynasties.

Over thousands of years, various dynasties have built many canals, including many well-known canals, such as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

But today, under the erosion of time and without maintenance, many canals have been blocked again and cannot live up to their past.

In ancient times, when science and technology and economy were underdeveloped, building a canal was a large-scale project that cost money, labor, and people, and sometimes even led to civil unrest.

But in modern times with advanced technology, it is much easier to build canals.

If the country's inland river network can be opened up and the various water systems in the country can be connected to form an inland river shipping system, it will not only be an important supplement to transportation methods such as railways, public transportation, and airplanes, but it will also profoundly change the domestic economic situation.

The city that originally relied on its only outlet to the sea to develop prosperously will be affected.


I’m talking about Lucheng and Pengcheng.


To open up the country's inland river network and connect the country's water systems into one, the funds required are as big as a bottomless pit.

Black swan for so long.

Even if there are companies like [Chaoqun Group] that contribute taxes.

But the stall is so big, the money is still not enough.

This time, the country only plans to connect the two water systems of the Yangtze River and Pearl River.

There is also a vast inland hinterland between the Yangtze River and the Pearl River, especially the many cities located on the branches of major rivers. Due to the shrinkage of inland river transport, many cities have had to turn from prosperity to desolation.

If the two major water systems of the Yangtze and Pearl Rivers are opened up and the canals connect the north and south and directly reach the ocean, it will not only effectively supplement the shortcomings of inland river transportation, but also achieve the deeper purpose of balanced regional development.

If we want to open up the Yangtze River and Pearl River water systems, the Hunan-Guangxi Canal, Jiangxi-Guangdong Canal and Guangxi Pinglu Canal have become the key.

The Hunan-Guangxi Canal and the Jiangxi-Guangdong Canal are a major channel connecting Han, Hunan, and Guangxi, and a major channel connecting Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Guangdong. They connect the two major water systems of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River into one, covering Yue, Zhejiang, Guizhou, Hunan, and Jiangxi provinces. and other provinces.

Once these two canals are connected, they will expand the economic hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and also restore the historical glory of Guizhou, Gan Province and other underdeveloped provinces.

In comparison, the Pinglu Canal in Guizhou Province is part of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, connecting the golden waterway of the Xijiang River and the ports of the Beibu Gulf, and is entrusted with the important task of connecting the river to the sea.

After the completion of the canal, the inland rivers of Guangxi Province will have a new channel to the sea. The distance from Nanning, the capital city, to the sea from the Beibu Gulf via the Pinglu Canal is only 291 kilometers, which is 560 kilometers shorter than the sea from the Pearl River Delta.

This will also change the dilemma of goods from Guangxi Province are shipped out of Guangxi Province.

Guizhou Province has a well-developed water system, and the Xijiang River within its territory is the main stream of the Pearl River Basin. As the longest river in South China, the Xijiang River’s shipping volume is second only to the Yangtze River, making it a golden waterway in South China.

However, the existence of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau causes the Xijiang River not to flow to the sea outlet of the Beibu Gulf of the province, but to go all the way east, through more provinces, and directly to the Pearl River Delta. This brings about the embarrassment that Guangxi goods do not go through Guangxi ports.

But once construction of the Pinglu Canal begins, this situation will no longer exist.

At the same time, after the completion of the Hunan-Guangxi Canal and the Jiangxi-Guangdong Canal, Lucheng will no longer be the only outlet for the Yangtze River Basin.

Throughout China, the original economic structure will undergo great changes.

However, although the canal project is a project that will benefit the future, the investment is not small.

According to the plan, investment in the Pinglu Canal in Guangxi Province will reach 72.7 billion yuan, while investment in the entire Xianggui Canal is expected to reach 150 billion yuan. As for the Zhejiang-Jiangxi-Guangdong Canal, which spans the largest distance, the total investment may exceed 300 billion yuan.

The big leader wants [Chaoqun Group] to invest part of it. [Chaoqun Group] can get investment returns from the operating income of the three major canals. The conditions can be negotiated.

Now everyone knows that [Chaoqun Group] is rich!

There are 5 trillion funds in hand!

Everyone looks jealous!

But no one dared to come up and grab it!

Haven't you seen that a certain country, the world's hegemon, was speechless?

Wu Siyuan calculated that the total investment in the three canals was only 530 billion yuan.

Even if it is added later, it will not exceed 600 billion.

Wu Siyuan said directly, We [Chaoqun Group] have taken care of the investment in these three canals!

What? The big leader's expression changed slightly.

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