Various styles and types are available to suit every taste.

The only pain for consumers is that the cost of 1 yuan per episode seems a bit high.

[Deep Sky City] also responded very quickly. On the basis of the discount of 30 episodes for 10 yuan, it also offered two more discounts.

1000 episodes for 100 yuan.

300 yuan for 5000 sets.

The strength of this discount can blind these people.

After all, the audience’s time is limited.

It's not a short movie, you can keep fast forwarding.

A week has passed.

The popularity of [Deep Sky City] and [AI Painting] has not declined.

The result of this is that the number of paying users of Deep Sky City continues to rise, reaching 56.35 million, and the cumulative revenue has reached 2.8175 billion yuan.

This is close to one-tenth of [Yi Qi Ai]’s annual revenue.

But [Deep Sky City] only took a week, and this is only paid income, not including advertising income.

Due to the popularity of [Deep Sky City], many companies have come to negotiate advertising investment, which is expected to bring high income to [Deep Sky City].

The cost of [Deep Sky City] is less than one percent of [Yi Qi Ai].

More than 200 anime dramas are on the shelves, and happy viewers include the creators behind these dramas.

According to the contract signed between [Chaoqun Group] and [Zhangpin Chinese Network], 50% of the revenue will be used as a share of the usage of [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi], and the remaining 50% will be used as [Deep Space City] takes away one-half, and the remaining one-half is given to the copyright owner.

Because of the web article contract, the copyright of [Chipin Chinese Network] is shared between the website and the author. In other words, the website takes 50% and the author takes 50%.

In other words, of the 2.8175 billion yuan earned this week, 704.375 million yuan was given to [Chicheng Chinese Network] and the author himself.

The group of these 200 animation dramas can share about 352 million yuan.

Assuming that there are 200 authors behind these 200 animation dramas, in the most average case, each author can get 1.76 million yuan.

How many authors can make this amount?

This is an estimate based on the most average situation.

In fact, among these 200 anime dramas, there are many anime dramas that belong to the same author. This situation is quite common.

Moreover, the popularity of each anime series is different.

The ones with the most subscriptions must be those 20 or so that were put on the shelves first. After all, they have the advantage of time.

As for the later anime series, the number of subscribers is relatively smaller.

This results in the amount of money each author receives being different.

But the lowest one can also get five to six million yuan.

As time goes by and the number of subscribers increases, this amount will definitely increase again.

According to current statistics from the backend, the author who has received the most distribution has 4 films that have been turned into animated dramas, and can receive 19.22 million yuan. Of course, the actual amount is not that much, and taxes have to be paid, but in the end, there are thousands of them. Ten thousand yuan.

Because of the need for publicity, the author backend data center of [Chicheng Chinese Network] has also been revised accordingly. In fact, authors can see their copyright income, but it is summarized on a monthly basis.

[Chaoqun Group] here changes [Monthly Report] to [Weekly Report].

When [Chicheng Chinese Network] writers who were selected for anime adaptations habitually opened the backend and looked at their income, they were suddenly blinded by the six-digit, seven-digit, and eight-digit figures.

Especially for the author who was selected for the adaptation of four works, his income from online writing is actually tepid. It is not popular, but it is not bad, and his monthly income is several thousand yuan.

He has been writing online articles for several years and has earned over 100,000 yuan.

But I didn’t expect that after his online article was transformed into animation, the effect would be so good.

Seeing the advance income of close to 20 million yuan, this lucky online article author was first in disbelief, and then he was uncontrollably ecstatic, and he almost won the lottery.

In fact, the authors of these adapted [Chicheng Chinese Website] web articles roughly guessed that they would make a windfall.

But they didn't expect this windfall to be so rich that they would directly break through their defenses.

This news spread from [Chicheng Chinese Network] and spread throughout the entire Internet literary circle in a short period of time.

More than 70% of online article authors know this.

Especially the author who has been adapted into four online movies and earned nearly 20 million yuan in one week.

His author's name and several online articles under his name have been exposed.

Many authors went to read it.

After looking at the results, I realized that it was nothing more than that, not as good as mine!

But why does he earn so much?

Profit makes people crazy.

Especially the top authors of [Wenyue Group].

A monthly income of one million is already a level only achieved by the top masters in [Wenyue Group], and this includes various channels.

There are only a handful of such people.

But [Chicheng Chinese Network] told them with loud data that there are hundreds of authors with such income.

If they rely on their own level, then they won't say anything!

Let’s talk about strength!

But now I rely on plug-ins!

It is the credit of [AI drawing assistant Xiaozhi].

When they consulted [Wenyue Group], they were told that they had not yet reached a cooperation agreement with [Chaoqun Group], and the authors needed to wait patiently for a while, and the group would get a more favorable deal for them than [Chicheng Chinese Network] condition.

This is what the author said to appease him.

In fact, the executives of [Wenyue Group] know that a giant company like [Penguin Group] is also in a very passive state when negotiating with [Chaoqun Group].

They are not optimistic about this.

[Chaoqun Group] That's not called negotiation, but a notification, informing you that if you want to cooperate with us, you will do what you want.

This was originally [Penguin Group]’s normal behavior for other companies.

But today, they enjoyed this treatment from [Super Group].

Very domineering, right?

But people have this kind of domineering qualifications.

[Penguin Group] now hopes that [Chaoqun Group] can see the value of the IP in the hands of [Wenyue Group], and then can provide a better condition.

The equity of [Wenyue Group] can be given away for free.

But [Deep Sky City]’s equity should also allow [Penguin Group] to purchase part of it, even if it is just a financial investment, without seeking voting rights.

In fact, [Penguin Group] believes that with the strength of [Super Group], it will not give voting rights.

But this is already the last stubbornness on the part of [Penguin Group] and the minimum requirement.

Otherwise, it would really be a wedding dress for the [Super Group].

[Super Group] will dominate this field.

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