Twenty-three million paying viewers is not a lot.

Because [Penguin Video] alone has more than 100 million paying users.

But the revenue shocked, even frightened, the giants of the video industry.

With 23 million users, the revenue is 920 million yuan.

Although this is because the anime film Deep Sky City has not been pirated yet, plus the scale effect on the first day, there is this revenue.

With the emergence of a large number of piracy, [Deep Sky City]'s revenue is bound to decline.

But there is one thing that these video giants cannot ignore.

The animation film Deep Sky City came out at a low cost!

Regardless of the domestic video giants, the number of paying members can easily reach over 100 million, or at least 80 to 90 million.

Annual revenue is tens of billions.

For example, [Yi Qi Ai]'s revenue in 2020 was 29.7 billion yuan.

But there is no exception.

All domestic video websites are losing money.

And it's a huge loss.

Even [Penguin Video], which has the largest number of paying members, is still losing money.

On the contrary, the domestic short video giants have not announced their advertising revenue since the launch of full commercialization, but external estimates estimate that their advertising revenue is as high as 260 billion yuan.

It has been reported that the three largest long-form video websites in China have burned more than 100 billion yuan in ten years, and still have no profit expectations.

There are two main reasons why this is the case.

First, the uniqueness of the content industry. The Matthew Effect is very obvious. Top content supports more than 90% of traffic and revenue. Therefore, the price of top content, top movies, TV series or other content products is very high. expensive.

But the most annoying thing is that even if you are a famous director, even if you have many successful experiences, you can't predict which movie or TV series will be a hit.

There are some platinum or great writers in online literature. Not every platinum or great writer can guarantee that every one of their books will be a hit.

Content creation comes with a lot of uncertainty.

What you think is different from what the readers think.

A new author can become a god with one book, and the veteran Platinum will also fall.

The same is true in the film and television industry. Even big-name productions will fail, and unpopular ones will emerge as dark horses.

But big productions bought at high prices cannot be returned.

This leads to money being invested, but the returns are extremely disproportionate.

The second reason is the weight of voice of content producers. They have a bunch of bad dramas in their hands, and they will ask video websites to package good and bad dramas for purchase. Buying bad dramas can only fill the film library, which has no effect at all, but the loss is Really.

In fact, after [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] came out, those who were most opposed to it were these content producers, that is, producers.

They are not as famous as other practitioners.

On the contrary, these producers have a very high social status.

The emergence of [AI painting assistant Xiaozhi] is to revolutionize their lives.

Even though [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] only touches the cartoon market.

However, they are still criticized by these big producers, saying that animations created by AI have no soul and core, and believe that such animations will have no artistic value at all.

Big stars have even been mobilized to boycott [AI animation], saying they want to defend human creative freedom.

However, after so many cartoons were released in [Deep Sky City], after watching them, they all shut their mouths.

[AI Painting] Just [AI Painting], there is still something there.

Fortunately, the biggest market will always be live-action movies.

It’s good that live-action movies will not be replaced by [AI].

In fact, they are so optimistic.

In fact, the technology mastered by Wu Siyuan has long been able to transform animation products into live-action movies with a high degree of fidelity, but this was too sensitive, so he did not release it.

In fact, in the final analysis, the price of film and television content is too expensive, and the returns are uncertain, so this situation exists.

But for [Deep Sky City], it is not a problem at all.

The cost of [Deep Sky City] is so low that it makes these video giants tremble.

There are no secrets on the Internet.

Although these video giants have not contacted [Chaoqun Group], they have learned about the usage fees of [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi] from other channels.

The development cost of an animation film is 100,000 yuan.

They were speechless when they heard the price.

The executives of such video giants have all watched the anime in Sky Castle.

If the animations produced by [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] are of this level, then domestic and international animation-related developers can die.

This is the development cost that ordinary people need to pay to use [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi]. Counting other labor costs, it is between 300,000 and 500,000 yuan at most. If it reaches the million level, it can be considered a super large-scale production. .

What is currently on the shelves of [Deep Sky City] can be regarded as the self-made drama of [Deep Sky City]. There is no need to pay development fees for our own dramas.

[Deep Sky City]'s current biggest costs are labor, traffic costs, and the cost of computing power used by [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi].

For the giant [Chaoqun Group], this cost is almost negligible.

Probably, the cost of each cartoon produced by [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] will not exceed 10,000 yuan.

How can we compete?

Take a Qing palace time-travel drama from the past few years as an example. [Penguin Video] was betting that it would become a hit, bidding 800 million even before it was launched. When it was officially aired, [Penguin Video] even used 13 Yiyuan won the exclusive rights to broadcast online.

Although in the end this big production failed, and the effect it brought was far from worth the price, but that is another matter, so I won’t say more.

Just say 1.3 billion yuan!

For one million yuan, 1,300 [AI animation dramas] can be produced!

If this [AI anime drama] is at its current level, then they don’t have to play it anymore!


The executives of [Penguin Group] who were still in a meeting to discuss were filled with chills when they saw the results of [Deep Sky City].

They originally wanted to bargain further with [Chaoqun Group], but found that their qualifications for bargaining were getting lower and lower.

However, they are not short of money, and they really don’t want to sell this valuable asset of theirs at a low price. After all, [Wenyue Group] holds too many high-quality IPs and many great-level creators tied through great contracts.

The final result of this meeting and discussion was to take another look.

[Penguin Group] took another look and the result is that [Deep Sky City] has put on the shelves more than 200 high-quality anime series in a short period of time.

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