These martial arts masters suddenly looked on guard. At the same time, their skills were raised to the limit, but no one dared to attack the mysterious man of black mist or escape, so as not to offend the ultimate master who killed Emperor Shitian.

Their every move naturally fell into the eyes of the mysterious man in the black mist, but the mysterious man in the black mist was completely unmoved and simply did not take them into consideration.

The mysterious man in the black fog only revealed a pair of eyes as deep as the deep sea. After scanning a group of martial arts masters, he suddenly fell on one of them.

This person was Duan Lang, who had been promoted to the realm of martial arts master with the help of Emperor Shitian's strength.

Duan Lang was stared at by the mysterious man, and he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He wanted to move but found that his body could not move at all, like a prey caught in a spider's web.

Duan Lang had never felt the threat of death so strongly, and he cast a look at Nie Feng asking for help.

Because he knew that among everyone present, only Nie Feng could possibly save him.

But Duanlang was disappointed.

Nie Feng didn't move.

It wasn't that Nie Feng was unwilling to lend a helping hand, but just like Duan Lang, he was restrained by a powerful spiritual force and couldn't move at all.

It's just that he doesn't have the same sense of death threat as Duan Lang.

But in Duan Lang's eyes, Nie Feng refused to save him.

Duan Lang's eyes suddenly showed a look of despair and resentment. At this moment, the mysterious man in the black mist stretched out a finger and shot out a red flame essence sword energy, which fell on Duan Lang's body in the blink of an eye.

Duan Lang didn't even have time to scream in agony, as his whole body was covered in the flames of the flames, and soon he was burned to a crisp.

A martial arts master couldn't even take a move from the mysterious man, so he died in front of them.

This shocked the other martial arts masters, and they were wondering how they would respond if the mysterious man from Black Mist also dealt with them!

But what made them happy was that after the mysterious man in the black mist killed Duan Lang without hesitation, he turned around and flew away in a leap.

Qin Shuang suddenly stood up and shouted at the back of the mysterious man in the black fog, Master...

When Nie Feng and Huo Jingyun saw this, they also shouted, Master...

The mysterious man in the black fog didn't react at all. He quickly turned into a black dot in their sight and disappeared immediately.

When Nie Feng saw this, he sighed and said to Qin Shuang and Huo Jingyun, He is not our master.

Huo Jingyun was silent.

Qin Shuang lowered her head and suddenly said firmly, No, I have a strong feeling that he is our master.

Nie Feng and Huo Jingyun didn't speak. Maybe they also hoped that Qin Shuang's guess was true.

The two surviving martial arts masters, Jian Chen and Huang Ying, looked at the three of them in silence, each with their own thoughts.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

In fact, the spiritual senses of Nie Feng and others were not wrong.

This mysterious man in the black mist is naturally Wu Siyuan, who has been walking around in the world for more than ten years while faking his death.

Over the past decade or so, the martial arts of several of his close disciples have improved by leaps and bounds, and Wu Siyuan's cultivation has also made breakthroughs, but they have never passed the level of an extreme master.

Because Wu Siyuan also wants to know the experience of the extreme master, and the shocking day is coming, he must have the strength to compete with Emperor Shitian, or even be stronger.

So Wu Siyuan used part of the energy of [Shennongjiao Space] to elevate himself to the realm of an extreme master.

The extreme realm is indeed not simple.

If the martial arts master state is the initial contact with spiritual power and the integration of spiritual experience with one's own martial arts, the ultimate state is the complete integration of spiritual power with one's own martial arts into martial arts thoughts, and every move can affect the reaction of the mountains, rivers, water and land in the outside world.

This is different from the path of purifying the spirit and condensing the Yinshen in [Yiding World], and is even conflicting.

Wu Siyuan estimated that according to his own situation, practicing martial arts in [Wind and Cloud World] would only reach the martial arts master level at most. If he went above that, he would conflict with [Yin Shen].

Although the martial arts in [Wind and Cloud World] are strong, the strength of extreme masters is far beyond that of the ordinary foundation-building period, but they cannot live forever and do not know the time. It is naturally best to be able to practice both. Wu Siyuan will not be too regretful if he cannot practice both.

In the entire [Wind and Cloud World], what Wu Siyuan really values ​​​​is elixirs such as Long Yuan and Phoenix Blood.

These things were all collected by Wu Siyuan in the [Shennongjiao Space].

He found a safe place for himself, and then released the [Transformers] to protect himself - he didn't want to be stolen from his nest at a critical moment, just like Emperor Shakti in the TV series.

Although Duan Lang who stole Emperor Shitian's lair in the TV series has been killed by Wu Siyuan.

But Wu Siyuan was worried that if one Duanlang died, another one might come.

So necessary protection is still necessary.

Emperor Shitian had no one he could trust, but Wu Siyuan had a group of loyal guards in his hands.

In addition to [Transformers], there are also a large number of tree herders who are more than ten meters tall, and they are very powerful.

With the protection in place, Wu Siyuan safely sank his consciousness into the [Shennongjiao Space].

inside the space.

In mid-air.

Five chains came from all over the void of space and locked the limbs and head of the seriously injured Emperor Shitian.

Although Emperor Shitian is strong, what imprisons him is the power of the entire space of 250,000 acres.

No matter how strong he is, he can't move.

Wu Siyuan's consciousness condensed in the void. Looking at Emperor Shitian who looked like a bereaved dog in front of him, he looked indifferent and uttered two words, Refining!

Immediately, golden flames began to burn from Emperor Shitian's body, and spread throughout his body at an extremely fast speed. At a speed visible to the naked eye, Emperor Shitian was burned into flying ashes and turned into the nourishment of the space.

After the flying ash dispersed, a small drop of pure golden blood remained in the air.

From the violent and oppressive aura emanating from the golden blood, Wu Siyuan could tell that this was the phoenix blood that Emperor Shitian had swallowed.

After 1,700 years of consumption, and a lot of it being broken up by Wu Wudi, only this drop was finally refined from him.

Wu Siyuan estimated that the elixir refined from this phoenix blood would allow people to live for another two to three hundred years at most.

Two to three hundred years is the lifespan of a normal dynasty.

It's also great for ordinary people.

But for Wu Siyuan, the attraction is not so strong.

Of course, phoenix blood is just an added bonus.

Wu Siyuan's biggest gain as a hunter this time was actually the dragon corpse and dragon essence.

He collected the phoenix blood and then turned his gaze to the huge dragon corpse on the ground.

Even though it had been dead for a long time, this dragon corpse still exuded a terrifying oppressive aura, and ordinary animals in the space did not dare to approach it.

You must know that the animals in the space have been immersed in the aura environment for a long time and are very intelligent and powerful.

They didn't dare to get close, which shows how powerful this dragon corpse is!

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