Emperor Shitian rarely used this move.

Firstly, the physical burden is heavy, and secondly, he has not met an opponent worthy of his seriousness.

But as soon as he came up, he used this move [Jingshenjie] against the strange black fog man, which showed that the anger in his heart had reached the extreme.

I saw the sky and earth changing color.

It was originally sunny.

But in the eyes of the martial arts masters, it became dark and dark.

Of course, this is not a change of heaven and earth by Emperor Shizhen.

It was the scene reflected in their hearts by the attack of the soul.

Only the masters who have realized their own martial arts path and have initially come into contact with spiritual power can sense this scene.

If a martial arts master does not have the realm of a master, an innate master will be seriously injured if he faces this situation head-on.

Those who are innate masters and below will suffer irreparable damage or even die directly.

This is Emperor Shitian’s [Shocking Tribulation]!

But this is just the prelude to [Shocking God Catastrophe].

I saw a huge head appear in the dark sky.

It is the true form of Emperor Shakten that exudes a chill that can freeze the soul.

The chill was not physical, but mental.

The overwhelming coldness is like a cold wave sweeping across the polar regions, rushing towards the strange black fog people, trying to freeze time and completely freeze the souls of the thieves shrouded in the black fog, preventing them from reincarnation forever.

Qin Shuang and others who were standing aside had serious expressions on their faces.

They knew that Di Shitian's strength was terrifying, but they didn't expect that the strength of Di Shitian, an extreme master, could be so terrifying.

Originally, Qin Shuang thought that by gathering a few people and using the power of [Moko Wuliang], there would be a chance to defeat Emperor Shitian.

But now that I think about it, it’s just a luxury.

I'm afraid no one in this world can subdue this old monster! This thought came to everyone's mind.

For this beardless black fog man, maybe he has absorbed the power of Long Yuan and has a chance to compete with Emperor Shitian.

But right now, he is definitely no match for Emperor Shitian.

This is what everyone is thinking at this time.

According to their thinking, this mysterious man shrouded in black mist should escape immediately after getting the dragon essence, instead of staying where he is and letting Emperor Shitian chase him.

Emperor Shitian is already so terrifying without Dragon Yuan. If he is allowed to possess Dragon Yuan, no one will be able to control him.

But now I can use it for anything.

It's too late.

Everyone watched this scene silently, with more plans in mind, thinking about what they would do after Emperor Shitian killed the mysterious man!

But they all overlooked one point.

Emperor Shitian is extremely powerful.

And if this mysterious man dares to cut off Hu, doesn’t he know how terrifying Emperor Shaktian is?

He knew how terrible Emperor Shitian was, but he still dared to stay here. He must have his own confidence.

I saw the mysterious man in the black fog punching out.

Ten rounds of scorching sun appeared in the sky, dispersing the dark sky and dark scenery.

The six martial arts masters on the side all changed their expressions. They all looked away. This... was another extreme master who was no weaker than Emperor Shitian.

The ten scorching suns are his spiritual reflection.

Since when have there been so many extreme masters?

Yes, two extreme masters appeared, and they felt that the number was a bit too much.

All these years.

It can be said that there is no shortage of martial arts masters in the martial arts world.

But extreme masters are different.

It takes hundreds of years for an extreme master to appear!

It is very rare for two extreme masters to appear at the same time.

That's why these martial arts masters were so shocked.

Even more shocked were Qin Shuang and the others.

Because they seemed to sense a familiar atmosphere in these ten rounds of scorching sun, but they were not sure. They could only open their eyes wide, trying to see clearly the appearance of the mysterious man shrouded in the black mist.

Hiding his head and showing his tail! Emperor Shitian was shocked when he saw that the other party was a master in the extreme realm. He wanted to retreat, but he found that the dragon yuan had been taken away by this person. Without the dragon yuan, the phoenix blood in his body was consumed. At this time, it is the time to die.

Maybe before the day when the phoenix blood is completely consumed, once this mysterious man absorbs Long Yuan's power, his strength will far exceed him. By then, his life and death will no longer be controlled by him.

So Emperor Shitian knew that he had no way out.

Therefore, his skill was raised to the extreme, and the power of [Shocking God Tribulation] was increased a bit. The dispersed dark night exuded the aura of eternal night sinking and struck again, covering the ten suns, and the cold wave glowed with dark blue. If the martial arts masters on the side take a second look at the dim light, they will feel that their souls have become sluggish.

As for the mysterious man in the black fog who was at the center of the cold wave, you can only imagine how much damage he suffered.

Emperor Shitian was very confident that even if Wu Wudi was reborn, he would be seriously injured and defeated by this move.

This is the self-confidence of an old man who has lived for more than a thousand years.

But what Di Shitian didn't expect was that although his opponent did not live as long as him, the world he had been to and the things he had experienced were not comparable to Di Shitian.

His strength after cheating and entering the extreme realm is no worse than Emperor Shitian's thousands of years of skill.

I saw that his heart was moving at will, and all his skills were unreserved. The ten scorching suns shone brightly, and suddenly merged into one, turning into a golden sun.

The light of the golden sun fell on the darkness of the eternal night and actually burned. The golden heat emitted offset the cold wave of Emperor Shakti.

The two collided silently.

Blue light and golden light are interlaced and suppressed.

Day and night are also caught in a tug-of-war.

The world that martial arts masters perceive is also hot and cold.


The golden light was so strong that it overwhelmed the mysterious blue light.

The night is also driven away forever.

Only a scream from Emperor Shitian was heard in the air.

Emperor Shi's [Shocking Tribulation], which shocked the heavens and earth and wept ghosts and gods, was broken.

As for him, his eyes exploded, revealing two bloody holes, and he fell from the air.

But the mysterious black fog man still looked calm and composed.

Before the martial arts masters could react, the mysterious black mist man passed by and reached the side of Emperor Shitian who fell from mid-air.

The speed is so fast that it can only be said that he is worthy of being an extreme master.

With a flick of his hand, Emperor Shitian disappeared completely into the air.

This scared those martial arts masters.

Long Yuan could barely accept it.

But a big living person, a big living person who was an extreme master, suddenly disappeared in front of them and completely disappeared.

This is not martial arts, this is magic.

However, the mysterious black fog man seemed to have no intention of explaining.

He landed next to the dragon's body again.

The Shenlong corpse had faced the explosion, but the explosion did not seem to have caused much damage to its corpse, and it still looked intact.

The mysterious man in the black mist touched his hand again, and the dragon's body disappeared in front of them.

The dozens of meters long dragon just disappeared in front of them.

These martial arts masters feel like they are going crazy.

At this time, the mysterious man in Black Mist cast his eyes towards the martial arts master.

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