Thirty days later.

After fulfilling the final contractual agreement, [Chaoqun Group] calmly stopped its software services in many overseas countries.

Several third-party evaluation agencies stated that without these overseas markets, [Chaoqun Group] would suffer annual losses of up to 150 billion to 220 billion yuan. These negative consequences will be shown in the next two to three years. [Chaoqun Group] will have to face business contraction, layoffs, and reduction of investment. These will be options that [Chaoqun Group] has to make.

These evaluation agencies actually speak out on behalf of certain people, and they mean what they say.

What they want to say to [Chaoqun Group] is that your losses are huge, come and negotiate with us quickly.

Many countries are very determined to suppress the [Super Group].

But there are some countries among them that want to continue doing business with [Chaoqun Group], as long as [Chaoqun Group] can make concessions that satisfy them.

But [Chaoqun Group] remained unmoved.

After paying employees severance costs, [Chaoqun Group] dissolved and canceled companies in these countries that boycotted their companies, and left without any regrets.

This resolute attitude has caused these countries to fall into an eerie silence.

[Chaoqun Group] has left, but no company can occupy the market it vacated.

[Amazon], [Alibaba], [eBay] and other companies have been desperately researching [Chaoqun Group]’s [Smart Fitting Room] technology over the years, but so far, none of the products developed internally have reached the level of commercial use. standard.

[Amazon] launched its own [Smart Fitting Room] in the beautiful national test, but the effect was unsatisfactory, and it was criticized wildly by consumers, and finally had to be taken offline.

[Chaoqun Group] has only left for less than a month, and some consumers are already missing [Chaoqun Group].

They went to the official website of [Chaoqun Group] and left messages hoping that [Chaoqun Group] would come back, saying that without it, the world would seem to have no color.

[Chaoqun Group] responded in a unified manner, sorry, your country prohibits us from entering to serve you, unless the leader of your country changes his mind, or you choose the leader of a country that allows us to enter.

all in all.

[Chaoqun Group], which has lost most of its overseas markets and is expected to lose two-thirds of its profits, behaves indifferently.

It's like this never happened.

It has not announced any new business to the outside world with great fanfare.

There has been no cost-cutting measures such as layoffs.

Just doing your own thing step by step.

Although there are rumors that [Chaoqun Group] has made breakthrough progress in a certain key scientific research project, it is advancing in an orderly manner and will be launched soon.

But [Chaoqun Group] was noncommittal about the news.

Gradually, no one discussed it.

No more heat.

The attention of the media and the public has dropped very little.

There are so many things happening in this world every day.

It quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

In October 2021, Shenzhou 13 took off, and the three astronauts embarked on a six-month mission, attracting the public's attention from the ground to the sky.

In November 2021, the 4th International Import Expo was held in Shenzhou. A total of 58 countries and 3 international organizations participated in the national exhibition, and nearly 3,000 exhibitors from 127 countries and regions appeared at the corporate exhibition.

In the same month, [Fragrant Snow Rice] from the Loess Plateau suddenly became popular across the country.

After simple steaming, the grains of [Fragrant Snow Rice] absorb and swell like white jade. At first glance, people would really mistake it for white jade grains. The aroma makes people want to stop smelling it, and they are full of praise when they taste it.

Experiments have shown that [Fragrant Snow Rice] contains a large amount of protein, amino acids and other nutrients, several times that of ordinary rice. Not only that, [Fragrant Snow Rice] also contains many antioxidant substances, which can play a certain role in anti-aging. , contains relatively little fat, so even if you eat a lot, it will not have much impact on your health. Moreover, this [Fragrant Snow Rice] is digested slowly by the human body, so to a certain extent, it also has a weight loss effect.

Because it is so good, its price is not cheap either.

When it came out of the Loess Plateau, its price was already as high as 20 yuan/jin. When it came to the terminal, the price reached 28-30/jin.

This price is much more expensive than Thai fragrant rice.

Thai fragrant rice refers to Thailand's jasmine rice, which is one of the high-end products in the rice market. They are crystal clear, with no white spots in the germ, and they are sweet after eating. It is said that Thai fragrant rice smells like flowers when cooked, which is very elegant and praiseworthy.

Although Thai jasmine rice is produced in Thailand, not all places in Thailand are suitable for growing Thai jasmine rice. Only Thai jasmine rice grown on the plains in northeastern Thailand can be called Thai jasmine rice.

Because the year-round temperature at this location is maintained between 22°C and 25°C, the climate is cool, the water source is clean, there is plenty of solar radiation here, and the humidity during the rice filling period can affect the production and accumulation of aroma. It plays an important role, so only the rice produced here can have the characteristics of crystal clear and fragrant fragrance.

Because of the strict requirements on the planting environment and the small output, Thai jasmine rice is very expensive in our country. Even the cost price has reached 14 yuan per catty, and the price after the market has reached 20 yuan per catty. .

The country consumes a large amount of Thai fragrant rice every year, but more than 90% of it is fake and inferior products, because China only imports hundreds of thousands of tons a year.

Thai fragrant rice sells for 20 yuan/catty, but fragrant snow rice from the Loess Plateau sells for 30 yuan/catty, which is 10 yuan/catty higher.

Such a high price, but there is still an endless stream of buyers.

Because of its excellent color, fragrance and flavor, it has been favored by celebrities and star athletes. They buy [Fragrant Snow Rice], cook it into white jade rice, and then check it out in large numbers on social media in the name of helping farmers.

[Fragrant Snow Rice] was made into an internet celebrity rice by these celebrities, and its sales soared.

If it weren't for [Fragrant Snow Rice], the planting area on the slopes of the Loess Plateau is large enough and the yield is large enough, with the help of the now developed e-commerce platform and logistics efficiency.

Although the demand side is huge, the price has not been hyped by rice merchants.

No matter when you want to buy it, you can buy it on [] or [Taobao], and the price is 30 yuan/jin.

(Thanks to book friend GQ1996, book friend 130410105030786, continuous search for books in the book shortage, loneliness is also a dam, remembrance of the end of the world, life 2111, acetaldehyde, spraying the sky, spraying the earth, spraying God, etc. for their rewards.)

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