I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 50 Stock market panic, tough attitude 2

You said it was closed, right?

Then close it.

He didn't bother to appeal or lobby.

This makes officials from all over the world very uncomfortable - why don't you come and beg me? Are you begging me? If you beg me, I will tell you how to avoid being punished by me?

But none of these!

The huge overseas market, [Chaoqun Group] doesn’t want it even if it says it doesn’t want it.

They even took the initiative to send people to hint [Chaoqun Group] that as long as [Chaoqun Group] was willing to make some concessions, they could reopen the market to [Chaoqun Group].

There is no shortage of well-informed people in the market.

I don’t know who leaked this information intentionally or unintentionally.

On that day, the stocks of listed companies under [Chaoqun Group] and related stocks all experienced skyrocketing prices.

However, these hints from overseas spread back to the top management of [Chaoqun Group] and reached Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan's advice was to ignore it.

Today you are indifferent to me, but tomorrow you will be unable to reach me.

[Super Group] The benefits lost here will one day be doubled from other places.

So the entire [Super Group] completely ignored these hints.

This made those officials very angry.

Those who manipulate the power behind the official are even more dissatisfied with the [Super Group] being so stubborn.

But [Chaoqun Group] ignored it and just dealt with the aftermath of overseas business in an orderly manner. After all, there must be a beginning and an end.

When the market saw that there was no follow-up to the news, they knew that the negotiations must have not gone smoothly, so the stock market fell first again.

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[Chaoqun Group] did not voluntarily withdraw from the markets of other countries, but was banned by the administrative department.

But the service they purchase is on a monthly basis.

It is impossible to get [Chaoqun Group] to refund the money.

Anyway, [Chaoqun Group] doesn’t have much money in its overseas accounts.

Wu Siyuan saw the turmoil in certain countries in the future. Some funds were frozen for you just as long as they were told to be frozen. It was simply an open grab.

Therefore, [Chaoqun Group]'s overseas income is generally repatriated to China as soon as possible, and the group's funds will not be left with them overnight in banks in other countries.

In fact, the administrative departments of various countries have thought about asking [Chaoqun Group] to refund the monthly service fees that users have purchased, which would have a greater impact on [Chaoqun Group].

Who knew that when I checked the bank system, I didn’t have much money?

Have you remitted everything back?

Become China’s foreign exchange?

... The administrative departments of various countries have noticed this and have left [Chaoqun Group] 30 days. In fact, they have also given 30 days to users who have purchased [Chaoqun Group] software services in their countries, so as not to attract public attention. Dissatisfaction has lowered his approval rating.

[Chaoqun Group] directly pushes a reminder message to users, saying that it will stop cooperation at the end of the month due to unfair treatment by the administrative department. During this process, [Chaoqun Group] will also conscientiously perform its obligations to ensure the rights of users. No loss.

Most users who are accustomed to the [Chaoqun Group] software service functions - mainly the [Audition] function, of course feel very sorry for this.

Because I was worried that I would never be able to buy suitable close-fitting clothes again, after [Chaoqun Group] released this information, its usage by overseas users increased dramatically.

Of course, there are also users who want refunds and sue [Chaoqun Group] for breach of agreement and claim for various losses and expenses.

Among them, the most aggressive user claimed US$100 million from [Chaoqun Group].

Regarding these disgusting speculative businesses, [Chaoqun Group] does not tolerate them. If you want to sue, he will actively respond to the lawsuit. At the same time, he will also counter-sue them, accusing them of extortion and demanding huge compensation.

It’s just hard steel anyway!

[Chaoqun Group]’s overseas funds have basically been transferred back to China.

If these judges are as crooked as the judges in Tianzhu, [Chaoqun Group] won't worry, since they don't have the money to sanction you anyway.

If the other party has the guts, he can go back to China to file a lawsuit!

Who doesn't want to play dirty?

Then [Chaoqun Group] can let them know what [Yangcheng Pizza Hut] is!

Let’s see who is disgusting and who is disgusting?

Of course, there are only a few users who ask for refunds.

However, there are many companies asking [Chaoqun Group] to reduce their technology royalties, and they have even joined forces to negotiate with [Chaoqun Group] and ask [Chaoqun Group] to make concessions!

Here, there is not only the foreign [Amazon], but also the domestic [Ari]!

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【Chaoqun Group】The original technology is world-leading, and it is still many years ahead.

This kind of technological leadership could have been used as a weapon for [Chaoqun Group] - in fact, in the mobile phone accessories industry chain, [Chaoqun Group] did just that, and even controlled this industry chain to a certain extent.

This is the technical hegemony of [Super Group].

Those mobile phone manufacturers, if they did not have the technical support of [Chaoqun Group], they would suddenly become backward products, even [Apple] would be the same.

But this situation is based on the conditions that you have and I must have.

But if the executive branch uses its public power to ban it.

you have not.

I do not have either.

Then the technical advantages of [Chaoqun Group] will be useless.

[Chaoqun Group] cannot threaten those related manufacturers.

Because except for a very small number of markets, other markets are prohibited from using your technology.

Then it’s useless no matter how advanced your technology is.

The market doesn't need you.

[Intelligent Butler Assistant Xiaolan] is like this. [Chaoqun Group] cannot use it to control related mobile phone manufacturers and let them play according to their own baton.

The same goes for [auditions].

For e-commerce platforms, most markets no longer need to use the [Audition] function. Only a few, such as the Chinese market, still require this function.

Demand is greatly reduced.

However, the licensing fee to be paid to [Chaoqun Group] cannot be less.

Of course these e-commerce platforms are unwilling.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they wanted to unite and force [Super Group] to make concessions.

But [Super Group] is as strong as ever.

He didn't even pay attention to [Amazon], but sent someone to tell the person in charge of [Ari] that he was very dissatisfied with [Ari]'s cooperative attitude. The group headquarters was considering whether to permanently ban cooperation with [Ari]. .

Mamma Mia!

[Yari] was immediately frightened, and quickly handed over hundreds of millions of dollars to [Chaoqun Group], claiming it was the royalties for [audition] privileges in the following years.

After looking at [Jingdong] and several other domestic e-commerce platforms, there is nothing to say. You still have to pay the protection fee. Who said they are less skilled than others? After researching for so long, they still don't have much clue.

They cannot give up the domestic market.

[Amazon] hesitated for a long time and finally handed it over.

The Huaguo market still cannot give up!



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