I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 54 Termination of Cooperation

One family is happy and the other is sad!

The news that [Amazon] announced the termination of cooperation with [Chaoqun Group] spread to China.

The hot search was suddenly covered by [Chaoqun Group] again.

During this time, the celebrities and companies who bought hot topics are really crying. They spent so much money, but were easily cut off by [Chaoqun Group]. They don’t know who to cry to.

Nowadays, related discussions can be seen everywhere on [Weibo], [Bihu] and [Moments].

Some netizens said that [Chaoqun Group] has suffered huge losses this time! Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that 70 to 80 percent of the overseas users of [Audition] are brought by [Amazon]. The remaining 20% ​​is brought by [Alibaba International] and other multinational e-commerce companies.

Because the companies related to [Audition] are not listed, [Chaoqun Group] never releases financial reports to the outside world. However, we can still guess from other information that the number of overseas active users of [Audition] is between 300 million and 400 million.

Calculated based on 300 million users, if [Amazon] terminates the cooperation, [Audition] will lose 210-240 million users.

The monthly fee per user is US$5.9, which is the international uniform price.

[Audition] We lose 100-100 million U.S. dollars in revenue every month, and hundreds of billions of RMB in losses a year.

This is an extremely important business for [Chaoqun Group], and it can even be said to be the most important business.

In 2020, [Chaoqun Group]’s profit was 300 billion yuan.

In other words, the loss of [Audition] overseas users alone will shrink [Chaoqun Group]'s profits by one-third - if [Chaoqun Group]'s profits in 2021 do not change.

I have to say that Wu Siyuan's action was too reckless.

Wu Siyuan should not be so impulsive. When Huang Yuping jumped out, he should have been held down to prevent him from insulting a sovereign country with such excessive words, which eventually led to the escalation of the incident and gave the beautiful country an excuse to impose sanctions.

What’s even more worrying is that this may be just the beginning.

Another netizen said that [Chaoqun Group]’s technology is outstanding internationally.

The [Smart Fitting Room] developed by it allows me to buy clothes without the worries I had before. Of course, the disadvantage is that it makes me buy more clothes.

However, in business activities, both technology and market are indispensable.

[Chaoqun Group] has product technology, but if the market is not open to you, the company will not be able to make profits.

Just like the previous trade between the Qing Dynasty and Daying Kingdom, the Qing Dynasty exported tea and silk to Daying Country in large quantities and obtained a large amount of silver coins. However, at that time, the Qing Dynasty had a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy and was not interested in Daying Country’s products at all. No matter how good Eagle Country's products are, without a market, there will be no profit.

Of course, Daying Kingdom later launched a war against the Qing Dynasty because of this, but this is a story for another day.

The netizen also said that the most important thing for [Chaoqun Group] now is to retain the remaining overseas markets, and the rest can only be taken care of slowly, and be mentally prepared to work hard for several years.

In addition, in order to ease the situation, Wu Siyuan can fire Huang Yuping and negotiate compensation with Huang Yuping privately. At this juncture, I believe Huang Yuping can also understand this truth.

As soon as this netizen's comment came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions, and the attitudes of the responders were also very polarized.

Some supportive respondents said that making money is not a shabby business, and the money earned by [Chaoqun Group] is used to invest in the domestic market. Without this income, not only [Chaoqun Group] will have to survive the cold winter, but many people in the country will also be greatly affected.

Of course, there are also those who are against it. They believe that if [Chaoqun Group] succumbs in this regard, it will not only lose face, but also will be seduced by those organizations and companies with malicious intentions in the West. They will threaten the market at every turn in the future. Chaoqun Group], forcing [Chaoqun Group] to give away more things, [Chaoqun Group] will only have a difficult future. So you can’t be timid or retreat!

Anyway, it’s the public speaking that the public is right, and the mother-in-law saying that the mother-in-law is right.

Some netizens expressed optimism that [Chaoqun Group] is unique in its technology in this area.

[Amazon] chose to terminate the cooperation, which is only their loss.

Because there is only one [smart fitting room] on the market!

But there are multiple e-commerce platforms.

[Amazon] will pay a heavy price for today’s decision.

This netizen’s comment also received responses from many netizens.

But not all of these responses expressed approval.

A netizen replied to him and said that the fear is that [Amazon] is just the beginning!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

There are many disturbances from the outside world.

at this time.

[Chaoqun Group] Yangcheng Headquarters.

On the highest floor of Building 1, the highest-level management meeting of [Chaoqun Group] was also being held.

Huang Yuping said to Wu Siyuan with a guilty look on his face, Director Wu, this incident was caused by my inappropriate remarks. I am willing to take all responsibility for this and resign.

The other executives looked at him with complicated eyes, but they were speechless.

This incident is indeed too big. [Chaoqun Group]'s losses are at the bottom of hundreds of billions. Although they all know that Huang Yuping is just an executor, now [Chaoqun Group] needs a scapegoat to restore this market. .

Wu Siyuan's face has been as calm as a mountain since the beginning of the meeting, and his eyes are so deep that it makes it difficult to see the depth.

When he heard Huang Yuping's resignation request, he snorted coldly, Old Huang, you must be sick! What you said was all what I instructed you to say.

If you say you want to resign now, do you think I am wrong?

Wu Siyuan no longer calls Huang Yuping Mr. Huang, but directly calls him Old Huang.

This kind of rude name made Huang Yuping know that Wu Siyuan was really angry.

However, Huang Yuping's heart was filled with joy.

Because in this serious situation, Wu Siyuan still had no intention of pushing him out as a scapegoat, but continued to shoulder the responsibility on himself.

Huang Yuping was very moved.

He has been in the workplace for many years, and such bosses are rare.

Wu Siyuan glanced coldly at all the executives in the room, and then said, Since they want to fight, let's fight together!

They sanction us, and we sanction them! Wu Siyuan said domineeringly, We are hurting each other!

We have a lot of good things in our hands! Wu Siyuan said.

They will beg us to enter their market again. Wu Siyuan is confident, When we have technology that is ahead of an era, giving up on us means giving up on the future.

The executives looked thoughtful, thinking that Wu Siyuan suddenly and inexplicably went to a relatively ordinary university in China some time ago, and they had different speculations in their minds.

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